Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 24
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

24. The Final Episode – Glas Ghaibleann

Goddess Morrighan, whose Seal has been broken, is now asking you to find Glas Ghaibleann’s dispersed Will. Your final Boss, the destructive Glas Ghaibleann, is awaiting your challenge.  

1) Glas Ghaibleann’s Will

Once you have cleared the Black Orb Dungeon and broken the Goddess’ Seal, you will find that a new keyword has arrived in your Travel Diary.

[Glas Ghaibhleann’s Revenge]
The rebirth of Glas Ghaibhleann is nearing. As the Goddess has said, find the underground fortress where Glas Ghaibhleann is being summoned. Time is running out.

If what Goddess Morrighan has said is true, there must be someone here in this world that’s captured Glas Ghaibleann’s Will.  Does that mean… that the lone survivor Dougal was the culprit?   

Go talk to Dougal using the keyword, [Glas Ghaibleann’s Rebirth].

There's a sudden change in the sky. What's happened? You finally rescued the Goddess.

Well, I wouldn’t call it all that… Anyway, Goddess Morrighan wants me to go look for Glas Ghaibleann’s lost Will. She says that his Will had found the body of a human…And that he would help me… if I were to give you this pendant…   

The Goddess told you that? But why are you telling me this? Ahh. I see.
Heh. Hahaha.

Da... Dougal...

This explains quite a few things. I didn't realize that the 'Edid Soul Effect' that I had told you in order to make you stay here could have the same effect on me. But you already seem to have guessed it. No, you must already know about it since that is essentially why you came here, to tell me this, right?

... Well… I had my suspicions but… The only human remaining in this world is… you, Dougal..
Right...  I'm also a soul from another world just like yourself. I'm probably known to your people as Glas Ghaibhleann. I came here to reclaim my body that was summoned by the people of this world against my will, but I ended up in the body of the last remaining Human in this world.  My host body is weak. I cannot even walk properly in this weak Human form.

Now that you have learned all about me, I will proceed to pursue my original goal. The Goddess probably sent you to me fully aware of what my intentions are.

Dougal’s own goals? What could that be?   

My goal? It's obvious, isn't it? I wish to reclaim the freedom of my real body. I need to free my body into the world I originally belonged to by breaking away from these shackles.

The Goddess Pendant is a key into another world. If you want, I can inscribe the pattern into the pendant so it will move you to my body, which is calling me.

Oh wow, the Goddess’ pendant I’ve dreamed of for so long… I could use this to… as the real Glas Ghaibleann…   

However, my body that's being controlled by the summoner would be powerful enough to blow away mere Humans. I'm not sure if I should trust you. Can you promise me? Can you promise you will defeat my body? And return it to where it belongs?

The selection window appears here. Whether you wish to defeat Glas Ghaibleann, [Yes] or [No]…
Now that… the Goddess has been saved, perhaps you could end it all here but… this is probably not the end of all this. It is only when the destructive Will of Glas Ghaibleann is destroyed that Erinn will be able to enjoy true peace…   

Also… if it’s only to help this Dougal, standing in front of you… You should select [Yes].

OK, I'll trust you. I guess it might not be a bad idea to trust you since you even rescued the Goddess. Go to Alby Dungeon and offer this pendant there. You know how to use the Red Wing of Goddess, right? If you succeed, it will only be a matter time before I free myself from being an Edid Soul.

Finish your conversation with Dougal and you’ll be able to confirm that the [Goddess Pendant] in the Inventory has been bound. The [Red Wing of the Goddess] too will be found in the Inventory as well.  

2) The Final Dungeon

When you arrive in Albey Dungeon, place the bound Goddess Pendant on the altar. Dungeons formed using the Goddess Pendant allow for up to 3 players to enter the dungeon at once.   

The final dungeon is made of 6 different levels, and have all the monsters you’ve seen in all previous dungeons will appear here. Beware, as Boss monsters from existing dungeons will also be making appearances, so look out and make sure that your party mates stay alive.      

When you arrive in the Boss’ Room on the 6th Floor, you will discover a box. You will be able to obtain the [Goddess Pass] and the [Boss Room Key].  

When the [Goddess Pass] is placed on the altar, you will immediately be taken to the floor where the Glas Ghaibleann is located.   

[Goddess Pass]
It is said that I can use the power of the Goddess to transport right in front of the Glas Ghaibleann. Up to 3 people can go.

Now, if you’re ready, let’s open the Boss Room.

There are strange cries that accompany very unpleasant sounds… And Glas Ghaibleann is hanging up on top… Ahead of you, is Dark Load.   

[Dark Lord]
…You've come very far, but this will be the end for you.

[Dark Lord]
No one can stop the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann. May the blessing of the Goddess Morrighan be with me!

Take this!!

The battle begins with Dark Lord’s battle cry. It is your first time battling the Dark Lord, not in RP…  
You will also need to defeat the Ghost Armor protecting him.  

The Dark Lord is known for its sudden movements, so be careful while in battle.

3) Death Struggle with Glas Ghaibleann

Once you defeat the Dark Lord and Ghost Armor, you will be given some very meaningful words.
[Dark Lord]
Not bad...

The minute he starts talking, you start hearing unpleasant sayings… And you sense all the mice nearby running away. I wonder what it is that is about to take place?

[Dark Lord]
...The time has finally come. The day we have long awaited...the last days of Erinn...
...I will grant you mercy by giving you the honor of being the first victim of the newly-resurrected Glas Ghaibhleann.

Glas Ghaibleann has already been rebirthed? I don’t believe it!!!!

[Dark Lord]
...Remain here and pay for your sins,  intruder...

Dark Lord disappears through a door on the other side, and Goddess Morrighan, along with Mores, appear together in front of you.    

I am now certain that this Goddess is Cichol, the imposter, pretending to be Goddess Morrighan!

You have come earlier than I thought... and for that, I commend you... But alas... Glas Ghaibhleann has already been resurrected...

What!! Am I a step too late…


Hahaha, it's okay. Don't be too discouraged... You have surely proven yourself worthy of being the first opponent of the resurrected Glas Ghaibhleann...

I mean, it's not your fault that the blood of brave souls such as yours helped accelerate the revival of Glas Ghaibhleann.

Now there is no way to stop this monster from completely destroying the land of humans.


Then, Morrighan, no, I mean Cichol, disappears with Mores. Before you even have the chance to tell Mores that the Goddess he was with wasn’t Morrighan, you notice the movement of Glas Ghaibleann over your head. 

Don’t tell me that Glas Ghaibleann has really rebirthed, and that we need to battle against him!!!

The chains holding down Glas Ghaibleann have been broken…

Released from the shackles, Glas Ghaibleann is reborn.  

And standing before this monster whose sole purpose of existence is utter destruction, are little us…
We must bring down Glas Ghaibleann, if even for Dougal alone.  
Glas Ghaibleann’s got some extreme attack powers, so it is crucial for you and your party to work together as a team. Also remember that there is a summoned Gargoyle near you, which you should also look out for. Hunt down those summoned Gargoyles to obtain a [Seal Scroll].

When you obtain the [Seal Scroll], burn it in the campfire. The power of the burning scroll gives you 100% protection temporarily, allowing you to battle with some ease, at least for a little while.       

Use every possible strategy for attacking the enemy as you’ve learned in your time in Erinn, and you’ll be able to defeat Glas Ghaibleann.  

4) Cichol’s True Identity

After hours of battling, Glas Ghaibleann finally falls on the ground, making an enormously loud shrieking sound. The moment you are breathing a sigh of relief, the fake Morrighan appears along with Mores once again.

...Oh, my... You really defeated Glas Ghaibhleann... This is much better than I expected...

Run! She is not the real Goddess! It's an imposter!

Oh Mores... You already knew the real identity of that goddess? The minute Mores stops talking, Cichol reveals himself from his disguise…     

Ah... you finally figured it out, Mores...?

The stupidity of humans, so easily deceived by what their eyes see...Even a great Wizard like you is no exception to that...

You didn't trust me enough to fully resurrect Glas Ghaibhleann and made it as weak as possible, yet why did it take such a long time for you to find the courage to disclose my true identity?

Cichol, I knew it was you! How dare you disguise yourself as the Goddess... Yes... I knew something was wrong when you tried to kill Tarlach and Mari...

Haha... If you noticed something was off, why didn't you do something about it? It's too late now.

...Either way, Cichol, your plan just failed. Glas Ghaibhleann is already dead. Surrender and beg for mercy.

Hahaha... Me? Beg for mercy? That's the funniest thing I have heard in a long, long time. How can a God like me beg for mercy from a mere human like you?

You don't believe you really ruined my plans just by defeating Glas Ghaibhleann, do you? Humans are so pathetic....

Stop bluffing. You deserve to be destroyed once and for all!

Hahahaha!! You're still a fool, Mores. This is only just the beginning...

You should have known know what happens when Glas Ghaibhleann falls...After all, you are the creator, and you should know firsthand...

Tha... That’s...!

Soon, there was a ray of light that was gathering over the fallen Glas Ghaibleann, only to explode with a sudden flash, creating a large hole right where Glas Ghaibleann was lying down. And there, in the hole, seemed to be a force that was growing and sucking in the darkness…   

The destruction of Erg... The link between the two worlds... could I... Cichol!! Is this what you wanted?

...You seem surprised… A little too late for

...You used me... This is the direct result of me summoning Glas Ghaibhleann... It is all my fault... I will pay for my own sins... I will sacrifice my life to end everything that I have started. Right here, right now...with you!!

How ludicrous, mister wizard...Do not drag me into your pity party. Regardless of your pitiful little "punishments",all you Humans must be wiped out of this world...I'll cast you into hell along with those intruders!

Is that a challenge, Cichol...?

…I may be old, but I am a Wizard with an extensive training on the power of Mana... Do not underestimate me just because you are a God!

...Darkha Selim Meder Dau Sabi... Behold, the evil creature…you who bring destruction and chaos into our world… TAKE THIS!!


Mores wished to block Cichol’s attack, but he incurs a severe damage and falls to the ground… Cichol’s power was that of a god indeed…

Ahh! Leave this place! Now!

But… I will fight!! I will fight to the end!   

(gasp, gasp)You can't... beat him... right're too weak...


Cichol continues to make his attack.

...Meder Dau Sabi...


Cichol continued his attack…

And the moment you close your eyes to Cichol’s magic attack
You find yourself protected by someone’s protective membrane.