Paladin Storyline Prologue
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

0. Prologue – Back to Erinn…

You will meet the Goddess again when you reach above Lv. 10 after clearing Mabinogi’s Advent of the Goddess Storyline Quests.

1) A Message from the Goddess

A voice will call out for help as soon as you enter Erinn… Then, you will be transported to a dark place, where Goddess Morrighan is waiting.

Hello…? Can you hear me…?
The power of the Fomors that is spreading from the other world to here in Erinn is getting stronger and stronger. The Dark Lord is slowly expanding his territory.

At this rate it won't be long until the Fomors take over the blessed land of Erinn.
Please follow the path to the Knight of Light. Please protect Erinn.
Remember... The path of the Knight of Light... It's the road of perseverance and self-discipline…

…Go to Emain Macha. Emain Macha is the sanctuary of the Knights of Light. It's the meeting place of those who will protect Erinn from the Fomors... Find that path in Emain Macha.
Please.... Go to Emain Macha. And become a Knight of Light.

Though it was brief, you were able to receive a message from the Goddess, asking you to go to Emain Macha to become a Knight of Light and save Erinn.

Muster your strength and courage, and let’s head over to Emain Macha!

In the next episode, you will begin Mabinogi’s “Paladin” Storyline Quests.