Rano and Connous Ruins
With this guide, we will unlock the secrets of the hidden ruins in the land of Iria.

1. Discovering the Site of Ruins of Iria

The site of ruins for Iria and Connous are notorious for always changing places. You can use L-Rod to find these sites of ruins, and you can ultimately end up with a special title and an enchantment. That being said, this site of ruins will disappear a week after initial discovery. After that, you’ll have to start all over again and re-discover the hidden ruins

2. Entering the Site of Ruins in Iria

Once you enter the lobby of the ruins, instead of seeing the Goddess Statue you may have seen at various dungeons in Uladh, you will be greeted with an altar that highly resembles a monolith. Just as you did in the lobby of the dungeons, enter an item for offering on the altar, and you will be sent to a ruins dungeon based on the item.

* Creating the Dungeon of Ruins
Offering an item at the lobby of the ruins is the same as giving an item to an NPC as a gift. Click on an item in the inventory, and drag it to the altar in the ruins to see your mouse cursor change to [Give]. Then click on the object to create the dungeon of ruins.

3. Various Traps in the Iria Dungeon of Ruins

The ruins in Iria feature a vastly different set of traps and courses from the ones you have seen in dungeons of Uladh, especially the traps that feature monsters turning translucent to recover HP.

The translucent monster will recover its HP before turning back into a regular monster, so it’s highly advised to use bows and arrows to inflict damage on these tricky monsters.

We will now discuss the various distinctive traps that can only found in these dungeons of ruins.

1) The Center Pillar

This is when the pillar is found at the center of the room inside the ruins.
Strike the pillar once, and you will encounter three groups of translucent monsters. Strike the pillar once more, and only one group of monsters will remain, ready to battle until the bitter end.

2) The Box

This is when a single box is found inside the room. Click on the box, and you may encounter at least 1 group of translucent monsters.

If you see 2 or more groups of monsters, they will take turns being translucent, as featured above.

3) Monsters Disappearing with Time

This is a trap where when the box is opened, the summoned monsters will periodically disappear.

As you can see in the images above, the summoned monsters disappear periodically, so the longer you can drag this battle, the easier it becomes for you.

4) Monsters Appearing with Time

This is the trap that features translucent monsters periodically turn into regular monsters.

Since more monsters are being added periodically, it’s very important that you finish these monsters quickly in order to avoid being trapped inside a room surrounded by a huge group of monsters.

5) Box + Pillar

This is when both the box trap and the pillar trap appear in the same room.

Click on the box inside the room, and you will unleash 3 groups of translucent monsters, while uncovering pillars in each corner.

If you strike one of these pillars, all the monsters will disappear and the door will open. The other pillars, when struck, will bring out 1, 2, or even 3 groups of monsters.

4. Reviving at the Site of Ruins

If you find yourself knocked unconscious inside the ruins, the choices for revival are as follows.

1) Revive at the previous Warp Point.

This will allow you to revive at the last warp point. You will recover 100% of your HP, 50% of your injuries, and you won’t lose too much EXP. The last warp point in Iria is usually either [the last giant mark you’ve visited], [Filia], or [Qilla Base Camp].

2) Revive at the Dungeon Entrance.

This will allow you to revive at the entrance of the dungeon. This means you will have forfeited your progress in the dungeon and will have to start over again. You will recover 100% of your HP, 50% of your injuries, and you won’t lose too much EXP.

3) Revive at the last Statue of Goddess.

This will allow you to revive at the last object (most likely the altar) you have remembered in the ruins dungeon. You will recover 25% of your HP, 10% of them lost due to an additional injury, and a significant loss of EXP.

4) Ask Nao for Help.

Anyone that has subscribed to Nao’s Support service or Fantasy Life Club service will have the luxury of Nao helping you out on the spot. You will recover 100% of your HP and injuries, and every item you are currently equipped will be blessed.

* Nao’s Support is recharged at 6:00 am Erinn time, and you have up to 3 Nao’s Supports per day.

5) Wait for Rescue.

This will allow you to wait until another character (animal included) comes in and revives you. You will recover 10% of your HP and not too much EXP.

5. Types of Ruins in Iria

1)Karu Forest Ruins
Karu Forest Ruins is hidden inside a big tree in Karu Forest. The first person to discover this site of ruins will receive a title [The One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins] and an enchant scroll [Strange].

* The title effects for The One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins:
 - MaxHP -50, MaxMP +20, Max Stamina +20, INT +20, LUK +20

* The enchant scroll [Strange]
- Available on shields. DEF -5, Repair Cost +5%, if the user’s Exploration level is at least at 1, then Max Damage +4, if the Exploration level is at least at 5, Max Damage +4, if using the title The One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins, Critical Hit +10%

The dungeon created in Karu Forest Ruins differ in difficulty based on the item you offer at the altar.

A Ruins Dungeon created with a regular item will feature monsters such as Masked Goblin, Masked Goblin Archer, Pot-Belly Spider, Stone Hound, Stone Bison, Stone Zombie, Stone Imp, and others. The Boss Room will feature Stone Horse and Stone Horse Keeper.

At the regular ruins dungeon, if you defeat a monster with a title [the Suspicious], then you will acquire a piece of the monster.

The ruins dungeon created with these monster pieces will predominantly feature those monsters, and the Boss Room will feature the monster that glows in that body part. If you defeat this monster, you will receive that glowing part of the monster at a set rate.

The ruins dungeon created with the monster pieces are Pot-belly Spider Ruins, Stone Hound Ruins, Stone Bison Ruins, Stone Zombie Ruins, and Stone Imp Ruins.

Once you reach a certain Exploration level, you may receive a quest on the quest board of Qilla Base Camp that involves making the [Glowing Statue]. This statue is a quest item, but it can also be used to gain access to special ruins.

Item for RuinsFloorsItems Required for the Stone Statue
Glowing Pot-belly Spider Statue3 floorsglowing leg / glowing pot-belly / glowing molar
glowing pincer / glowing poison sac
Glowing Stone  Hound Statue5 floorsglowing ear / glowing tooth / glowing tail
glowing anklet / glowing claw
Glowing Stone Bison Statue4 floorsGlowing horn / glowing tooth
glowing tail / glowing hoof
Glowing Stone Zombie Statue3 floorsglowing circlet / glowing headband / glowing eye / glowing pauldron / glowing belt / glowing bracelet
Glowing Stone Imp Statue2 floorsglowing hat / glowing hat accessory / glowing jewel / glowing nose / glowing ear / glowing sandals

The ruins created with the glowing piece of the monster features a much higher degree of difficulty, so it’s highly recommended that you enter these dungeons as a party.

Glowing Stone Statue – Collection Book

These collection books can be received when you decide to take on the quest on the quest board of Qilla Base Camp that involves making a glowing stone statue.

Once you complete the collection book, you will receive the glowing stone statue.

Once you are taking on the quest, if you click on the quest board with the stone statue in hand, the quest board will take your stone statue and complete the quest. If you wish to continue to hold on to the stone statue, then you should store them in your [bank account]. If you own a [home], you can also store it there as well.

2) Maiz Prairie Ruins

Maiz Prairie Ruins can be found somewhere in the vast land of Maiz Prairie. The first person to discover this site of ruins will receive a title [The One Who Discovered Maiz Prairie Ruins] and an enchant scroll [Secret].

* The title effects for The One Who Discovered Maiz Prairie Ruins:
- MaxHP -30, MaxMP -30, Max Stamina -30, Strength +30, Will +10, LUK +10

* [Secret] Enchant Scroll
- Enchant available on weapons, Repair Cost +10%, Balance +5%, Critical Hit -5%, If using the title The One Who Discovered Maiz Prairie Ruins, then Min Damage +6 and Max Damage +6

If you create the dungeon of Maiz Prairie Ruins using regular items, the ruins will consist of a single floor, and you will encounter Skeleton Ghost, Fighter Slate, and Archer Slate. Inside the Boss Room, you will encounter Stone Gargoyle.

If you defeat Stone Gargoyle inside the Boss Room, you will be able to acquire a piece of Stone Gargoyle at a set probability rate.

Once you enter the Maiz Prairie Ruins by offering a piece of Stone Gargoyle, you will encounter the Stone Gargoyle inside the Boss Room with that particular piece glowing. If you defeat that monster, you will be able to acquire the glowing piece of Stone Gargoyle at a set probability rate.

On the quest board of Qilla Base Camp, if you decide to proceed with the quest [Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue], you will receive a collection book for that quest. Once you complete the collection book, you will acquire the Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue that will allow you to gain access to a special ruins dungeon.

Item for RuinsFloors
Items Required for the Stone Statue
Glowing Stone Gargoyle Statue1 floor
Glowing pauldron / glowing gloves / glowing boots

The Glowing Stone Gargoyle Ruins features a difficulty level that is significantly higher than regular ruins, so it’s strongly advised for you to enter that premise in a form of a party.

3) Longa Desert Ruins

Longa Desert Ruins is located below ground level at Longa Desert.
The first person to discover this site of ruins will receive a title [The One Who Discovered Longa Desert Ruins] and an enchant scroll [Mirage].

* The title effects for The One Who Discovered Longa Desert Ruins:
- MaxMP +10, Max Stamina +10, Strength -20, INT +20, Dexterity +20, Will -5, LUK -5

* The enchant scroll [Mirage]
- Available on long-range weapons. LUK +10, Repair Cost -10%, if using the title The One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins, DEF -6, Min Damage +4, Max Damage +8.

Unlike Karu Forest Ruins and Maiz Prairie Ruins, the entrance of the ruins is in the form of humongous monuments. Drop an item on the middle monument to create a ruins dungeon.

Longa Desert Ruins can be distinguished as regular dungeons and the special dungeon created with a special arrow.

The regular ruins dungeon consists of a single floor, and it features such monsters as Old Sand Mimic, Young Emerald Beetle, Young Stone Mask, and Young Blue Python. Once you defeat the boss of the regular ruins dungeon, [Guardian of Ruins], you will acquire either [Topaz Arrow, Emerald Arrow, or Amethyst Arrow] on a set probability rate.

The ruins created by each arrow will consist of 3 floors, and it will feature monsters that are in tune with those elements.

Inside the Boss Room, you will encounter Topaz Golem, Emerald Golem, or Amethyst Golem depending on the arrow, and once you eliminate the monster, you will have a chance to acquire a [Mysterious Arrow] under a set probability rate.

* Topaz Golem, Emerald Golem, and Amethyst Golem can only be defeated using the arrows that correspond with their elements.

The dungeon you enter using the mysterious arrow will feature monsters that you may have not encountered at the regular dungeons such as Ghost Servant, Wizard Witch, and Mummy Servant.
The Boss Room will feature the Guardian of Ruins and 4 magic golems summoned by the Guardian.

* The Guardian of Ruins featured in the ruins created with the mysterious arrow can only be damaged using mysterious arrows.

6. In Conclusion

We have just covered a number of ruins that are hidden in various places of Iria. Enjoy a whole new set of adventures that are waiting to be unlocked under the vast land of Iria!