Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 11
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.
11. Book of Revenge Vol. 1
Have you been keeping the black rose safe? It symbolizes Tarlach’s love for Priestess Kristell, and can even probably heal her scarred heart. Head over to the Church of Lymilark in Dunbarton.

1) Clearing the Air

Take the black rose and speak with Priestess Kristell.

This is...!  Tarlach......

Oh my, is Priestess Kristell crying…?

Tarlach... He still remembers the song... The song of the black rose... the song I sang for him... Does this mean all this time, Tarlach had been struggling just like me? Thank you...Thank you...
If it weren't for you, I'd still be wondering why Tarlach would be like that... Here is the translated book... I apologize for my rudeness...

What a relief. It seems the black rose has clarified Tarlach’s true intent, convincing Priestess Kristell to give you the translated book.

There were some Fomor text written in the back of the book which seems like it has no connection to the contents of the book... But I translated it just in case. I hope this helps...

When you finish your conversation, click on [Complete] on the Quest window to complete the [Receive the Requested Object] quest.

2) Book of Revenge

You will find a book with a seal on it when you look in your Inventory. You could not read this book before, for it was written in the language of the Fomors; however, now that Priestess Kristell has translated the book, you can see that the book is titled ‘Book of Revenge’.

Why is this book titled the ‘Book of Revenge’, you ask? Go ahead and read it to find out.

- Book of Revenge -
By Mores

No rules apply to them. They despise, torment, and ignore those that aren't like them. They will give up anything if it leads to fulfilling their desires. The Blessing from God they claim are nothing but self-serving acts.
We despise the humans for this very reason. Our despise towards them are such that we do not believe in coexisting with them. May all humans be cursed for life.

To all Fomors in Erinn and Lohollan, I urge each and every one of you to pay attention to what I, Mores, have to say, as a human being walking the path of a Fomor, yet being unable to conquer the boundaries presented by the fact that I am a human being. The words I am about say will have everything to do with the revenge on the humans. Know that this is not just a wishful thinking from one individual, but a creed that all Fomors should follow. Hear my three cries of revenge, in hopes of restoring the order of the world.

The First Cry of Revenge
Humans are the creations of chaos. They are only too happy to break rules and order in the name of growth and practicality, while devaluing everything that helped them get to where they were, sometimes even denouncing their existence. They strongly believe their desires supersede nature's beauty and harmony, and even if there's a person among the crowd that practices patience and content, that person will be classified as a failure. Their definition of wisdom isn't one that can control their desires, but rather the one that can maximize their greed. They are fully devoted to feeding their desires, and the ones that are the most dedicated to this "craft" will be looked upon with envy. That's just how the humans are.

They also scream change and growth. The irony in all this is that humans themselves may have gone through generations and generations without actually changing one bit. They loathe to admit their sinister nature, and instead blame it on innocent bystanders. That way, they'll forget about their own inner sinister ways, and in the end, trick themselves into believing that they are the kind, gentle beings worthy of divine blessings. Humans are full of deceit, hatred, and betrayal, and have the galls to bring harm to fellow creations of God that may stand in their path. That's human. Don't ever forget that. It's our duty as the servants of God to forever hate and destroy the humans, in order to restore order in this world.

Fomors, on the other hand, are the creations of order. Instead of changing the world to fit the needs, the Fomors believe in harmony, balance, and order of the world. Fomors know the duties they'll have to perform as God's creations, use their God-given abilities wisely, protect the weak, and stand up to the stung. Fomors never hesitate to sacrifice for the good of the whole, and understand their personal desires are unimportant in the big picture.

Fomors move in groups, showing compassion to those in need, while understanding the difficulties the strong ones face, helping them out when in need. Fomors only have one thing in mind, to carry on God's desires of peace, unity, and harmony. Remember the true nature of the Fomors, even if you may have forgotten it along the way. We are the Fomors, the ones that never blame God for the society we are put in, even if God may seem to be siding with the humans.

Do you remember Tir Na Nog? It's the holy paradise created by the four gods, and its presence establishes order in Erinn with the divine providence shining through each and every day.
Alas, the never-ending desires of the humans have made them dissatisfied with what the gods have given us. In fact, they proceed to destroy nature and stretch their infinite desires to the holy land of Tir Na Nog.
Do not simply dismiss the human desires to live in the world of gods when they are in fact imperfect. Think about how big of a tragedy it'll be if that happens. Think about how devastating it'll be for the rules and order to be destroyed once and for all in the hands of the humans.

With all the sins these humans commit, how can they even think of making their way towards the land of eternity? And how can we let them go like that? Tir Na Nog shall not be taken over in the hands of the filthy human beings. Never. Tir Na Nog will shine the brightest when the Fomors take over the land. And that is what I wish, as a human being who's decided to fully embrace the life of a Fomor. This is also what the Goddess ultimately wishes.
First, what we need to do is teach these foolish humans, who lust over the holy land of Tir Na Nog as a means to fulfill human desires, a huge lesson in the name of the creators, the Gods. Never forget all the despicable acts these humans did upon each and every one of us. It's up to us now to return the favor to these humans and re-establish harmony and peace in this world. Always remember that Tir Na Nog's holy nature can only be kept intact by destroying the mankind.
To those eager to spread the truth to the fellow creations of God, read my next cry of revenge.

Every time I see the sign from her, the only thing I can think of is this uncontrollable rage towards humans.
As time passed, however, rage is replaced by unbearable sadness in that I was not able to see my wife and kids.
I'll just have to accept it. I didn't lose the sign, I may have wanted to just...lose it.
The only thing I can think of now is revenge. Revenge in the name of the Goddess. I'll need to break out of this boundary of humans and think about the brothers that really matter, the Fomors.

This book is filled with hatred for the Humans. It seems like the book was written by a Human, but why is there so much hostility depicted in the book? And what is the addendum regarding the author’s longing for his wife and kids at the end all about? It doesn’t seem to be related to the main text Priestess Kristell mentioned. Mores, the author, seems to have gone through a time of distress.

If you’ve finished skimming the book, read the book in detail. When you successfully read the book in detail, you will earn a new keyword.

The author of the Book of Fomors. His hatred for humankind knows no limits.

3) Mores Gwydion

There isn’t any factual evidence that identifies Mores, so it might be a good idea to find Chief Duncan and talk to him. He might be able to tell you who Mores is.

Mores...? That's the author of the book you have? Hmm... You're right...
Really...?  The one and only hero who rescued this world... Mores Gwydion? ...No, it can't be.  They probably just have the same name.

What? The hero who rescued this world? But, according to the book, he despises all Humans… Does Chief Duncan know who Mores is?

...I know who Mores Gwydion is...  I saw him a few times when I was young...

In the Second War at Mag Tuireadh Plains, he'd infiltrated deep into the Fomors' camp and stopped the Fomors from casting their ultimate spell... all the while sacrificing his own life.

If it wasn't for him...Erinn would have turned into a wasteland by the evil Wizard Jabchiel. People were devastated when his friends returned to report of his death......Many people speak very highly of him even now.

And quite a few parents wanted to name their newborn children after him.

Come to think of it... By now, enough time has probably passed for a child with his name to grow up and write a book on Fomors...

To sum up what Chief Duncan said, Mores was a hero who sacrificed his life to stop the Fomors’ ultimate spell during the Second War of Mag Tuireadh… Of course, he himself could not have written the book… A hero surely couldn’t side with the Fomors.

Since enough time has passed, Chief Duncan is probably right about the possibility of a child named after Mores growing up and writing the book.

Upon finishing your conversation with Chief Duncan, you will find that you’ve earned a new keyword.

[Mores Gwydion]
A hero from the Second War of Mag Tuireadh. This hero died after defending Erinn from the evil Fomors that were trying to cast their ultimate spell to wipe out the land of Erinn.

But the Book definitely says it’s written by Mores. It doesn’t hurt to confirm one more time…

Remember the Fomor Medal? How Goro told you what the writing on the back of the medal meant… and he turned out to be wrong? It’s probably wise to confirm every piece of information from here on, so you’re not obliviously mistaken like before.

…I'm sure Mores Gwydion isn't that kind of a person. Ask the others about him. He's a Druid of great integrity. He would never take on the position to lead the Fomors. Besides... he's already a lost cause. He's dead after all.

Chief Duncan says he’s certain that the author isn’t Mores the hero.

Anyway, the book belongs to Tarlach so you should return it to him and also let him know that the misunderstanding between him and the priestess has been cleared.

Oh! Would Tarlach know the author of this book? Whether Mores who wrote the book is the same Mores as Mores Gwydion the hero…?

Let’s ask Tarlach about Mores Gwydion.

Mores Gwydion...
...Yes, he's the author of that book. He's my mentor who's taught me... and also a Wizard who'd saved the world.

I had always thought that he had passed away but... he's apparently alive and has sided with the Fomors.

...Anyhow, give me the translated book. I would like to take a look at it.

They are the same person? So Chief Duncan was wrong… But how could he side with the Fomors? Upon receiving his book, Tarlach began to quickly skim the book. Then a moment later…

Just what I'd thought... Master had faked his own death for some reason and now he's helping the Fomors.

This must be what Kristell was talking about.

...Okay, I admit it. Perhaps I didn't lose the token but I wanted to throw it away...

Hmm... apparently, Master was mulling over something after losing some item...

I wonder what it was...

Lose an item… lose an item…? That’s right, the Town Office in Dunbarton has a Lost and Found!

Dunbarton's Town Office collects lost items and returns them to their rightful owners. You might be able to find a clue if you can find what it is that Mores had lost.

When you finish your conversation with Tarlach, you will see that you have earned the [Mores’ Lost Property] keyword. Mores Gwydion, Tarlach’s mentor… What is it that he lost?

4) Mores’ Lost Property

You will find Eavan at the Town Office in Dunbarton, a place where lost belongings of adventures are kept. Talk to Eavan using the [Mores’ Lost Property] keyword.

Hmm? Who picked it up just now? Priestess Kristell was looking for such an item, so I gave it to her.

A Priestess wouldn't have any reason to lie. Is there a problem?

Why don't you go speak to her at the Temple?

Priestess Kristell beat you to it! But why was she looking for it… Wasn’t the misunderstanding between her and Tarlach cleared?

Rush over to the Church to find Priestess Kristell.

You're back. I knew you would be back. Here's the item you're looking for.

I only remembered it later on too. I figured the person who wrote that can find the lost item at the Town Office.

Ah, Priestess Kristell was thinking the same thing.

Broken Torque. It looks like a memorial item. Try using it in Math Dungeon. I gave you the Red Wing of the Goddess too, just in case you need it.

When you finish your conversation with Priestess Kristell, you’ll see that you’ve acquired the Broken Torque as well as the Red Wing of the Goddess in your Inventory.

Use the Broken Torque to experience what really happened to Mores.

In the subsequent episode, you will discover the story behind Mores’ reason for siding with the Fomors.