Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 22
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

22.  An Uninvited Guest in Another World

Let’s quickly review what’s happened so far in the storyline! So, it turns out that the goddess that Tarlach and Mores had seen was not Goddess Morrighan, but Cichol, the Fomor God. Now the only thing left to do is to go and save the Goddess!

1) Goddess Morrighan’s Third Message

When you login to Mabinogi, you will receive a new message from Goddess Morrighan.

...Hello there... the one living for the divine will of Morrighan...

Hurry... There is not much time...
I have begun to see Erinn rising in flames...

They have already used metal from your world
and created the skeletal fram for the giant that is about to descend from the other world...
...and the long-awaited summoning of the creature
is in its final stages.

My body is bound by the powers of the five magic stones...
I do not have the power to halt the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann...
I need your help...
...if the seal of the other world is
what's stopping you from doing so... then

You will need three warriors...
All three shall possess abilities and strength that are on par with yours...

From a party of three.
Become the leader,
and break the seal that leads to the other world...

Please stop the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann...
Break the seal of the five magic stones that are binding me...
There is no time... The end is near...
...Please hurry...

Let’s check on the Goddess’ message.

First of all, the Goddess says that Glas Ghaibhleann’s resurrection is imminent, and that the Goddess has been sealed away by the power of 5 magic stones.

Also, she says that you need a minimum of 3 players of similar levels in order to break the seal of the other world. She says that ‘similar levels’ refer to having cleared the level 25 restriction which then, means that the players that qualify will be at a character level of 25 or higher.  Well, it seems you’re ready to go! On to the other world…

2) Black Fomor Pass Dungeon

Now, let’s go onto Barri Dungeon, using the Red Wing of the Goddess.Well, we know that the gate to the other world only opens on Samhain. Have you checked if today is Samhain? Have you also checked your Inventory to make sure that the [Black Fomor Pass] is in there?

[Black Fomor Pass]
A black Fomor Pass. Ominous energy is emanating from it. Although it's called a pass, it looks more like a talisman that gathers Mana.
It is said that if you place this on Barri dungeon during Samhain, a door to another world will open. Up to 3 people can enter Barri Dungeon.
A dungeon that is formed by using the [Black Fomor Pass] allows between 1 to 3 players to enter the dungeon at once. I think you should enter the dungeon with a couple of other mates, just as Goddess Morrighan has suggested to you.

Go ahead and place the [Black Fomor Pass] on the altar of Barri Dungeon.  

Dungeons that use the Black Fomor Pass for its entrance have a similar level of difficulty as that of the regular Barri Dungeon. If there is anything that is different, it is that there is no Boss monster in the Boss’ Room, and that there are Wisps and Flying Swords instead.     

If you are able to form a party of 3 to enter the dungeon, you should have no problems clearing it. Also remember that you’ll find the stone entrance to the other world in the room with the Treasure Chest.  

You will see a large stone entrance, elaborately decorated with carvings all over, and sealed tight with iron chains. But there is no turning back at this point. You must knock on the door 2 to 3 times and you will see the door slowly opening into a dark space.  

If the door does not open and you see a message that says that [You are not ready to break the seal just yet], you may have to check the following items before you try again. See if maybe you’ve forgot something!  

1. All party members, including you, are in level 25 or above.
2. You’ve watched Goddess Morrighan’s 3rd video message.
3. You’ve cleared the 2nd RP of the ‘Broken Torque’, as well as Mores and Shiela’s RP.
4. Today is Samhain (Saturday).

If any of the above 4 items have not been fulfilled, you will need to complete it in order to continue with the dungeon. You’ve already used up your [Black Fomor Pass] at this point, but no worries. Go talk to Kristell again and she will give you another one.

Remember, though, that you need the title of strength to receive the [Black Fomor Pass] from Kristell, so be sure to check on your title before going back to her.

Alrighty then. Let’s enter through the stone entrance.

Enter through the stone entrance and you will see a lit pathway in a dark space. The blue light that you see in the above screenshot indicates ‘Erinn’, the world in which you were just at, as opposed to the world on the other end, lit up in red. Gather up your party members and go toward the red light.  

3)  An Uninvited Guest in Another World

So once you’re able to get your bearings, you’ll realize that you’re in a world that is completely different from Erinn. They call it the other world… Once you’ve broken the seal of the other world and are able to enter the other world, you will be given the title of [the Seal-Breaker of the Other World].

Looks kind of like Tir Chonaill…. Is this really Tir Na Nog?......

Anybody here~~~~?

A seemingly vast and endless world… Looking at the map, I see there are some residential areas in the midst of ruins. Go up the hill and you will see a young man named Dougal where Chief Duncan used to always be.  

I see that you're not from around here. I'm Dougal, the last remaining Human here. I've been pretty lonely. It's been a while since I've seen a person here…
So why are you here where there is no one in sight…?  

So why have I been left here all alone? It's complicated, but I didn't exactly stay behind because I wanted to...

I’m sorry, but isn’t this Tir Na Nog? I had thought that I was heading to Tir Na Nog…

What? You think this is Tir Na Nog? You mean the legendary paradise, Tir Na Nog? Hah! Hahaha. I didn't expect to hear such a foolish statement from you. Look, if this truly is Tir Na Nog, the world where sickness and death don't exist, why would I have a leg like this? Also, this town has turned into a wasteland after being invaded by the Fomors. You probably heard a false rumor somewhere. I'm sorry but this isn't the place you think it is. This is just another world that has become a land of the Fomors.  

So this is not Tir Na Nog? Oh no, that means Tarlach was mistaken, once again... Well, where could this place be…

But since you're here, take a look around as much as you want. Who knows? You might find this place similar to a place you are familiar with. Haha.

End your strange conversation with Dougal and look around.

An uninvited guest in another world… Looks just like Tir Chonaill but… all the trees and grass are dried up and dead, and the village looks completely desolate, devastated by the Fomors’ invasion… But I wonder just how Dougal had survived this place, all alone… Where did everyone else go…

If this is not Tir Na Nog, then where would Tir Na Nog be… I still need to save the Goddess… And where are the 5 seals…

4) Spirit Bind

If you spend about half your day, in Erinn time, as an uninvited guest in the other world, you will receive a message from Dougal.

You want to know of a way to make the spirit stay somehow? Is there really a way to do that?  

You've come... I was waiting for you. Because you're not from around here, I thought that losing the freedom of your body, might end up getting you into big trouble.

...True... Nobody but your party can help you in here. Even if your life ends and you pass away...  

When you can't move... You return to your world. I do think you have to endure that fact, only because you are a human of another world...

... I've called you because a good plan has come up.  

It’s so nice of Dougal to be so considerate… He seems like a cold guy on the outside, but I guess he’s a softie inside after all.  

Do you... know about the added soul phenomenon? It is the phenomenon where the spirit doesn't go away from one's body... I thought maybe if you were to use this trick you could let your spirit stay near here.  

Hmm… I’ve heard about this somewhere before… The Added Soul… the added soul… I can’t remember the details off the top of my head right now, but I’ve definitely heard of the phenomenon of the Added Soul.   

Yes... If your spirit does not go away from your fallen body and stays near it there wouldn't be such a thing as having to resurrect back from the world you were in even if you were to lose the freedom of your body. But... dealing with spirits is also a dangerous thing... With the slightest provocation you can turn into one of those zombies behind the graveyard... 

... So, I'll have to see if my thoughts are correct. If you knock down the spiritless zombies I will measure the added soul phenomenon that happens around the zombies and see if you can resurrect in this place. What do you think? Would you like to try?  

As Dougal has said, when a character becomes incapacitated here, the only way to revive is to be revived back in Erinn or to be revived by one of your party members, using a Phoenix Feather. This place is outside of the protection of Soul Stream, unfortunately. Even Nao could not help you here.    

Once the conversation ends, you should start hunting down 10 Zombies, to help the investigation on the Added Soul phenomenon. Be careful, though, as the only way you will be able to revive in this place will be through one of your party mates.

Zombies are able to attack you using a maximum of 4 hits at a time, and yes, they are able to use counterattack. Also remember that magic and bows do not cause any damage on Zombies, so you’ll have to think of another way to defeat the Zombies. One good thing is that Zombies tend to be a bit slow, so you are free to have the time to think while waiting to make your attack.  

Use your Windmill, Counterattack and Smash skills and you’ll have no problem capturing these Zombies one at a time.

Once you’re done capturing all 10 Zombies, go back and talk to Dougal.

It's just as I’d thought. We can use the added soul phenomenon and have your spirit stay here. If you believe me, from now on, You won't ever be an undead even if you collapse here.  

Argh, are you saying that you can be revived from here? But… Can I afford to trust what Dougal is saying?

 ... Yes. My body and soul are exchanging with you the amount of strength you need to resurrect here... Oh no... Are you uncomfortable about exchanging with me? Ha ha, no need to act calm. But... Even when you can't move you can come near me. You will make it through this world with more ease if you remember this.  

Once you’re done talking to him, you’ll be able to complete the Bind Quest. Click on the ‘complete’ button and receive exp as well as your reward. You will now be able to revive here even if you are incapacitated.  

You have been an uninvited guest in some other world in this episode, and have learned about the Added Soul phenomenon.

Are you ready now to really break the seal that has seized Goddess Morrighan?

There’s not much time left!!

[Note 1]
If you have lost your [Black Fomor Pass] or need to go through the dungeon again, try talking to Kristell again with the keyword, [Way to Tir Na Nog]. If you show her your title that proves your strength, you will be receive a new pass.   

[Note 2]
In the event the entrance to the other world does not open, please check the following 4 items.
1. All party members, including you, are in level 25 or above.
2. You’ve watched Goddess Morrighan’s 3rd video message.
3. You’ve cleared the 2nd RP of the ‘Broken Torque’, as well as Mores and Shiela’s RP.
4. Today is Samhain (Saturday).

[Note 3]
Up to a maximum of 3 can enter the dungeon using the Black Fomor Pass.  You could, however, clear the dungeon by yourself to move onto the other world.

[Note 4]
This area is not protected under the guardianship of Soul Stream, which means that you cannot be revived in this place with Nao’s help. Also, in the event you have not completed the Bind Quest, you will not be able to be revived in the same location, unless it is through your party mate’s help. Otherwise, you will be revived in Erinn. Please enter into combat only after you’ve completed the Bind quest.   

[Note 5]
If you’ve arrived in the other world without following the Storyline, you will still be able to do the Bind Quest.