Erinn Weekly -- March 2, 2012

ANNOUNCE 3/2/2012 5:49:24 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, March 2, 2012

Spring is just around the corner. Make sure you’re ready for all the events and surprises we have in store by finishing up the winter and Valentine’s Day festivities. Check the Erinn Weekly each Friday for all the latest news and deals to enhance your Fantasy Life!


Potion Love Events

From now until March 15, celebrate the month of love with the Potion Party event and the Valentine's Day event. Bake cakes, collect coupons, and otherwise surround yourself with all things sappy-eyed.

Share the love!

Explore Winter Wonderland in Style!

When you think of winter, “high fashion” may not immediately spring to mind, but Mabinogi is poised to change that with the adorable and chic Winter Wolf Character Card.

Change your fashion.

Question of the Week

Mabinogians! We're always looking for new ways to communicate to our players. What are some of the ways you would like to get your Mabinogi news and updates? What sources do you check first? Let us know here and three people will be quoted in the Erinn Weekly!

Here’s what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

Give us release notes; it'll make it easier to let players see what you guys added and/or changed! – Jasmine L.

It would be nice to have a little news board in-game that gets updated in real-time. All you have to do is bring up a window or travel to a little board in each town and you don't have to log out or minimize the game to check out the news. – Yu-rim L.

Have at least one GM walk around and alternate between towns every 30 minutes to maintain a sense of authority in the Mabinogi ghettos. – Chao Y.

Community Spotlight

Mabinogi Manga

Want to be in a manga? Hibaru is soliciting characters for a manga that he’s creating. If you’re interested, he has a thread with an FAQ, an application, and even a short story. Maybe it’s time to transport your Fantasy Life into the pages of a manga!

Check out Hibaru’s thread.