G3 Main Storyline Part 13
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

13. Final Episode- The Truth

1) The Goddess’ Message

As soon as you arrive back in Erinn, you will be given a message from the Goddess.

Can you... hear me...?
Cichol's seal is starting to suffocate me again...
It's trying to link the two worlds together...
I am focusing all of my energy on blocking the path
between Erinn and Another World...
I do not have enough strength to break out of the seal...

If I get sealed up...
and Macha resurrects...
Macha is much more powerful than I am...
Erinn will be engulfed in a flame of destruction…
The only thing holding Macha back from resurrecting right now is time...
Please help us…

Before she resurrects...
before she brings the God of utter destruction...
Please prevent the reawakening of Macha and help me…
Please stop the resurrection of Macha…
Goddess Morrighan asks you to stop Macha’s resurrection and disappears into the darkness. Macha, once revived, will summon Cromm Cruaich.

[Prevent Macha's Revival]
The Goddess has been sealed by Cichol, and Macha is on the verge of resurrection. If we don't do something about it, Erinn will be destroyed beyond repair. Better talk to Tarlach about this.

Once you are finished watching the clip of Goddess Morrighan, you are given the keyword, [Prevent Macha’s Revival].

Let’s go talk to Tarlach to get the Goddess’ message and find out how to prevent Macha’s revival.  

Tarlach, we’re in an urgent situation. I received Morrighan’s message, and apparently she is getting sealed once again. Plus… the place where I had infiltrated for the Lia Fail turned out to be fake which means that Macha will be summoning Cromm Cruaich as soon as she is revived.  


The Goddess told you that....? You mean Morrighan is about to be sealed again...?

...Failed to destroy the Lia Fail... Macha is the Demon on Destruction, the Dragon of Death… They are planning to summon Cromm Cruaich... Ruairi has become the leader of the Dorca Feadhains… Mmm… We are in danger Things have been getting worse than we initially thought. Plus, if the seal covers my powers, Erinn will no longer receive protection from Goddess Morrighan...

...Whether the goddess statue is destroyed or not, Fomors will push through and invade us...

Tarlach, I got the pass you gave me, but… where am I supposed to use this at?  

Take this to where the petrified Dragon is. Then, destroy it. I know this is a dangerous request... I know it's almost impossible... However...

If we don't destroy the petrified Dragon before it awakes... not only will Macha be reborn... but we will face unfathomable consequences.

...If you have friends whom you went with to rescue the Goddess before, could you ask them to help you with this again? The three of you that defeated Glas Ghaibhleann will be able to do this. I have faith.

I will do my best… to find a way to help you as well. Thank you...

With my friends that helped to bring down Glas Ghaibhleann… Tarlach, is there anything else you want to tell me?  


…One more thing.
…Eavan from Dunbarton... She was looking for you... Perhaps you should go see her before you leave…

Once you are done talking to Tarlach, you will have received the [Baol Dungeon Pass].

[Baol Dungeon Pass]
A pass that leads one to Cromm Cruaich, the dragon of destruction. Only available in Baol Dungeon. Can only be entered with a party of 3.

Before you head toward Baol dungeon, go to Dunbarton’s Town Hall. Eavan seems to be looking for you.  

2) Ring of Protection

Eavan, I heard you were looking for me…  

Good timing. I wanted to tell you about an item and was hoping you'd stop by.

There is an item called the Protection Charm in Erinn. It is originally a skill passed down from Druids, where they would apply special power on accessories such as rings and necklaces. It is said to protect the person wearing the item.

Currently, it is regarded just as a mythical item... but with the right materials and some magic, they say you can make it... Take this ring.

Eavan, but this is your ring… So this acts as a protective Charm?

This is a basic item needed to making the Protection Charm. Go talk to Stewart at the Magic School, who is said to know how to make the charm. I'm sure he will make you a Protection Charm.
I hope it will... help you even in a small way.

The dungeon where Cromm Cruaich’s statue is located certain seems like a scary and dangerous dungeon… Plus, I shouldn’t turn down Eavan’s such kindness… Let’s take the ring to Stewart and see what he says.   

Stewart , I’d like to use this ring to make a Protection Charm.

So you want to make the Protection Charm? Let's see.

Yes, this ring...should definitely do. Would it be too rude for me to ask you where this ring came from...? Hahaha...

No… Not that it would matter… How long will it take to make the Protection Charm?


The problem is... this is not enough.
I need this item called the Chain of Protection.
...This can be considered the most important item required to make the Charm, but...

...In order to preserve the magic spells laden in this Charm, it is imperative to make a Chain of Production using the Mythril Cable to turn it into metal. If you are proficient with the Handicraft skill, then it'll be much better for you to make one yourself... I'll be here preparing things, so please bring the Chain of Protection.

Making the Chain of Protection

There are several steps which you will need to follow in order to make the Chain of Protection.

First of all, collect Mythril Ores from the Mythril mine, then use your Refining skill to make Mythril ingots. In order to make Mythril ingots, you will need to be at a relatively high rank in your Refining skill. If your skill level is not high enough, ask a friend to help you.

[Mythril Ingot]
A pure Mythril bar gained by refining Mythril ore. This is the raw material for any Mythril item. The Blacksmith skill makes use of this material.

When the Mythril ingot is ready, use your Blacksmith skill to make a Mythril Cable. You can purchase the  [Blacksmith Manual : Mythril Cable] at the General Shop in Bangor.
[Mythril Cable]

A thin cable made by thinning out the Mythril. This is used to create the Chain of Protection.

Finally, use the Handicraft skill to turn the Mythril Cable to a Chain of Protection.

[Chain of Protection]

A chain that's been connected by the Mythril Cables, a main resource for the Protection Charm. Give this to Stewart.

If you are unable to make a Chain of Protection on your own, ask a friend to make one for you. Once the Chain of Protection is ready, take the Chain to Stewart.  

Stewart, I’ve brought the Chain of Protection.

Ah, I see you've obtained the Chain of Protection.  I'm sure it wasn't easy to get.  It's just that the one who will use the Protection Charm needs to get it... The person who delivers the materials for the charm, and the person who will use the charm has to be the same person. But… I'm all out of the Teardrop of the Spirit. I need that...

Teardrop of the Spirit? Where do I get that?

If you have a Spirit weapon with you, could you ask about the Teardrop of the Spirit? Unless you got a real grumpy one, it should give you some. If you don't have a Spirit weapon, I suppose you can ask someone who does. I'll get started once you get it for me. I can make it right away as long as I have the Chain of Protection and the Teardrop of the Spirit.

Once you finish talking to Stewart, you can receive the keyword, [Teardrop of the Spirit].

If you have a Spirit Weapon, you will be able to receive the Spirit’s Blessing once a day. There are a number of different types of Spirit’s Blessings such as HP recovery or being cast with a Blessing, etc.. If you use the [Teardrop of the Spirit] keyword to start a conversation instead of receiving the Spirit’s Blessing, you will receive a [Teardrop of the Spirit].  

[Teardrop of the Spirit]

A solid item in the shape of a waterdrop. It shimmers lightly when faced with the light. One of the main items used to create the Protection Charm. Give this to Stewart.

If you are unable to acquire it yourself, you may talk to someone with a Spirit Weapon to get it for you.  

Stewart, Here is your Teardrop of the Spirit. Is there anything else you need from me?

Oh, you brought the Teardrop of the Spirit. Awesome, this should now be enough to make the Protection Charm. Have I ever given you a detailed explanation of this Protection Charm? You look like you don't know what those are for... I think you'll really need to learn what they are about.

What is the meaning behind the Protection Charm?

A soldier who had to run to the battlefield for the war received an item from his love, and when he got hit with the arrow, the item took the hit instead, which saved his life... You've heard of that story, right? That's the power of his lover's overwhelming desire to protect her loved one, fully acted out.
It's similar to Added Soul, but with the spiritual power used in a... slightly different way.

The power of one’s overwhelming desire to protect?

This Protection Charm embodies that power... the spiritual power being expanded by the power of magic. This Charm links the original owner of the Charm with the person that's given this, and if the Charm receiver is in grave danger, the original owner of the Charm may assume part of the damage in place. The accessory that serves as the base has to be from someone that fiercely desires to protect the person that receives it. In extreme cases, you may even lose YOUR life instead.

Then, the person that gives the ring may… lose their life as a result? They’re essentially putting themselves in danger…

I don't know who gave you this ring, but... the owner of this ring must think really highly of you.
...Honestly, I feel a little envious, you know?

...The Charm should take some time to be completed, so I'll give you the Charm through the owl once it's completed. In the mean time, how about saying thank you to that special someone that gave you the ring? I can tell you just came here without saying anything to that person... am I right? Hahaha...

Eavan had given me this ring… I had no idea that the Protection Charm had such a deep meaning… This… after she was so insistent that I shouldn’t sacrifice myself for another. To give me this ring…

Welcome. Has the Charm been completed? I wonder if the Charm came out alright...

Stewart told me about this ring…

What? What did Stewart say...?

That the ring that you gave me, Eavan…

…works with the power that comes out of one’s desire to protect another.

And that… you, Eavan, could get hurt as a result… You protected me by asking Kristell to rescue me and now this… But why…    

Oh... Oh my... Stewart... what was he saying? He didn't need to say that... Hmm... Don't... don't take it like that... It's really not like that... and... it does not mean I like you or anything, and... Yikes, what am I saying? Well...I'm just saying... I hope there's no misconception floating around here...

But look... Eavan, you might be putting yourself in danger.  

It's just that, the only thing I can do here right now is to protect you from grave danger, so...


We, well... that ring is very important to me too. I got that ring from my mom a long time ago, and...
Once this is over, I'd appreciate it if you can return the ring. Of course... you'll have to return it yourself in one piece.

...I'll be waiting for you here.

I’ll return the ring to you as soon as I get back. I promise.

Finish talking to Eavan and complete the [Protection Charm] quest. You will then receive your Protection Charm. 

[Protection Charm - Eavan's Ring]
A Protection Charm made by using Eavan's Ring as the base. The power from the owner of the ring protects those that carry this charm.

The Protection Charm can be equipped in your Equipment Inventory, and has a Protection EXP of 5.  

3)  Cromm Cruaich’s Resurrection

In order to go to the Baol Dungeon, talk to Gilmore in Bangor’s General Shop and purchase a Pass to the Other World.  

To enter the dungeon where Cromm Cruaich’s statue is, you will need to go in a party of 3. You can enter this dungeon on any day of the week.    

The dungeon with the Cromm Cruaich Statue is made of 5 levels, and has the highest difficulty level of all dungeons. Many Boss Monsters which you’ve come across in previous dungeons, such as the Argus, Lycanthrope, etc.. This dungeon is also outside of Goddess Morrighan’s protection and therefore, you will not be able to rebirth with the help of the Goddess.     

Clear the dungeon up to the 5th level where the Boss is and you will see Triona and Ruairi, as well as Morgant who is tied up onto the Lia Fail.

…I knew you'd end up here.

Since you can't do it alone, you brought yourself a friend...? All you people think like that...

One, two or three... I have only one thing to say to people like you who can't speak justice unless grouped with others…

As soon as Ruairi finishes talking, the battle begins.  

Sorry I was late. I had something else to take care of...

…I'll help, if it's alright with you!!

Tarlach? Mari… Wait, Nao!!! How did you… get here… What about Ruairi?  

Tar... lach...? Mari....? Mari...!!!




Ruairi... Why are you... on Fomor's side…?

…I am not siding with the Fomors, Tarlach...
…I am only taking the path I believe in.

…If there's an ounce of goodness remaining in between the humans and Fomors... then there's got to be a way to communicate…

......I know.
... You shouldn't stay here...
…Let's go back...

…I…have… gone too far to do that…


Suddenly, there is the sound of Triona’s voice, calling out to Ruairi. But then you notice that Cichol is standing between you.     



Ruairi... Why the hesitation... they are the ones that killed your brother.

Are you too preoccupied with the past to forget our big picture...? Did you forget the calling of the Dark Knight…?
…Eliminate them at once!!!


Ruairi!!!! Cichol is doing the same thing Esras is doing!!! He's using that kid to summon the Dragon!!! We need to stop him!!! Otherwise, that kid will end up just like Rian!!!

...Wha… what...?

Just as Tarlach is about to tell Ruairi about Rian, Cichol attacks Tarlach.