Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 18
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

18. Finding the Truth
Do you remember hearing about the secret concerning Mari, from Chief Duncan in the previous episode? You know, the relationship between Mores and Mari… I wonder what Chief Duncan thinks of Morrighan’s betrayal too. Let’s ask him.   

1) The Lymilark Priests’ Advice   

Talk to Chief Duncan and select the keyword, [Morrighan’s Betrayal].

Hmm. Everything else fits in to the story except for the Goddess. You don't actually agree with Tarlach about the Goddess, do you?

But based on all that we’ve seen… There’s no one else who could have done all that, except for Morrighan herself.  

Ask the other people. Don't tell them what you think but instead, just listen to see if the Goddess is someone who'd betray us Humans. I'll remind you one more time. Please keep what I told you about Mari a secret.


I have no idea what it happening. I certainly want to believe in Morrighan the Goddess but...

But what about Tarlach’s pains and Mores’s memories… The truth is that Morrighan was the one directing everything what we had experienced and went through…

[Morrighan’s Betrayal]

Goddess Morrighan called the three warriors and ordered them to be executed in my dreams, but that doesn't seem right. Is Morrighan indeed the two-faced Goddess of Betrayal? Ask others including Tarlach. Ask others including Tarlach.
Try talking to others using the keyword, [Morrighan’s Betrayal], as Chief Duncan suggests. Let’s go talk to some Lymilark priests.    

I'm guessing that's what Tarlach believes, right? But please know this. Goddess Morrighan will never betray mankind. I was once a Fomor and I guarantee it. That simply will not ever happen.

Priestess Kristell refuses to believe that Goddess Morrighan has betrayed mankind. I guess she feels that she should still… protect Tarlach… Makes me jealous seeing that, haha.    

No matter how young and ignorant I may be, I can assure you that can't be true. Just like Lymilark, Goddess Morrighan embraces Humans with her great love. It's unthinkable that someone like her would betray us.

Bangor’s Priest Comgan… He’s young, but he’s a devoted missionary in the mining town. Lymilark is full of love and benevolence…. And Morrighan is the same… In any case, Priest Comgan wholeheartedly agrees with Kristell and says that there is no way that Goddess Morrighan would betray mankind.   

Priest Endelyon, Morrighan the Goddess has betrayed mankind…  

Don't speak such lies. It's true that Goddess Morrighan isn't as close to our daily lives as is Lymilark. But she's a Goddess who always worries about us and looks after us.

Goodness. Even Priest Endelyon thinks I’m being ridiculous… But it’s what I saw… with my own two eyes. Goddess Morrighan gave the Fomors the command. I didn’t want to believe it but… Really… It was Goddess Morrighan… and what she did can only be seen as betraying mankind… Why is it that… no one will believe me…

There is one more Priest of Lymilark… Let’s go see what Priest Meven says.  

Haha. Adventurer, it's true all things in life have different perspectives through which one could look at them, but you shouldn't forget about the true essence of things either.

True essence…? So this is just an alternate… huh? So, are you saying that… the heart that used to believe in the Goddess… now has a completely different… essence?

The true essence of Goddess Morrighan is love. The affection of Lymilark shines upon  us through the love of Goddess Morrighan. It's possible to misinterpret what's happening in front of your eyes  but never forget the true essence of all things.

Thank you, Priest Meven. I mean, it seems like I see something, and yet I don’t…

Listening to Priest Meven talk, I feel as if I’m missing something… Let’s take a look at all we’ve gone through so far.    

2) An Overview of the Journey

The first time you went to Tir Na Nog… was because of the message that you had seen from the Goddess… in your dream. She had asked you to come help her, because Tir Na Nog was in danger of destruction… 
Upon arriving in Erin, Chief Duncan made a request of you. The snowman that stands in the snow-covered hills of Sidh Sneachta was a graveyard for Druids. Sidh Sneachta has a very sad legend surrounding it.    

Afterward, you met a bear on the altar of the Druids in the north. The Bear liked Mana Herbs a lot. It was only a while later that you found out that the bear was in fact Tarlach, who is one of the 3 warriors that went to Tir Na Nog in response to the Goddess’ message.    
The three warriors realized something strange about the monsters of Tir Chonaill, i.e. the Fomors. Tarlach, Mari, and Ruairi take off for Tir Na Nog, to save the Goddess and bring Tir Na Nog to this world.

The 3 warriors wished to save Morrighan, the black-winged Goddess. And although she has been known as the Goddess of Revenge, she has also been known for her love and benevolence toward Humans, and for sacrificing herself to save Humans from the Fomors
Tarlach, who was one of the 3 warriors that had disappeared from Tir Na Nog, says that Tir Na Nog is not paradise. And the book taht Aeira gave you claims that there is no such thing as a place which is unanimously experienced as being paradise to all. Tarlach, of course, disagrees.

In the dungeon you entered using the Brown Fomor Pass (which you received from Tarlach), was the Fomor who supposedly seized Morrighan's Will, and the Black Wizard, from whom you received the Fomor Medal

The Fomor Medal looked very similar to those worn by Lymilark Priests. On the back side, however, was an engraving of some sort, in a strange Fomor language. The Priests too were baffled by the fact that Fomors were in possession of something like this.

To find out the meaning of the writing on the back side of the medal, you went to see Goro, who speaks the human language. Unfortunately, the interpretation was faulty, and Tarlach thought that it meant that Goddess Morrighan was granting the Fomors a certain power. One more thing… Goro told you that a succubus from Rabbie Dungeon is living in Dunbarton and asked you to go and find out what the medal’s engravings mean.

The succubus in Rabbie Dungeon turns out to be Kristell in Dunbarton… Kristell had met Tarlach in Rabbie Dungeon and opened her eyes to love and romance but Tarlach, a Druid, and Kristell, who was a Fomor succubus, were walking down such different roads…
When Tarlach hears about Kristell, he asks Kristell to translate the Fomor Book, but she refuses… And then, to tell her how he feels, Tarlach makes a request for you to deliver a Black Rose to Kristell. The Black Rose happens to be the song that Kristell used to sing as a succubus.

With the Black Rose, Kristell is finally aware of Tarlach’s feelings for her. The book that she translates is the Book of Revenge, in which she finds out about Mores, a human who is amongst and on the side of the Fomors. Until now, legends have told that he had died defending humankind…  
With Tarlach’s help, you are able to go back into Mores’ past, who was once considered the savior of the humans. We find out that Mores had lost his entire family through a betrayal by other humans and came to be completely despondent as a result. That is when Goddess Morrighan appeared and brought him over to the Fomors’ side. 

Once we discovered that there were 3 volumes of the Book of Revenge, we went out in search of the other 2 volumes. The other 2 volumes were found in the lowest level of the Ciar Dungeon. The 2nd volume of the book stated that the Fomors have been preparing for war, over a long period of time.   
The 3rd Book of Revenge was being held by Seumas in the Dragon Ruins. In the 3rd Volume was a detailed description of Mores’ final weapon, the Glas Ghaibhleann. If Glas Ghaibhleann appears, then Erinn would once again be in danger of total destruction.

Then, we found another book that would help bring down the Glas Ghaibhleann, in which we discovered that the shortage of Admantium in the mines of Bangor had to do with the fact that the Fomors have been stealing all the Admantium from the mines over the years. This was because Admantium is a key substance to re-summoning the Glas Ghaibhleann.
Tarlach’s Broken Glasses… The world we saw through those glasses was… the already summoned Glas Ghaibhleann… Plus the person that had summoned Glass Ghaibhleann was, surprisingly enough, Mores himself… Tarlach’s teacher.

Mores discovers that Mari is his daughter and tries to protect her, but Morrighan, who suddenly appears out of nowhere, commands the Fomors to keep attacking. Tarlach, who is the only survivor in this scenario is, internally wounded, and lives on as a bear by day, and human by night. Meanwhile, he is dreaming up ways to get his revenge on Goddess Morrighan and Mores…

So, that’s it for an overview of how far we’ve come in the story of Mabinogi. Basically, Goddess Morrighan is supporting the Fomors and Mores too, seems to be creating Glas Ghaibhleann after being rejected by the humans.

What is it that we’re missing here?

There really doesn’t seem to be any other explanation than to say that Goddess Morrighan is behind this whole plot against humankind… Should you forget about trying to save the Goddess from Tir Na Nog?    

It's possible to misinterpret what's happening in front of your eyes,
but never forget the true essence of all things.