Falcon Mode: The Elf Transformation
Elves can rid their bestial nature with the help of Ancient Irinids. Elves who have undergone the process of filtration will transform into a Beast of great strength.  

Delve into the adventures that await and earn your Elf character the power of the Ancient Irinids!

1. What’s an Elf Beast Mode?

Through the Beast Mode, an Elf may transform into a cold beast, ready to strike at any moment.

The Beast Mode will trigger an overall boost in stats, while also allowing the Elves to use a special skill for themselves, the [Elven Magic Missile].

2. Acquiring the Beast Mode Skill

To acquire the Elf Beast Mode skill, you must complete a series of quests to obtain the Book of the Irinids, upon which you will need to uncover the secrets of the book.

So who exactly are the Ancient Irinids? The journey is based on answering that simple question, and it all begins with meeting Yoff at the Battle Arena near Filia.

* The quests related to Elf Beast Mode are sequential, so please make sure to press the [Complete] button in the Quest window when you wish to complete the quest.

1) Yoff’s Memory

When you log in with an Elf character that’s at least at Level 5, you will receive the quest [Yoff’s Memory].

Yoff can be found inside the Battle Arena of Connous. He is almost completely wrapped up from head to toe, but if you look closely, you’ll notice a rather skeletal appearance underneath the cloth. What exactly brought Yoff to his current state?

It's about me and the past. My real name is Phaselus. You won't believe it but I'm actually from Filia. Yeah, that's right. Before, I looked just like you, a Connous Elf with pale clear skin and big bright eyes.

Ah… It wasn't only because of my greed that I turned into this. The curse! It was because of the curse of the ancient Irinids.

After the conversation with Yoff, you will receive a new keyword, [Ancient Irinid]. For more details on this matter, use the [Ancient Irinid] keyword to ask around other NPCs in Filia.

Irinid… Where did you hear such a word? I don't think it's anything you should think about too deeply. Don't extend your arm beyond your reach to grab a star. You might end up missing the flower right in front your feet.

What is it about the Irinids that makes Castanea sound wary of them? Discuss the issue with other NPCs around town to gather up more information on them.

Some time after discussing with the NPCs of Filia over Ancient Irinid, you will receive a new quest—the [Ancient Medal].

2) The Ancient Medal

It seems like Yoff is trying to tell you something. Let’s head over to the Battle Arena at Connous to talk to Yoff.

I heard what you've been doing in town lately. You're not planning to tell Castanea about me are you?Please don't do something like that. Castanea won't let me live.

What is it that Yoff is afraid of? Yoff seemed consumed by fear, but he then slowly brings out the [Ancient Medal] and gives it to you. Is the Ancient Medal a clue that could lead you to the power of the Ancient Irinids?

A short time after receiving the medal, you will receive a new quest called [Castanea’s Trust].

* The Ancient Medal is an item that can be discarded, but it is highly recommended that you hold on to the item, since you will need it for later. Even if you lose the item, however, just remember that you will still be able to proceed with Elf Beast Mode-related quests.

3) Castanea’s Trust

Yoff suggests that you earn Castanea’s trust first before doing anything else. When you visit Castanea, she will tell you to help out a lost Elf.

The lost Elf is trapped inside the stone coffin somewhere buried in the sea of sand at Longa Desert. Try using the Cold Wind L-Rod to change the landscape and find the buried stone coffin.

When you click on the stone coffin that emerged from the desert, you will be able to free the lost Elf that was trapped inside. When you start a conversation with that Elf, you will be given a choice to take the Elf back to town and receive the [Escort the Elf Back to Town] quest.

The lost Elf is unable to defend one’s self, so if you encounter a monster, it’s preferable that you go around the area and simply avoid confrontation, or defend the Elf against the monster on your way back to Filia.

If you have a pet that two characters can ride on, right-click on the lost Elf and select [Mount on My Pet]. This will allow you to have the lost Elf ride on your pet with you and safely relocate to another place.

* During the quest, if you use the Waxen Wing of Goddess, Goddess Wings, Mana Tunnel, move channels, or log out from the game, the lost Elf will disappear. Also beware that there’s a time limit for this quest, so make sure to take your lost Elf back to Filia before the deadline.

After taking the lost Elf to Castanea, talk to Castanea to complete the quests [Escort the Elf Back to Town] and [Castanea’s Trust] at once.

After completing the quests, you will receive a new quest, [Hagel’s Assignment].

4) Hagel’s Assignment


Hagel has something he would like to tell you about the Ancient Medal.

So the rumors were true. The Ancient Medal… I won't ask how you obtained this precious item. But let me just tell you that you have the power to decide a very important fate.

The destiny of the ancient Irinids, ancient Elves and even the Connous Elves could possibly hinge on this one small medal. What do you say? Would you like to experiment with the fate that you hold in your hands?

Hagel says he has more information about the Irinids, but he wants to make sure that you are up to task, and will give you an opportunity to prove your worth.

Hagel’s first quest for you is to sketch the [Guardian of Ruins].

The Guardian of Ruins can be found in the Boss Room of a regular ruins dungeon in Longa Desert. Guardian of Ruins is a monster that is adept in both melee combat and long-range combat, so please be careful when sketching the monster.

* If you design the Guardian of Ruins inside the boss room at the Longa Desert Ruins Dungeon created with the Mysterious Arrow, then the quest will not proceed any further.

After completing the sketch and turning in the sketch back to Hagel, you will be able to proceed with the next task, sketching the [Stone Horse Keeper].

The Stone Horse Keepers can be found in the Boss Room of the regular Karu Forest Ruins Dungeon, and you may even find them at the Karu Forest Ruins Dungeons created with the following monsters: Glowing Pot-Belly Spider Statue, Glowing Stone Hound Statue, Glowing Stone Bison Statue, Glowing Stone Zombie Statue, Glowing Stone Imp Statue.

The Stone Horse Keeper you find at Karu Forest Ruins is usually accompanied by 5 Stone Horses, so it’s highly recommended that you defeat the Stone Horses first before sketching the monster.

After sketching the Stone Horse Keeper and turning in the sketch back to Hagel, you will hear a story from Hagel about the [Book of the Irinids]. This is when you will also receive a new [Book of the Irinids] keyword.

The Book of the Irinid was discovered in the old Metus region. Even though it had been contained in a plain box made of Tikka wood, its content was something that hadn't existed in the world at that time. Many decades have passed since then, but we have yet to figure out the exact purpose of the Book of the Irinid.

The one thing we were able to figure out was that the book reacts to the Ancient Medal that you have in your possession. Currently, the Book of the Irinid is in Alexina's hands at Qilla Base Camp so that more information can be extracted from it. We're hoping that her archaeological expertise and knowledge will shed some new light on the subject. I'll write you a letter, take it and go to Alexina.

So it turns out that the Ancient Medal is indeed very much related to the Ancient Irinids. Next up, a trip to Qilla Base Camp to meet Alexina and receive the book.

5) Provide Information to Alexina

When you reach Qilla Base Camp, talk to Alexina using the [Book of the Irinids] keyword. Just make sure to have the title [the Explorer of Rano] displayed when you meet her. Otherwise, Alexina will not trust you as an explorer, and refuse to share important information on the Book of the Irinids.

Seeing that you have the Rano's Explorer title, you must be someone Hagel trusts. I do think I can discuss the Book of the Irinid with you, but to be honest, there isn't much I have figured out about the book yet.

I just know that the Ancient Medal seems to have some deep connection with the giant marks in Iria. I'll need more time to figure out the details.

Alexina will then ask you to help her with her research by providing you with three selections from which to choose: [Research Field Boss], [Research Giant Sandworm], and [Research Maiz Ruins].

* After talking to Alexina, you will receive a keyword called [Investigate Giant Marks]. From these three quests, if you wish to forfeit one and move on to another one, then open the quest scroll, forfeit the quest, then talk to Alexina using the keyword [Investigate Giant Marks] again.

* Acquiring the title The Explorer of Rano
The title The Explorer of Rano can be acquired after visiting all seven giant marks in Rano (flower, human, sun, sheep, tree, snake, bird).

- Research Field Boss
When you select Research Field Boss, you will receive the [Giant Mark and Wild Animals] quest.

It’s a quest that requires you to sketch a total of 8 Field Bosses, including the Giant Short Horn Gnu.
Regardless of the order, once you sketch 8 Field Bosses, you will be able to complete the quest.

[Field Bosses to Sketch]

Field Boss Location Frequency
Giant Short Horn Gnu South Maiz Prairie1~2
Giant Long Horn GnuNorth Maiz Prairie1~2
Gold-tailed MongooseNortheast Maiz Prairie1~2
Head HyenaCentral Muyu Desert1~4
Wolf-striped Desert SpiderCentral Muyu Desert 1~4
Gold KiwiKaypi Canyon1~4
Giant Gold Forest Mushroom SpiderSouth Region of Karu Forest
Gold Forest LizardSouth-central Region of Karu Forest 1~2
* The ‘Frequency’ indicates the number of appearances the Field Boss makes in 24 hours in real time.

- Research Giant Sandworm
When you select Research Giant Sandworm, you will receive [The Secret of the Sandworm Mark] quest.

To complete the quest, you must slay the Giant Sandworm. It is a must that the person that is running this quest finish off the Giant Sandworm in order to complete the quest; hence, this quest is recommended for those who are confident in their combat prowess.

The Giant Sandworm appears once or twice a day in real time. It boasts a very powerful Dash attack, and since it’s very strong in melee attack, you must always remain alert when battling this powerful monster.  

- Research Maiz Prairie
You will receive the [Maiz Ruin’s Erg] quest if you decide to research Maiz Prairie.

This quest requires that you clear the Maiz Ruins Dungeon which consists of the [Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue].

You can also clear the ruins dungeon by  forming a party with other characters, and the quest can be completed together by clearing the dungeon with other Elf characters who have received the [Maiz Ruin’s Erg] quest.

Forming The Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue – Collection Book
The Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue can be formed by completing the collection book you receive when you obtain the [Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue] quest from the Quest Board in Qilla Base Camp. 

The quest is completed when you click the Quest Board with the statue in your possession, upon which the Quest Board will collect the statue. Hence, if you wish to keep the statue, store the statue in places other than the character’s Inventory such as the bank or the house.

6) Infiltrate Vales

When you talk to Alexina, you will be informed that the Book of the Irinids is sealed by the magic in the language of the ancient Giants.

Alexina will give you the Book of the Irinids and suggest that you find Taunes.

It is rather risky for an Elf to meet a Giant, but it seems to be of dire necessity in order to uncover the mysteries of the Book of the Irinid.

Taunes the Giant can be found at the Weapons Shop in Vales. However, you must constantly be on the lookout in Vales as it is the town of the Giants, where the Giant guards will attack the Elves or the Humans who support the Elves.

The Elves are not allowed to talk to the NPCs in Vales; if you approach the NPCs and attempt to start a conversation, they will decline your invitation and call the Giant guards.

However, talking to Taunes will be allowed only if you are in the midst of a quest that earns you the Elf Beast Mode skill. Upon speaking with Taunes, you will be informed that he has once received help from Atrata the Healer in Filia, the town of the Elves, and hence does not detest the Elves.

Is this the book Alexina was asking for? I see that it’s written in the language of the ancient Giants just as I’ve been told. It looks very intriguing, but it will still take me some time to decode all of its content because of my poor eyesight. I’ll deliver it to Alexina as soon as I’m done with it, so just wait.

Remain patient to find out the unknown secrets of the Book of the Irinids.

7) Castanea’s Warning

Castanea will inform you that she, as the representative of the Elf race, has something to say.

When you return to Filia and speak with Castanea, she will tell you that she has no choice but to punish you for conducting a rather dangerous research, not to mention your close encounters with the Giants. Soon thereafter, you will be locked in the Longa Desert Ruins.

After a few moments, Hagel will come and rescue you from the ruins, acknowledging the responsibility of his role in the punishment. If it weren’t for Hagel, you would have been locked in forever!

With Hagel’s help, you can reach Qilla Base Camp safe and sound.

Not too long after your arrival at Qilla Base Camp, you will receive the [Ancient Irinid and Elf] quest. Ah, it seems Taunes has finally delivered the book.

When you speak with Alexina, you will receive the [Book of the Irinids].

8) Complete the Book of the Irinids

The Book of the Irinids is comprised of 9 pages, and you must collect 15 Ancient Medals to unveil the mystery.

Do you still have the Ancient Medal you’ve received from Yoff? That Medal was an item meant for you to complete the Book of the Irinids.

Aside from the medal that Yoff gave you, other Medals are hidden near the various marks in the regions of [Rano] and [Connous]. Use the L-Rod to find the hidden Medals.

* If you do not have the Ancient Medal that Yoff gave you, you may find one near the location where various marks can be found using the L-Rod.


You can find a total of 6 Medals in the region of Connous, and 9 in Rano.