Weekday Bonuses
The world of Mabinogi has its own names for each weekday along with unique corresponding features and effects. This guide is here to help you learn the names of these seven days, and the unique effects each day brings to the game.

1. Check out the Daily Effects

When you first login to the game, or if you change channels, you will see the weekday you are on, as well as the special effects the day brings.

If you have not caught the quick announcement, then place the cursor on top of the Erinn Clock (shortcut: O) to check out the effects available for the day.

2. Daily Effects

The week starts on Monday here, and each day is named as the following: Alban Eiler, Baltane, Alban Heruin, Lughnasadh, Alban Elved, Samhain, and Imbolic.

Each day presents 3 ~ 5 unique effects that are only available on that day of the week.

1) Monday - Alban Eiler


Alban Eiler is the day of the week where production skills are most affected.

The success rate of all production-related skills is increased on Alban Eilers, and the quality of the products which you have produced on Alban Eilers will be enhanced as well.

It’s also the day where bonus EXP awarded for ranking up a life-related skill is increased as well.

If you wish to train your production skills further, Alban Eiler is the perfect day to do so!

2) Tuesday - Baltane

Baltane is the day of the week where dungeons are heavily affected.

The drop rate of the monsters and treasure chests in the dungeon will increase, and you will find that the dungeon format changes for the day, even if you’re using the same items to create a dungeon.
One thing to note, though; if you enter the dungeon while the dungeon is being reformed, you will enter the same dungeon as the one you would enter on a normal day using the same item.

Also, Baltane is the day when the bonus EXP awarded for ranking up a combat skill is increased.

3) Wednesday - Alban Heruin

Alban Heruin is the day of the week where the effects are spread throughout all the regions.

It’s a day where gathering becomes much easier, thanks to the rate of acquiring items for gathering which increases for that day.

Alban Heruin is also the day where you may purchase items from shops at a 5% discount, and the transaction fees in the bank is decreased by 5% as well.

Finally, EXP earned by ranking-up a fully-trained skill is increased on every Alban Heruin.

4) Thursday - Lughnasadh

Lughnasadh is the day of the week where magic skills take center stage.

The success rate of Enchants are increased, along with bonus EXPs earned by ranking up a magic skill. The proficiency level of a worn equipment increases on Lughnasadhs as well, so it’s a great day to have your items modified.

5) Friday - Alban Elved

Alban Elved is the day of the week where effects are evident in battles and part-time jobs.

It’s the day where the EXP penalty for being knocked unconscious is decreased. Note that EXP earned by reviving an unconscious user with the Phoenix Feather will be decreased accordingly as well.

It’s also the day where the effects of potions are magnified, where smaller potions yield a huge recovery! Be careful, though, since this also means that it does not take as many potions to be poisoned for reckless use.

Finally, it’s also the day where the rewards for completing a part-time job increases as well. (Gold and EXP)

6) Saturday - Samhain

Samhain is the day of the week where characters age, and depending on the character’s age, the physical changes (height) may occur as well. Samhain is also the day when AP’s are given out which come with being one year older.

Samhain is also the day where the effects of L-Rod on explorations in Iria increases, and the success rate of sketching increases as well, even if the target slightly moves during the sketch. One can say that Samhain is the best day to explore, based on these merits.

It is also the day when the buffs from eating food is magnified!

7) Sunday - Imbolic

Imbolic is the day of the week when the instrument-playing receives the most benefits.

The success rate of the Playing Instrument skill increases, and since the success rate of the magical music increases as well, the odds of taming an animal through music increases too. One can say that Imbolic is a day for musicians!

As for combat, the rate of Critical Hit is increased on Imbolics, but it involves not only users, but monsters as well, so battle accordingly.

Finally, Imbolic is also the day where the rate of Lucky Finish increases as well. Who knows, it might be your lucky day today!

3. In Conclusion

We have just covered the special Daily Effects of Erinn. These Daily Effects affect all parts of the game, so utilize these effects wisely, and you will find yourself ahead of the game in both combat and production skills.