Status on Current Bugs/Issues

ANNOUNCE 3/9/2012 2:02:41 PM
Dear Mabinogians,   

We know that many of you have been frustrated by certain bugs and problems affecting your game experience. Though we may not always have had answers for you right away, we have been listening—and not just listening, but doing our best to get resolutions. Here are a couple of the most pressing issues and what we’re doing to fix them.   

Mabinogi Character Lockouts: We know--and our developers know--how crippling this issue is for all of you. Fixing the character lockouts is one of our top priorities. While we still don’t have an ETA on the fix, we are putting extra hours into resolving this issue.   

Lag: We have good news for this one! We’ve figured out how fix the issue where players are disconnecting in Tara and Taillteann. We need to make a few tweaks to the coding and should be able to deliver a patch soon.   

Missing Hebona Robes, Rosemary Gloves, etc.: We know many of you are missing items, and we’re working on a fix to return those items to you. We should resolve this issue within the next three weeks.   

We know that progress looks slow from your perspective, and although many of these issues do take some time to fix, we are listening and doing everything in our power to create a smooth game experience for you.   

If you have other issues or problems you’re facing, please head over to the forums and let us know what you’re thinking.   

 -The Mabinogi Team-