G3 Main Storyline Part 7
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

7. Another Encounter with Ruairi

While restoring the statue in the dungeons of Dunbarton, we were able to see the Paladin Knights retreat because of a flurry of attacks by the Fomors.
This episode will cover the restoring of the statues in Tir Chonaill.

1) Restoring the Goddess Statue in Ciar Dungeon

After completing the quest [Kristell’s Request], sometime later, you’ll receive a new quest called [Meven’s Request].

Priest Meven resides inside the church in Tir Chonaill. It’s the first town most of us have entered in Erinn. Let’s quickly go see Meven.

Hello Priest Meven. It’s been a long time. You have contacted me for an urgent matter, right?

Ohh, I've been waiting for you. I have actually heard a lot about you... You not only rescued the Goddess, but you have also become the Knight of Light... correct?

I was just doing my job…

...What I want to discuss with you is about the Statues of the Goddess at dungeons being destroyed left and right. I had been deeply concerned about this when Wyllow the Head Priest suggested you as the one to contact.

I hear that other towns have also been ambushed with this, and... Yes, the dungeons near Tir Chonaill also featured a number of destroyed Statues of the Goddess... Hmmm... for more detail, you should hear it from Trefor. Priest Endelyon and I will be busy doing the restoration ritual, so...

...Good luck

Head north from the Healer’s House in Tir Chonaill, and you’ll encounter Trefor, who’s dressed in black armor.

It’s been a while, Trefor.

Welcome! Yay~ I didn't know, you would really come!

Oh, of course I didn't think it was a joke when I heard rumors about how you saved the Goddess or that you became a Knight of Light... Haha...

…it sounds like you thought it was...

...Ahem~, anyway, we don't have time for this kind of chit chat. I'm sure you've heard the gist of what's going on from Priest Maven, right?

No no, he told me to hear it from you.

What? You haven't? You mean, I need to explain it to you? Mmm... I see.

You know that there are two dungeons near Tir Chonaill, right? Ciar and Alby Dungeon. I have given you quests for each of those dungeons before. There are reports of a damaged goddess statue in both dungeons, haha!!

First, I will ask you to help with Ciar Dungeon which is far more damaged than Alby. If the seal breaks there and if the Fomors come through, there's no way I can take on them on my own.

Use Mana Herb and the Holy Water of Lymilark on the order I gave you, using the Handicraft skill, to convert it to a dungeon pass. Then use the pass to enter Ciar Dungeon.

In the mean time, I'll get everything ready for Alby Dungeon. Oh, and don't worry about the actual restoration process. The priests will take care of that.

You just need to take care of all the Fomors inside the dungeon. You'll only find little rascals such as Goblins, Bats and Spiders so it shouldn't be too difficult.  ...You're not planning to go with friends, are you? Haha!!!

When you finish the mission, come back to me and I'll give you your mission for Alby Dungeon.

Use the Handicraft skill to convert the [Fomor Command Scroll (Ciar Dungeon)] into [Ciar Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration)].

Ciar Dungeon is located east of Tir Chonaill, and you can either restore the statue yourself or form a party and enter the dungeon together.

The Ciar Dungeon with the broken statue offers the same level of difficulty as a regular Ciar Dungeon, and the broken statue is restored by Priest Meven and Endelyon.

The Boss Room will feature a Golem and a Metal Skeleton. Once you defeat all the monsters in the dungeon, you’ll see that Priestess Endelyon succeeds in restoring the last Goddess Statue.

Morrighan, the guardian of the warriors and the Goddess of the mankind... Bless us with power to protect our loved ones…
...Bless us with the courage to use that power for justice...
...the knowledge and wisdom to carry out the good deeds...

...Bless us with the love that encompasses all things we gain through the wisdom and knowledge...
...and protect us in the name of that love...
...and I pray that your sword will be reawakened once more...

Once the statue has been successfully restored, you’ll need to report the results to Trefor.

2) Restoring the Statue in Alby Dungeon

Trefor, I was able to restore the statue in Ciar Dungeon.

Ahh, great work there. Hmmm... you took a little bit more time than I expected. Hahaha! Alright, all you have to do now is to help restore Alby Dungeon. Please take this first.

It’s the Fomor Command Scroll.

Everything else is the same. Use this sheet to make a pass and enter the dungeon. Once you make the way, the priests will soon follow and take care of the rest.

The Fomors at Alby Dungeon are a little more than bugs and rats, but... since the Command Sheet is found, as well as the broken Statue... I think it'll be best for you to look through everything. You can never be too careful on things like this, you know.

Seems like it’ll be easier to restore the statue in Alby Dungeon than all other dungeons...

Since Alby Dungeon is literally right there, you don't need to report to me when the Statue is fully restored, okay?

Keep up the good work!!

This is the last dungeon. Use the Handicraft skill to convert the [Fomor Command Scroll (Alby Dungeon)] into [Alby Dungeon Pass (For Statue Restoration)].

Alby Dungeon is located northwest of Tir Chonaill.

Alby Dungeon is consisted of a single floor, and the difficulty level is similar to that of a regular Alby Dungeon.

Once you defeat all the monsters in the Boss Room, you’ll be able to see a new clip.

3) Another Encounter with Ruairi

As we waited for the Priestess to complete the restoration of the statue, a shadowy figure starts walking towards us.

It’s Ruairi.

Ru... Ruairi? The Fomors have reached all the way up to here?

Nice for you to show up... A lot of time may have passed since our last encounter, and a lot may have changed since then...

 …but I remember you vividly.


Wait wait! There’s a bit of a misunderstanding...!!

See if you can stop this!!!!

A furious Ruairi decides to attack you with full force, and you were unable to stop him.


Now show me what a true Paladin can do!!!! Fight me the same way you have defeated Rian!!!

Haha... Is that all you've got...?

…That's the most power a hypocrite like you will ever be awarded with.

See if you can fight the power of my sword!

Without any opportunity to defend yourself… or make a rebuttal… you are knocked around by Ruairi. As you regain your footing, you’ll realize that your back is against the door.

Now, it's time for you to pay…for your sins. Your life will be mine.

Is this the end?

As you helplessly await Ruairi’s final blow, a black hole is created below your feet, and you’re suddenly attacked from below by someone else.

…Your sword still shows a bit of hesitance, Ruairi.

A black puddle… was that Cichol…?

…If we're struggling against a nobody like this... then the world we dream of will never be within our reach.

Hmm...? You're that nobody from before... Dorca Feadhain may not be ready yet, but how can a lowlife like you still roam around and create chaos…?

 …It's always better to kill it before it grows too much.

Dorca Feadhain...?

You are unable to move as a result of Cichol’s attack.

Darka... Selim...

Cichol is preparing a magic attack, and you are unable to move your body as a result of the previous attack.

Will this be the end......?

[Note 1]
To enter the dungeon, you must have the [Pass] with you. The pass can be created using the Handicraft skill and the [Fomor Command Scroll]. Handicraft skill can be learned by reading the skill book that can be purchased from Dunbarton bookstore in detail.

[Note 2]
The materials required to create the pass will be the Fomor Scroll from the NPC, Holy Water of Lymilark, and 1 Mana Herb. Holy Water of Lymilark and Mana Herb won’t be available through the NPC, so you’ll have to prepare for them in advance.

[Note 3]
If you have not learned the Handicraft skill, you can at least set up all the materials and give them to an NPC nearby to make one in place of the Fomor Command Scroll. The pass for Tir Chonaill can be obtained through Priestess Endelyon.

[Note 4]
The dungeon that has the destroyed statue features a difficulty level of a regular dungeon or lower.
If you fail to complete the ‘Restoring the Goddess Statue’ quest, talk to the NPC that gave you the pass and receive the Fomor Command Scroll once more.