G3 Main Storyline Part 8
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

8. Dorca Feadhain

As you lay immobile on the ground as a result of a barrage of attacks from Ruairi and Cichol, Cichol is preparing a final blow to finish you off. Is this really the end…?

1) Price is Here

Darka... Selim...

As Cichol was just about ready to finish you off, a strange man appears in the room. Isn’t that Price?!!

…Who are you!!!!

Haha… did I just ruin a party? I am sorry, but my friend has a lot of work to do right now, and... I'll bring my friend back home now.

…See you!

As soon as he was done speaking, he grabbed your arm and proceeded to disappear from Cichol.

…Should I chase him?

Hahaha… it doesn't matter.

Ruairi... Let's get one thing straight. Our goal is to ambush them without warning, declare war against mankind, and destroy them all.

…Do not let petty personal beef ruin our big picture.


…Since the humans are busy restoring the Statue of Goddess, your way of revenge will bring us nothing but a waste of time and strength.

Your job is to initially break the Statues, and then concentrate on delaying their restoration process. …All you need to do is buy some time before Triona becomes Macha.

Only after that will you lead Dorca Feadhain into the human world and burn them to the ground…

...Morrighan is already trapped. …Mark my words…


Cichol reminds Ruairi of what they are here for, then disappears from sight. And then, there were Morgant and Ruairi...

That should be enough. Let's go, Ruairi....

...Morgant!!! Is that the goal, to destroy the human world? Is that really what you want to do, to bring irrevocable doom to this world?


…How can you... please answer me, Morgant!! …What… what do you plan on doing with Triona...?


Ruairi... do you believe in me...?


…I myself am using Cichol for our greater goal. Whatever the fate that may strike you... you need to believe in me.

…That's the only thing I can say for now…

The clip ends as Ruairi and Morgant end their conversation.

2) Dorca Feadhain

After regaining consciousness, you’ll realize that you’re standing in front of Price. Price used to be the captain of Paladin Knights, but he’s currently a wandering merchant, hiding his identity from the public.

Before starting a conversation with Price, first make sure to open the quest window and press Complete on the quest [Meven’s Request].

Although we were able to restore all the Goddess Statues that were destroyed in Erinn, we also know that judging from Cichol and Morgant’s words in Alby Dungeon, their primary goal wasn’t to destroy the statues, but rather something much bigger than that.

Do you remember Cichol mentioning the name [Dorca Feadhain]?

This name may provide a pivotal clue as to what Cichol’s grand scheme really is.

Price, thank you so much for saving me. I do remember Cichol saying that he’s preparing a Dorca Feadhain.

Do you what that is?

Hmm... Dorca Feadhain? That person earlier... wearing the robe told you that?

...It must have something to do with the invasion plan of the Fomors... But honestly, I don't really know.

By the way, Aodhan of Emain Macha seemed to be worried about you a lot. So I told him that you do work too hard. Haha...

Aodhan? What’s going on....

...You know I haven't forgotten about how you protected me from Tabhartas.
...Regarding Dorca Feadhain, you should ask Aodhan at Emain Macha. He should be able to tell you some things.

After ending the conversation with Price, you’ll receive a new quest called [The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain]. Since Price told you that Aodhan of Emain Macha seemed very much concerned, maybe you should visit him immediately.

Hello, Aodhan.

...Ah, you're safe... Did you get hurt anywhere?

Yes, we were able to restore all the statues in the dungeon as well. Hey, have you ever heard of the name Dorca Feadhain? I’m currently looking into it to see what that really is…

Ahhh.... you want to know more about Dorca Feadhain? I can't say that I know a lot about it, but...where did you hear that from?

Well, you may not believe this, but… while restoring the statues, I encountered someone who’s considered the God of Fomors, Cichol. I also ran into Dark Knight, as well.

They said something along the lines of preparing a Dorca Feadhain, so I’ve been researching ever since.

So you met Dark Knight...and the God of the Fomors?

Haha… I know it’s hard to believe, huh?


....I know this may not be something I should say to someone who has done a lot for this community, but...  I think we should really go over this. I truly believe that no one person can singlehandedly save the world. Even if that one person may be the Knight of Light, like you...
The whole mindset of "I will take care of all this myself"...  that only you can save this world from complete destruction... sooner or later, it'll be you that'll burn out and be destroyed in the end..

Thanks for the advice, but… it’s something I have to do to save Erinn.

Well, if you still insist, then I really don't know what else to say...
...As for Dorca Feadhain... you should ask a Druid or a scholar for more information on it...
...I'll notify the church first.

Aodhan may not have been of much help on Dorca Feadhain, but he did seem genuinely concerned. Since he still volunteered to help, let’s go see Tarlach next.

Tarlach!! Are you familiar with the name Dorca Feadhain?

I was just conducting an investigation of my own on Macha by exchanging letters with the Head Priest of Emain Macha. About Dorca Feadhain that you mentioned, I am afraid I don't know too many details at this point, but...

...I think it's talking about the ones that use the power of Macha to carry out her orders. Macha is the goddess of destruction, and she has an ability to combine the willpower and the spirit of the soldiers into one singular being that adheres to the same thought and belief.

...Her endless pit of revenge and insanity is being seeded through each and every one of the soldiers that carry out her orders.

...At the head of all this, I hear... is a being that derives its power not from the blessings of the nature, but from the depths of anger and sadness of a human... ...a corrupt Knight of Light, aptly called the Dark Knight. Come to think of it... 

...where did you hear about Dorca Feadhain?

Various goddess statues had been destroyed these days, and I have been helping them restore each and every one of those statues.

But on the last room of Alby Dungeon, I was attacked by Ruairi… followed by the appearances of Morgant and Cichol.

I was just getting pummeled by those guys, and I distinctively remember Cichol saying he’s preparing Dorca Feadhain.

That’s why I’ve been out here looking for some clues...

...What? What did you just say??? Ru...Ruairi is alive??

Well, Tarlach... Ruairi is now a Dark Knight, the leader of the Ghost Armors...

...What? Ruairi? Ruairi is the Dark Knight?
...No... that can't be... how can he...

Wait, then... wha, what about Mari?? Do you know what happened to her?

...well, the truth is… Mari is the daughter of Mores, your master. She is now called Nao, the guide of the Soul Stream leading Milletians like myself to Erinn.

Mari...is the daughter of Mores...? The one you all refer to as the guide of the spirits... Nao???

Yes, I know it’s hard to fathom that, but that’s the truth.

How... cough cough, how can this be... I‘m sorry...

...please...please give me some time...

...As for Dorca Feadhain...would you like to talk to Priest Meven about it...?

Tarlach would find them all out sooner or later, but… maybe we told him a little too much too soon.

Hello, Priest Meven.

I know we have the Chief here, but on behalf of this great town, I want to thank you for your hard work...

Oh, it’s nothing. Meven, are you aware of the name Dorca Feadhain? Tarlach told me to ask you for some clues...

Anyway, about that Dorca Feadhain that you wanted to know more of... if you heard of that name while battling against the Fomors... then I believe that the Fomors are planning a massive war in the near future...

...Dorca Feadhain means the Army of Darkness...  ...the elite army of Fomors that serves as Macha's protection.

...I know this isn't something a priest should say, but... they look like a bunch of evil creatures hungry for blood...

Way back when the first war took place in the fields of Mag Tuireadh, Macha didn't even provide them with additional powers, and yet too many lives were lost at the hands of this notorious army... And now, we're talking about Macha instilling each and every soldier with her anger and hatred towards humans... I don't even want to think about what's going to happen next...

...Please be careful... Dorca Feadhain is a very...very... dangerous monster...

After the conversation with Meven, you’ll be able to complete the quest [The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain].

3) Tarlach’s Request

A short time after completing the quest, you’ll receive a word from Tarlach. The fact that he seemed to struggle with bombshells after bombshells we dropped on him last time was very troublesome. We better head to Sidhe Sneachta.

Tarlach, are you okay now?

I have asked you to make your way here because I have a request for you. I think you'd be... sigh... the one person that'd understand where I am coming from, so that's why I summoned all the courage I have to ask you this.

I am sure you are aware of it, but... but... I... was unable to save my comrades before... and not only that... I used my injured body as an excuse... ...to not even seek for them ever since.

...I just couldn't look them in the eye.  ...I just feel so guilty at the thought of meeting with the people...  that are associated with my fallen comrades... ...I don't even know if there's a sufficient way to apologize for my actions...

I want to see Mari... no, Nao. Just once... that's all I need... I just want to see her with my very own eyes, and know that she is alive and well.

...I want to see if she's doing well these days...


...and...  I...really want to tell her...that I'm sorry... for not being there for her when she needed me...

Out of all these people in Erinn... out of the ones from Tuatha Dé Danann... if you find someone that knows Nao, ...then can you please ask that person...

...how...to...meet up with her...?

A broken tip of the arrow?

...This... is an item that Mari used to use... I don't know how much help you'll get from this, but...  I'd like for you to find out by showing this around...

...please... please do this for me...

We may have been attacked by Ruairi, but Cichol’s real goal was actually to complete the preparation for Dorca Feadhain. Tarlach also finally found out what happened to Ruairi and Mari, and seemed deeply affected by it.

What we can do to help Tarlach now is for him to actually see Mari… we mean Nao, and let him have a heart-to-heart with her.

[Note 1]
After the clip between Ruairi and Morgant ends, you’ll notice that your character is standing in front of Price. Price is a wandering merchant in Erinn who never stays in one place.

[Note 2]
In order to find out the definition of Dorca Feadhain, you’ll need to first complete the [Meven’s Request] quest. Check your quest window periodically to keep up to date on your schedule

[Note 3]
The latter parts of G3 Storyline Quests will differ based on the character’s NPC. This guide is made with an assumption that the quests were run with a female character, and male characters will deal with a different NPC, so please look into your quest window periodically to keep up with your quest progress.