Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 17
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

17. The Betrayal of the Goddess
The Glas Ghaibhleann has been summoned to re-creation, while Mores has appeared in the dark as well… I don’t know why Mores, Tarlach’s teacher, is here…  

1) Goddess Morrighan’s Appearance  

Master. Isn't this Tir Na Nog? Why is a monster like this being created here?


Master, please tell me. What is going on here? We are here to save the Goddess and open the gates of Tir Na Nog. Where is the Goddess?

Please understand that there are things in this world  that young people like you will never understand... You all have seen too many things you should have never seen. Please forgive me...

Master! Please answer me! Master!

Seize them, but try not to hurt them...

With Mores’ words, the Dark Lord and Ghost Armor start attacking Tarlach, Ruairi and Mari. With words that tell you to watch out, they start attacking with dangerous powers. It’s an urgent situation!

Ahhhh! Tarlach! Ruairi!

Shoot, what is this? Come on, you want a piece of me!?

Mari! Stay behind me! You must stay close!

Ma... Mari..?
...Stop! Be careful!   Don't hurt them!

Mores is stirred by Tarlach’s shriek toward Mari. Just then, the black-winged Morrighan appears before Mores.   

Mo... Morrighan!

Tha... That's... the Goddess?

...She's beautiful...

Dark Lord. These humans do not understand the concept of order and peace. They have disobeyed my divine will, and dared set foot in this place. Why are you letting them live...? I, in the name of the Goddess of War and Vengeance, command you. Go and bring their heads before me.

...Wha, What? No! Stop!

With Morrighan’s violent command, the Ghost Armors resume their attacks…


With Tarlach’s scream, you will notice your vision blur.  

2) Kristell’s Heart

When you awake, you will see Tarlach lying on the ground in the Boss’ Room and the succubus, Kristell.  

Who..who are you? Where... am I? Is... is this the land of Fomors?

Don't worry, you're safe. This is where you and I first met...Rabbie dungeon.

Where's Mari? What about Ruairi? Where are the others?

Huh...? You were alone when I found you. You were on the ground unconscious...

That's a lie! I couldn't have escaped alone.  ...I must find my friends. They are very important to me.  Where are they?

...I don't know what to say. You don't believe me...

...I need to go. I have to find them.


You are badly wounded. You may look fine on the outside, but your internal damages were quite severe...

...It doesn't matter.

You are awfully stubborn...  ...But...if you leave now, you won't be able to come back alive...

Wh... Why... are you helping me?

Don't you remember what you told me before? more than just overpowering others... I may be a Fomor, but I do want to learn more about love. One step at a time...

3) Morrighan’s Betrayal

After hearing Kristell’s confession, you’ll find yourself at the lobby of Rabbie Dungeon.

Open your Travel Diary and you will see a new keyword has been placed in there.  

[Morrighan's Betrayal]
Goddess Morrighan called the three warriors and ordered them to be executed in my dreams, but that doesn't seem right. Is Morrighan indeed the two-faced Goddess of Betrayal? Ask others including Tarlach.

You should go talk to Tarlach… He’s probably the one person who can help you get to the bottom of this.  

It seems like you have returned from Rabbie Dungeon.  Did you take care of it?

Yes… I’ve watched everything play through. But how could… something like that…

Yes, that's all I've experienced.  There was no sign of Mari and Ruairi. They were nowhere to be found. Master barely managed to get me out. Another attempt was made to find them but it was fruitless. My ability to control mana has gone haywire since that day. So I can no longer use any high level magic and I have to stay in bear form during the day.

Ahhh… I guess that’s why… you’re in bear form…  

Hahaha. Isn't it strange?  I was able to use magic freely before and I still know it but my life as a wizard and druid came to an end that day along with my dear friends Mari and Ruairi who vanished.  That's why I still can't forgive the Goddess. I was immersed with hatred and even Kristell's devotion  couldn't soothe me for long. I suddenly thought one day that I shouldn't burden Kristell any longer.  She had betrayed her own race to find the meaning of true love. Someone like myself can only give her more pain than happiness.  ...So now you know why I live like this. I will remove that mask of hypocrisy from the Goddess. Also, as for my Master who has become a leader of the Fomors, I will make him pay his price.

Ta... Tarlach... I had no idea… But that’s not how Kristell feels about you…

4) Mari’s Secret

If you’ve finished talking to Tarlach, go to Chief Duncan again.   

Chief... All the things that Tarlach had been through in Tir Na Nog… Well, I can tell you all about it, Chief Duncan.    

Is that what happened to Tarlach? That's unbelievable. But I suppose there's no choice but to believe him. Hmm. There is one more thing I'd like to tell you. What I'm about to tell you is a secret I've kept all my life so promise me you won't tell anyone else, OK? You said Mores tried to save Tarlach and his friends at the last minute when they went to Tir Na Nog, right? I'm sure that wasn't only because of Tarlach.

So the reason Chief Duncan kept it a secret all his life?? And, the one that Mores had intended to save wasn’t Tarlach after all?   

Mari. It was because of Mari. Mari was the only daughter of Mores. Mores recognized that Mari was his daughter. I knew his wife Shiela before she passed away. She was killed by Humans instigated by the nobles but Mari was sent to me with the help of the wolves and deer. Mari's memory of her parents was personally erased by her mother. It would mean death to her to remember her parents.  So I raised Mari myself. Yes, I think I've told you enough about this story.

So when we were going back into Mores’ memory before, the reason that he stood on the side of the Fomors was… because they had threatened to kill his wife Shiela and the baby, Mari… So if Mores wanted to save Mari… then why did only Tarlach remain?  

In the next episode, let’s find out what people think of Goddess Morrighan’s betrayal, and review the journey we’ve been through so far, and think about all that we’ve learned.

I wonder what the truth is behind all this…?