Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 21
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

21. The Plot of the Evil Goddess

So, in the previous episode, we’ve learned the shocking truth about Mores and Shiela by seeing them in RP using the [Broken Torque]. We have discovered that the goddess whom we’d thought to be Goddess Morrighan turns out to be the evil God of the Fomors, Cichol.   

You will find out more about Cichol in this episode. And once you’re ready, you’ll have to give Priestess Kristell a hand.  


1) Cichol, the Fomor God

When you clear Mores and Shiela in the RP dungeon, you will see that you’ve obtained a new keyword.

Looks like a creature wearing a white robe over its wings. It’s hard to tell exactly the identity of this creature, but it is for certain that this creature is an imposter.  

Who is this Cichol? You’ve probably heard that he is a Fomor God but what else do you know…
You should go talk to Priestess Kristell and use the [Cichol] keyword to start a conversation.  

Priestess Kristell, have you ever heard of a Fomor named Cichol?

He’s amongst one of the evil Gods that lead the Fomors. Yes, Fomors do worship Gods.
I don’t particularly feel up to talking about him. But, I’ll tell you now, you should hurry if you think Cichol is somehow involved with Goddess Morrighan. He is cunning and meticulous, so he will be very difficult to stop by ourselves.

Oh no… He’s not only a Fomor… He’s also evil… Goddess Morrighan’s safety is increasingly becoming worrisome. Now that you know a little bit about him, you must go to Chief Duncan, who gave you Shiela’s Torque, and let him know about what you saw in Math Dungeon.

Please talk to Chief Duncan using the [Cichol] keyword.

Chief Duncan, the goddess that Mores saw in Shiela’s memento wasn’t Goddess Morrighan after all! It was… uh… Cichol, the one with the white wings.

 ...Is that true...? Was that really the memory that was held within Shiela’s memento? The Goddess was white winged... and was wearing a mask...?


 ... there's no doubt. That's Cichol. I was a bit suspicious when I’d heard of the Ghost Armor and Dark Knights but I had no idea he would still be alive. Cichol is one of the Evil Gods of the Fomors.
He is the instigator of all things. He's the one who brought Glas Ghaibhleann into this world to decimate our ancestors. He is also responsible for causing the evil by bringing Cromm-Cruaich to Rath. The Goddess lost her life in Erinn because of him.

Hmm… So the Fomor that brought Glas Ghaibhleann here was… Cichol? It looks as though Cichol had everything to do with what’s going on right now… But it looks like things are looking more and more bleak…

That’s right! Well that explains it all...

 ...This is what I think... When the Goddess was setting barriers in the dungeons, Cichol petrified her
 and took her to Tir Na Nog which they had conquered.

Also, he pretended to be the Goddess to rally the forces of evil… including Mores… That clever bastard…

 Hey, there’s no doubt that Goddess Morrighan is calling upon you. She desperately needs your help right now. Hurry! You must go to Tir Na Nog and save the Goddess!

Whoa, does that mean the Goddess Morrighan has been… by Cichol?!! That’s even worse! Gathering all the Fomors and… and even Mores… Chief Duncan, do not worry. We all need to believe in Goddess Morrighan. No more time to be confused. We need to go to Tir Na Nog to save the Goddess.

Oh no, come to think of it, you need to go let Tarlach know about this too. He’s got the wrong idea about all this.

Go to Tarlach and talk to him using the [Cichol] keyword.  

Tarlach, that Goddess Morrighan that you said you saw and the weird character you saw in Mores’ memory was not Goddess Morrighan. It was a white-winged…
Say what!? Someone is pretending to be Goddess Morrighan? White winged… wearing a mask that covers the head? I don't believe this! Damn it! I've been deceived until now. Why didn't I think of that?

 ...He’s Cichol... There’s no doubt. The evil God of the Fomors…
 ...I won’t forgive him. He dared to deceive not only my friends and me… but also my master!

 Even the Goddess couldn’t escape from his power! No wonder the Goddess was acting so strange…
 ...Thank you for letting me know.

 I was utterly oblivious… I’m ashamed that I doubted the grace of the Goddess… even with my power as a druid.
Now that you know the truth, we hope that you will no longer get the wrong idea about Goddess Morrighan.

...Kristell was right. Goddess Morrighan really will be in danger at this rate. Please… go to Tir Na Nog now.

I know it’s a shameless request, but we don’t have time to wait for my recovery. Please rescue the Goddess...!

Ok! Just leave it up to me! I will, as Tarlach says, rescue the Goddess from Tir Na Nog.   

2) Priestess Kristell’s Request

Now that you’ve revealed the truth about the plot behind Goddess Morrighan and Tarlach no longer has a misconception about Goddess Morrighan, all that’s left for you to do is to go and save the Goddess.   

But perhaps you should go and double check on Priestess Kristell’s specific request.

Open the quest window and read the [Kristell’s Request] quest.

Hmm… It looks like the Fomors have been after Priestess Kristell ever since she translated the book. Well, you can show her some of your gratitude by giving her the protection that she deserves.

Quest 1] Hunt Down the Black Dire Wolves

Black Dire Wolves are found along the western side of the hilly roads between Dugald Isle’s Logging Camp and Dunbarton. Please eliminate the Black Dire Wolves first.

Quest 2] Hunt Down the Werewolves

It seems that Werewolves are threatening Priestess Kristell now. You’ll find Werewolves by entering into Fiodh Dungeon or a Basic / Intermediate dungeon. Be careful, they’ve got sharp claws.

Quest 3] Hunt Down the Ogres

Finally, you’ll need to go show those Ogres what you’ve got. You’ll be able to find Ogres on the hills of Gailech or simply by hunting down Barri dungeon’s Boss monster, the Ogre Warrior. They are very powerful monsters, so be sure to go prepared.  

Once you’ve hunted down the Black Dire Wolves, Werewolves, and Ogres, go to the quest window to confirm your results.  Now all you’ve got left to do, is to go talk to Priestess Kristell…  Could it be that you will finally get to go to Tir Na Nog?   

3) Black Fomor Pass

Kristell, there’s no need to worry any more, now that I’ve hunted down all the Fomors in the area. Could you now tell me how to get to Tir Na Nog?  

... Your concentration is outstanding... It's like looking at Tarlach long ago...
... I will tell you. The way to go to Tir Na Nog... Thank you.

So, now I finally know the way.

 ... ... There is a time when Erinn and the evil world are connected. It is on Samhain. On Samhain... Go to Barri Dungeon with the Red Wing of the Goddess I am giving you. Use the evil pass that I gave you in that place. If you wish, you may take along up to 2 friends who are just as brave as you are.
But... promise me that you will return...

...Don’t worry. You must return, ok? … To see Priestess Kristell again, if not for anything else…

If you press [Mission Complete], the owl will give you 2 items. Keep these two items carefully. They are the keys to that place...

Once you finish your conversation with Kristell, you can complete the [Kristell’s Request] quest. Let us now look at your Inventory.  

In the Inventory are the ‘Red Wing of the Goddess’ and the ‘Black Fomor Pass’. Use the Black Fomor Pass to go to the other world where the Goddess is under siege… According to Kristell, it is only possible to go there on Samhains.    

Please note that each day of the week in the land of Erinn has a different name than that in real life. Samhain is Saturday in real time, which means that this pass can only be used on Saturdays.   

In the following episode, we will go to the other world where the Goddess is supposedly under siege.