Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 14
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

14. The Book of Revenge Vol. 3
After going through numerous obstacles to obtain Vol. 2 of The Book of Revenge in Ciar Dungeon, you found out that this book was also written in Fomor language and needed to be translated, so you took Vol. 2 to Priestess Kristell. This guide will pick up right where it left off. The first of three volumes of The Book of Revenge was laden with hatred towards the human beings. What would the 2nd volume cover?

1) The Book of Revenge, Vol. 2

After 4 days in Erinn time, you will receive an alert from Priestess Kristell detailing that the translations for Vol. 2 is complete.


…You are here. Here's the translated copy of the book. I think it's better for you to read it yourself as opposed to hearing me summarize the book's content. That said... I still can't believe what is written in this book...

What would be in the book that’s so preposterous that Kristell can’t even explain it? Right-click on Vol. 2 of The Book of Revenge to start reading.

- The Book of Revenge, Vol. 2 (Translated) -
The Book of Revenge, Vol. II (translated)
By Mores

Why can't this
beautiful world be ours?
Why do those wicked humans
have to claim ownership?
Why does God ignore
the treacherous acts of these humans?

I'd rather die in a battle against humans
than kneel down and ask for mercy from them.
I'll be keeping my dignity intact, as a proud creation of God


Those that are reading the second cry of revenge shall always follow the goddess of war.

The gods hear our cries of rage and see our effort to bring order to this world, and have bestowed the blessing of the Goddess of War to protect us. The humans are now the only ones entitled to a blessing from God.

Do not pin my cry for revenge as a cry from a human being. The life of Mores as a human being have ceased long ago. The life of Mores these days is but a servant of Goddess and a brother of Fomors in hopes of demolishing the human kinds.

Do not dismiss my cry of revenge as futile; rather, hear out the one brother who is willing to serve the goddess, crossing the boundaries of race.

The Second Cry of Revenge

Humans emerged victorious in the Mag Tuireadh war, but they are in fact ignoring the truth. The truth is that the victory was a glorified name for betrayal and contempt.

Their complete ignorance towards others have reached to the point where they believed it was the truth, that they are the true messengers of God. In humans' eyes, even God's greatest creation, nature, is beneath them.

Even so, nature always works as a supporting cast, always blending in harmony with the surroundings, much like us Fomors. Nature believes coexisting with humans, even as they are continually destroyed in the hands of humans, is a role bestowed upon them by Gods.

This, unfortunately, only serves to continue the rampage by these humans. We Fomors are here to bring the glory back to nature, and our best way to do so is to open its eyes to the truth. The truth about the sins the humans have committed against the nature, with no remorse whatsoever. It is our job to awaken the nature and deliver it from the humans' abuse.

We now know that with the eye-opening scroll, everything from a deer to a strand of grass is starting to see the abuse they've taken, and are despising the humans as a result.

Nature is now aware of the sinister plot of the humans. Instead of being one of nature, the humans split from the nature and did all the despicable acts in the name of serving God.

Even so, the humans are completely oblivious to this, and continue to extract things from nature, foolishly believing in their intelligence.

One day, nature will no longer be so tolerant and will bring wrath to the humans. The day will come...

Nature isn't the only one turning its back on humans. Even the Gods that have provided the humans with divine protection have gradually turned their backs on them.
Even Goddess Morrighan, who's responsible for lending her power to the humans and thus blocked the invitations from us Fomors, have started to understand our values and beliefs, and have helped us in recent times.
This Goddess had turned herself into a statue to protect the path to the humans, but now, she has broken the seal and have let us Fomors walk the path of the humans.
Never forget the support of the Goddess who has opened the doors for us to return to Erinn, the place we shall reclaim. Think about the fact that a staunch advocate of the humans have turned her back on them. That's quite powerful.
This is the time where all of God's creations have turned their backs on the humans, and the Gods are clearing our path for a brighter future. It is now time for the Fomors to clear out the humans, every single one of them, once and for all.
These humans had won the war they should not have won, and have wielded terror on everything else that stood in their egomaniacal path. They will be brought to swift justice.


Remember the fact that Goddess Morrighan is now on our side. Under her guidance, we will successfully destroy the humans that may stand in our path, and reach the holy land of Tir Na Nag first, opening the gates for us.
Do not live the life engulfed in thoughtless, selfish desires, but rather live the peaceful, harmonious life. That's the life we'll be striving for as we fight these humans.
Goddess Morrighan is now with us. This fight is not strictly for revenge, but for our quest to bring light and order back to this world. Once the order is back in store, we will all prosper and live healthy lives.

To those that are serious about eliminating the humans from this world, read the next volume.

The content of the book certainly leaves one to believe why Kristell said those words.

That Goddess Morrighan has really been supporting the Fomors all this time......

Now take the translated copy of the book to Chief Duncan of Tir Chonaill.

Chief Duncan, here’s the Vol. 2 of ‘The Book of Revenge’ that you have requested.

Good work there.  You not only found the book, but even managed to get it translated. Here, let me see it.

After receiving the book, Chief Duncan proceeded to read through the pages.

[Duncan]'s true. So that's why the Fomor Scroll was made... The Fomors...recognized that humans and nature  were becoming separated... At this point...I think you'll have to find the last volume of the book.  If what I think is true, all of their plans will be in that book.  After the war in Mag Tuireadh, Fomors have been preparing for another war for quite some time now. We don't know anything for sure yet...but if we don't find their plan and prevent it...  Erinn might be destroyed... We have to find the 3rd volume. have to find the last book of the Fomors.


And, don't forget that you must not tell anyone  about these things regarding the Goddess...

So to summarize this last encounter, you’ll need to find the final volume of the trilogy, Vol. 3, and if you don’t act fast, the future of Erinn may be in peril. To find Vol. 3, go visit the dependable Aeira.

Since you are looking for vol. 3, I'm assuming you already found vol. 2? But...I haven't heard anything about vol. 3 yet.'s a lot harder to find than the last volume... Our distributor is useless when it comes to something like this... and Eavan says she hasn't come across such a book...  Even Leslie says she doesn't know... and Stewart as well... I've been asking around everywhere... But I don't know how long it'll take... You're going to have to be patient.  I don't know...this time...

Even Aeira seems to struggle with obtaining Vol. 3 of the book…

When you complete the conversation with Aeira, you will have completed the quest [Receive ‘Book of Revenge’ Vol. 2]. After clicking [Complete], you will receive a quest reward.

2) Finding The Book of Revenge Vol. 3

After 4 days in Erinn time, the owl will drop you an alert notifying that Aeira is ready to see you.

Go immediately to the Bookstore and see her.

Aeira! Do you have good news regarding Vol. 3 of the collection book?

Ah~ You came! I've been waiting for you. I have some good news.
It's about Vol. 3rd of the Fomor book..  I found out who has the book!

That is great! I knew we could count on Aeira! So who’s the one with the book?

...It's Lassar, the magic instructor at the School in Tir Chonaill! You know her, right?

Oh… Lassar…

She came here not too long ago to buy a book, and as we were chatting, I snuck in a question about the book, and she said she had the 3rd volume of [The Book of Revenge]!  I think she said it was the original copy written in Fomor language. I briefly told Lassar about your situation you should hurry up and go see her! Good Luck!

Well… it’s time for you to go see Lassar and complete the set.

Welcome. Aeira had asked me about the book before. Did she tell you what I told her...?

Yes, the book isn't actually mine. It belongs to Seumas, who works at the ruins excavation site in Gairec.

Hmm.. Seumas… Seumas… that name sounds familiar… Ah, he’s the one who works at the Dragon Ruins!

He said he found it not too long ago while excavating the site.  But he could not read the writing and asked around and came to me to interpret it.

But... it was too difficult for me as well.  Forget translating....I couldn't even read one sentence of it. I was barely able to figure out the title.

When I told Seumas, he said it was okay, and asked me to return his book, so  as a matter of fact, I just gave the book back to him.

I don't know if you'll be able to read it because it's such a difficult book to read...  but if you want to take a look at it, stop by the... ruins excavation site in Gairech. I'm sure Seumas will be happy to find out If there is indeed a way the book can be translated.

Thank you, Lassar. Now, shall we head over to Gairech?

Gairech is located west of Dunbarton, on the way to Bangor, the mining town.
There are powerful monsters in Gairech, as well as the Dragon Ruins and Reighinalt, so please be careful.  

3) The Book of Revenge, Vol. 3

When you follow the windy steps down the Dragon Ruins, you will find Seumas, completely immersed in his work. He is always digging the ground with a pickaxe at the excavation site… but when will he actually find the statue…?   

(gasp, gasp)....  Ah... I suppose you're the one Lassar mentioned...? You need the...(gasp, gasp)book of Fomors...? Not too long ago...I asked Lassar...(gasp, gasp)  to translate it... but she said she couldn't... I didn't think...I would be able to figure it out myself... (gasp, gasp)

Seumas, if you can give me the book, I will make sure to have it translated. I really need the book…

 That's why I'm glad you came.  (gasp, gasp) Just do me one favor... (gasp) ...and I'll give you the book... (gasp) ...

......... Ah, Goro must have learned from Seumas!!

(gasp, gasp)My son is in Bangor right now, and... If you deliver this gift to him.... I will give you the book... Thank you...

To receive the book from Seumas, you must deliver the gift to his son.

If you open the Quest window, you will see that you have completed [Find the ‘Book of Revenge’ Vol. 3] quest. Click on [Complete] to proceed to the next quest. Note that you will not be able to go on to the subsequent quest if you neglect to click on [Complete].

Once you have completed the [Find the ‘Book of Revenge’ Vol. 3] quest, you will receive a new quest.  

If you read the quest description closely, you will find that Seumas’ son is Sion, who manages the water mill in Bangor.

When you head over to the water mill, located on the left side of the Bangor Dungeon, you will find a young boy.

...Hey, what is this... ? Mom told me never to receive anything from strangers...

Sion, this is a gift from your father, so you can go ahead and receive it.

What? This is from my dad? Awesome!! I wonder what's inside? Thank you for delivering it to me!! He he~
... I'm going to open it later with Ibbie~

Sion seems ecstatic. And, of course, the last word out of his mouth is ‘Ibbie’. To find out more about Sion and Ibbie, explore the area near the statue of the Goddess in Barri Dungeon.

Report back to Seumas in the ruins once you’ve delivered the gift to Sion.

Oh... You sure came back fast...  (gasp, gasp)

Thank you.... (gasp, gasp) Did Sion..... like it? Ha ha... (gasp, gasp) here… here is the book... (gasp) Please put it to good use... (gasp, gasp)

Seumas will give you the last Book of Revenge, Vol. 3, when you tell him you’ve safely delivered his gift to Sion.

Now, let’s take the book to Priestess Kristell.

Priestess Kristell!! Here is the Book of Revenge Vol. 3. This is it, right?

You really did bring the Book of Fomors... Yes... Vol. 3 is indeed the last book… I knew you would get the job done. I'll let you know after I complete the translation of this book.

Ah, you’ve accomplished an important mission and successfully delivered the book to Priestess Kristell.

You can confirm the completion of [Find the ‘Book of Revenge’ Vol. 3] quest by viewing the Quest window.

It might be good to get in the habit of frequently checking the Quest window.

In the following episode, you will look into the content of The Book of Revenge Vol. 3.

[Note 1]
In order for you to deliver the gift to Sion, you must first complete the preceding quest. Please check your Quest window.