Are you lost as to what you need to do when you first arrive in Erinn? Completing a quest may be an option, but you should also try speaking with the NPCs on your Travel Diary.

A Keyword serves as the topic of conversation which can be expanded by speaking to an NPC.

1. Viewing your Keywords

You can open your Travel Diary by selecting [Start a Conversation] and view the Keywords you have.

Even if you don’t speak with an NPC, you can view the Keywords under [Keyword] in the Character Information window (shortcut key: C).

The Keywords can be categorized into basic conversation, intermediate conversation, advanced conversation, and information memo; the basic conversation has the basic keyword which cannot be added or deleted.

2. Conversing using Keywords

You can click on an NPC and select [Start a Conversation], which will allow you to select a Keyword in the Travel Diary. Depending on the type of Keyword, the NPC may also provide you with useful information.

Let’s take a look at [Basic Conversation] which you will select first when speaking with an NPC.

* Basic Conversation
- Private Story: You can learn about the hobbies and thoughts of the NPC
- Nearby Rumors: You can gather information regarding acquaintances of the NPC as well as the rumors that are circulating around town.
- Skills: You can find information related to skills.
- Part-Time Jobs: You can find yourself a part-time job from an NPC who has a job available.
- Classes and Training: You can take classes by speaking to an NPC at a school.

At first, you must acquire the Keywords by speaking to an NPC by selecting [Private Story]. There are some Keywords you can only obtain at a specific place and/or time.

Even if you use the same Keyword, NPCs will react differently; they will share personal stories with you if you manage to build a close rapport with them.

* How to build a strong rapport
- Frequent a conversation with the NPC but only to the extent that he/she will not become annoyed with you
- Give the NPC presents he/she likes
- Complete part-time jobs frequently

3. What can a Keyword do?

A Keyword plays a significant role in Mabinogi.  

First and foremost, you will become familiar with the stories of NPCs. It will help you learn about the past lives of the NPCs, what they like as well as what they think of other NPCs. Getting to know the NPCs will allow you to form a better idea about Mabinogi.

Secondly, you need them to execute quests such as the main stream scenario quests. Because you proceed with the quest while conversing with the NPC and checking the Keywords in your Travel Diary, Keywords are an important aspect of quests. When you become lost during a quest, be sure to check your Travel Diary.

Thirdly, you need them to acquire skills. While there are skills that you can acquire through training, there are others that you acquire by collecting information from different NPCs via Keywords. Select [Skills] to learn a skill.  

Keywords are also used in other parts of Mabinogi.

4. In Conclusion

There are a variety of interesting Keywords in Mabinogi. You will find yourself familiar with Mabinogi in no time if you continue to speak to the NPCs using these Keywords. So be sure to use Keywords when you come across a new NPC!