Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 10
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

10. Tarlach’s Request

The Black Rose in Rabbie Dungeon was Priestess Kristell. Her encounter with Tarlach became the catalyst for a lifestyle change for Priestess Kristell, who lived her life as a Succubus. However, Tarlach distanced himself and Kristell did not know of any other way to approach him than to use her power to challenge him. Despite Kristell’s efforts, Tarlach still considered his life as a Druid more valuable and his allies more important… and the last episode left you off with Kristell and Tarlach ‘s back turned against each other.

In this episode, you will find out what Tarlach thinks of Kristell and her passionate love for him.

1) A Message From Priestess Kristell

When you clear the RP Dungeon, you will earn the [Kristell’s Past] keyword.

[Kristell’s Past]
Kristell's former form as a Fomor was a succubus. I should, however, refrain from telling others about this. Let me speak to her in private.

As postulated in the description of the keyword you have just acquired, it is wise not to tell others about a girl’s past. Even if you tell the townspeople, they won’t believe your words but scold you instead.

Let’s start a conversation with Priestess Kristell using the keyword.

... Hello, I see that you're back... Do you believe me now...? I wasn’t trying to hurt Tarlach or anything. I only want to know how he's doing. You still seem reluctant... Well then...I have a favor to ask.

Huh? A favor from Priestess Kristell!? It can’t be something as difficult as retrieving Goro’s Ring… could it?  

Tell Tarlach how I am doing and let him know...that I really want to meet him... that I have something I want to tell him... that should be okay...right? ...If you understand how hard it is for a woman to reveal her true intentions and her past...
...Please do this favor for me...

Priestess Kristell seems so sincere… And Tarlach would be understanding, too, if you’re only delivering a simple message… right? If he turns you away, he’s a real cold-hearted fellow… simply heartless!

You can confirm a new keyword when you finish your conversation with Priestess Kristell.

[Kristell's Message]
Kristell has asked to send her regards to Tarlach, and to tell him she is in Dunbarton.

2) Tarlach’s Request

You have arrived in front of Tarlach in Sidhe Sneachta.
Are you curious about what Tarlach thinks about Priestess Kristell? Whether or not he still thinks about her…?

[Tarlach] She asked about my whereabouts...because she wants to see me again...?

Tarlach doesn’t seem to know that Priestess Kristell is in Dunbarton now. His stutter makes it obvious that his heart began beating fast at the thought of Priestess Kristell.

...I can't accept her feelings... But...if it's her, she might be able to translate this book.

But… But why can’t he accept her feelings?

Tarlach has taken a book out of his robe.

...Could you give this to her...? Tell her it's my last request... If she could just translate this book...

Hmm… sounds important.

When the conversation ends, note that you have received a new quest as well as a book from Tarlach.

[Book of Fomor]
A book that emanates evil energy even from the cover. But... I can't read it because it is written in Fomor language.You’ll find that the book is full of XXX’s when you try to read what’s inside.

Let’s return to Priestess Kristell with the book.It seems you’ve become well acquainted with the way from Sidhe Sneachta to Dunbarton and vice versa. Another way to transport is via the Moon Gate at night.

...Tarlach asked me...?  To translate...this book for him...? I see... This is definitely Tarlach's book...
...Is he still living as a Druid... with his injured body and all...? Poor guy... Okay... I will translate it...
I will contact you once the translation is completed.

Priestess Kristell seemed concerned about Tarlach, and has agreed to translate the book for him.
Now, all you have to do is wait…

When you open the Quest window, you will find that you have successfully completed the quest. Click on [Complete] to receive your reward.

There won’t be any quest scrolls or keywords when you give the book to Priestess Kristell. But don’t worry, as Priestess Kristell will continue to translate the book.

3) The Book of the Fomors

After 4 days pass in Erinn Time, an owl will deliver a scroll to you, informing you that Priestess Kristell has finished translating the book.


...Hello, welcome...
...And Tarlach… he didn’t come, did he?

Perhaps Priestess Kristell was hoping to meet Tarlach.  

...I see.  Of course...
...I'm not surprised...
He doesn't let anyone enter in his life... He said he couldn't accept me because he was living the life of a Druid...

Hmmm… she seems rather morose. Big expectations can bring big disappointments… That always seems to be the case.

...Am I nothing more than a tool who understands the Fomor language to him...? ...I'm sorry, but you will need to go back to where he is...

But of course…

...I would like to give the book to him myself. Please understand why I can't give this book to you.

Priestess Kristell said no more. That only leaves you with one option. You must now go back to Tarlach empty-handed.

Let him know exactly what Priestess Kristell said.

In the midst of telling him why you came back empty-handed, also let him know that she still cares for him… that she is concerned about him… Tarlach remains silent until the very end of your story.

Is that what she said...? But... I can't leave this place. I she feels, since she gave up her life as a Fomor....for love... but I'm not a man who deserves that kind of love...
...although it was too late when I realized it...and ended up breaking her heart...

Huh…? Doesn’t deserve her love…? Is Tarlach trying to say that he, too, feels the same way about her but circumstances don’t allow them to be together…? So it must be because he can’t leave the Druids.

Could I ask you for a favor...?
...I left something with Priest Meven of Tir Chonaill a long time ago. Would you please retrieve it for me...? Just go and tell him what I told you....and he will know what you're talking about.

Tarlach, who seemed so solitary and apathetic, has a favor for to ask of you… What could he have left with Priest Meven… Let’s go find out. Head over to Tir Chonaill to Priest Meven. What a busy day of traveling!

Priest Meven, Priest Meven, what is it that Tarlach has left you with?

...He...wants that...back? Nonsense...! Do you know how long it's been?  What, was he expecting it to be preserved by magic or something?

...Hmm...I'm afraid that's not possible. Granted it's the magic of a Druid... but the best thing to do will be to grow it again.

What is it that Tarlach left with Priest Meven? Although you aren’t told what it is… it doesn’t seem like Priest Meven has it. But… what does he mean by “grow it again”…? Is it an animal? Is it a plant?

I'll let Lassar know, so would you go talk to her about it...? Lassar is quite the expert on that field...
For now, click 'Complete' and conclude the quest about receiving the book from Kristell.
...And go see Lassar and tell her that I sent you...

Since he says Lassar is an expert in the field, you should head over to the School and find her.

...Anyway...Tarlach still must have not forgotten about her...if he's asking for that item back...

After you finish your conversation with Priest Meven, open the Quest window and click on [Complete] to earn the [Meven’s Request] keyword.  

4) Meven’s Request

[Meven’s Request]
I do not know what it is that Tarlach has entrusted to priest Meven, but priest Meven has told me to ask teacher Lassar for it.

Find Lassar at the school and speak with her.

Hmm. Priest Meven's favor? Why would he need something like that? Hehehe. Hmm, I don't know how this will sound but I need some Holy Water of Lymilark to grow this. Priest Meven used to supply me with it up until recently.

I guess he got caught by Priestess Endelyon. He hasn't given me any for the past few days.

If you have any Holy Water of Lymilark, could you give me a bottle?

The Holy Water of Lymilark? It’s the water you can receive by completing part-time jobs at the church. Blessing an item with it is said to make the equipment less likely to drop when incapacitated.

[Holy Water of Lymilark]
You can use this to bless items. The durability of item with the blessing slowly decreases, and it never falls onto the ground when you become disabled. There is no time limit to the blessing, but the item may disappear when you become disabled.

Speak with Lassar with the Holy Water of Lymilark in your possession.

Ah! You brought the Holy Water of Lymilark! Could I have it? I need it now...

Now, give the Holy Water of Lymilark to Lassar.
It's almost ready. Once it forms the proper shape, I'll let you know via an owl. Hahaha. Owls don't fly into buildings so don't forget to check the sky outside. Now, will you excuse me?

If you’ve given Lassar the Holy Water of Lymilark, just wait and remain patient.
Wait about 2 hours in Erinn Time for an owl to deliver the scroll to you. If you have not received the scroll even long after 2 hours in Erinn Time have passed, you must have been waiting inside the building. The owl cannot enter the building, so you must step outside for the owl to deliver it to you.

5) Tarlach’s Black Rose

You’ll be given a quest scroll from a white owl.


View the quest scroll and start a conversation with Lassar.

Here... This is the item Priest Meven told me to give to you.

Isn't it beautiful? It's a black rose. The overwhelming redness of the flower itself turned the flower pitch black... I am happy it grew so beautifully compared to other flowers...

But... what's the reason you're looking for such a rare flower? Are you... going to give it to your lover? Ha ha...

What Tarlach left with Priest Meven was a black rose.

Do you remember the Black Rose of Rabbie Dungeon…? It  refers to a Succubus… which means, Tarlach had been mindful of Priestess Kristell as well.

Take the black rose from Lassar and report back to Tarlach.


Yes... that's it. The black rose I have been looking for...

No... it's different. a new flower...

That would be all… thanks.

Why couldn’t he have been more honest about his feelings? Well, at least he appreciates what you’ve done for him.

Then... please do me one more favor... Can you... deliver this rose to Kristell of Dunbarton?

... That will be all. Thanks...

As suspected. He kept the black rose in memory of Priestess Kristell.

You should go back to Priestess Kristell and let her know of Tarlach’s feelings. She can’t possibly refuse to give back the translated book then…

In the following episode, you will deliver the black rose to Priestess Kristell, and examine the book that was filled a bunch of incomprehensible XXX’s.

[Note 1]
Here, since most of the quests you participate in are proceeded with scrolls, it is important that you frequently check the Quest window for the order of execution.

[Note 2]
Make sure to wait outside after giving Lassar the Holy Water of Lymilark.