Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 20
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.
20. The Truth about Spirits

In the previous episode, Chief Duncan gave you the [Broken Torque] and the [Red Wing of the Goddess]. The only remaining keepsake that belonged to Mari’s mom… Shiela. Don’t you wonder what kind of memories are in this torque? Use the [Red Wing of the Goddess] to go to Math Dungeon.

[Broken Torque]

Given by Duncan, this torque has also been broken off in the middle. It looks like the torque was bent too often.  This is the other half of the torque you got from the Dunbarton Town Office last time. On the surface, the words [We Shall See Each Other Again] have been intricately engraved.  Duncan said to form a Party of 2 and place this on the altar in Math Dungeon.

The other half’s [Broken Torque] RP must be played by 2 people. If you place an item while you are alone, you will receive a message stating that you cannot enter the dungeon alone.   

You should seek the help of Bledin to do this. Once you’ve formed your party of 2, place the [Broken Torque] on the altar of the Goddess.   

1) Shiela’s Spirit

When you enter the dungeon, you will notice that the party leader has turned into a white ghost, while the party mate that went in with you has turned into Mores.    

What… Don’t tell me this ghost is Shiela!

Ah… You're alive, dear!
… You've lost a lot of weight...
I can only imagine all that you've been through...

But… Mores does not answer…

Mores…? Mores? Don't you recognize me...? It's Shiela... Your wife...

But Mores does not know that Shiela is next to him. Shiela has come out to meet Mores, just as they’d promised, but he cannot see her.

After you watch the heartbreaking scene with Shiela, you will be able to move.

Remember that Shiela is much weaker than Mores. Mores must either protect her or Shiela will have to slowly follow him from behind.   

Because Shiela is a ghost, you will see that she appears vaguely. Be careful as you move forward.


2) Mores and Shiela’s Memories

After a while, you’ll see Mores taking a break. But something… seems familiar…

I need to rest...  There is no end to this. I've been constantly circling the dungeon...

We made a promise to each other... that we will meet again... That's why I came...

Mari is safe...
...I missed you...
...I wanted to hear your voice.

But...can you not see me...? Please... Look at me...


Don't stop now... I must... return. I promised Shiela upon this torque. I won't stop now!

I will go where Shiela is waiting. I will go back! And I will ask my friends this.

I want to know… why they betrayed me...

Why they felt compelled to stab me in the back!

Oh, I see… This is the same memory as that of when Mores went into Math Dungeon. We were seeing things from Mores’ perspective, but I suppose Shiela was there with him. What’s the difference between what Mores saw and what Shiela saw? Well, you’ll have to keep going to find out.

Soon, Mores comes face to face with Ghost Armors. You already know what happens after, right?  

[Ghost Armor 1]
Mores, the Grand Wizard. We have finally found you. Please let go of your anger, and come with us.
[Ghost Armor 2]
You may be alive, but you aren't really alive. You are already considered diseased in your world. You can no longer return to the world of the humans.
To you who only disguise as humans, but really aren't... Who dares to try getting in the way of a furious Wizard!

[Ghost Armor 1]
Mores. I apologize if my previous comments have upset you. But... Your life is no longer in your hands.

The only reason you're still alive is because of the will of the Goddess Morrighan.

And... Jabchiel sacrificed his own life in order to sustain yours.
[Ghost Armor 2]
Oh, great Wizard, Mores. Even if you wish to return to the human realm, you will not be able to sustain your life.

Countless Fomors have sacrificed their lives for you. I hope you realize how valuable your life really is.

Do not get in the way of me leaving this place. I... shall go back.  To the human world...  

...I will not forgive anyone...  who gets in my way...!

The battle between the Ghost Armors and Mores begins. Shiela stands back.    

Just as we are about ready to finish up, a shadow appears from behind.

Already knowing what will happen next… Does that make you feel uneasy? Is this how a prophet feels, knowing what is to come?    

[Dark Lord]
Stop, Mores! Enough already... There's no reason to fight a meaningless battle anymore…!
Step aside and don't make me repeat myself. ...I will not forgive anyone... who gets in my way! Even if it is the Goddess herself...!