Erinn Weekly -- February 3, 2012

ANNOUNCE 2/3/2012 7:05:52 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, February 3rd, 2012

This week, we invite you to cast your cares away in the paradise of Erinn with the latest installment of the Character Card and pet package sale. Get dressed for rest and relaxation with the Aloha Character Cards and scoop up a Brown and Silver Fox pet at a price you won’t believe! As a show of appreciation for your support this past week, Mabinogi will be holding a special 5x EXP event all weekend long. Finally, you could be the star of the upcoming Mabinogi Movie: The Life of Erinn. Intrigued? Get the details in this week’s Community Spotlight! Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week’s events.


A Message Concerning Recent Connection Issues

As a show of appreciation for your patience during the recent technical issues, Mabinogi will be hosting a special 5x EXP event all weekend long. Enjoy the bonuses from Saturday, February 4 through Sunday, February 5.

Read on

Limited Time Character Card and Pet Bundles

Want to get your hands on the most coveted Character Cards in all of Erinn? We’re in the fourth week of this limited-time sale, where you can pick up Character Cards and matching pets for a price you won’t find anywhere else! This week, wave goodbye to your troubles with the Aloha Character Cards, packaged together with the sleek and cunning Brown and Silver Fox Pets.

Get yours today!

Question of the Week

Mabinogians! We're always looking for new ways to bring fun and excitement into Mabinogi, so we'd like to get your feedback! What would make you excited to jump right into Mabinogi? New items, new quests, perhaps a new story?

There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Here’s what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

Definitely a new story. Who wouldn't want to explore more regions and meet new characters, all the while encountering new enemies to fight?! - Matthew K.

For me, it would have to be new combat skills. I personally think combat is the bread and butter of mabinogi. - Dwayne B.

I want an epic long quest that spans every continent and every NPC to search for a lost song written by the first Milletians after Shakespear. It will reward you with a special instrument, usable by all races, that allows to to play .mp3s in Mabi. (with limits, of course) - Jacob K.

Check out the discussion on Facebook

Community Spotlight

Mabinogi Movie: The Life of Erinn!

Ever wanted to see your Fantasy Life come to life on the big screen? Well, forumer Ninae wants to do you one better and cast you in the Mabinogi Movie: The Life of Erinn! Check out the thread to get all the information and jump into the role of a lifetime!

Ready for your close up?