Exploring Metus
Many adventurers explore the Connous region in the continent of Iria.

Metus, located in Connous, is a hidden, desolate area where no scenic elements can be found during the day. Please beware of possible monster attacks if you’ve decided to stay in Metus. At night, the monsters that are guarding this area appear.

In this post, you will  familiarize yourself with the unique characteristics of the nighttime Metus as well as its monsters that appear when Eweca is up.

1. Metus

During your adventures in Rupes Desert in Connous, you will come across a narrow gorge west of the desert.

Continue to follow the gorge to reach the end, where you will find a sealed entrance to Metus.   

You will find that Metus, even in the daytime, is foggy and gloomy. Without any signs of animals or monsters, you’ll only find dry plants on this deserted land.

2. Metus at Night

The monsters in Metus appear at 6 pm in Erinn Time, when the Palala sets, and vanish at 6 am when the Palala rises.

Appropriate methods of battling are required since the conditions in Metus vary in terms of the types of monsters and the location of where they appear as well as the time of their appearance depending on the day of the week.

For example, monsters appear in a pre-established order in intervals on Mondays, whereas the monsters on Tuesdays appear only after the preceding monsters are defeated. Also, on some days, new monsters will appear as the preceding monsters disappear after a certain amount of time has passed.

At night, you will generally encounter the Prison Zombies, the Prison Ghosts, and the Prison Flying Swords. The Prison Ghosts engage in petrification attacks, and use Thunder, Fireball, or Ice Spear magic at a pre-established rate when you’re down.

In the case of the Prison Zombies, they summon Prison Flying Swords and attack at a pre-established rate when they detect an opponent. They, too, have the ability to petrify you, so beware.

When the Prison Flying Swords, summoned by the Prison Zombies, detect an opponent, they will teleport at a pre-established rate and inflict damage on their opponent as well as any nearby characters by using a Lightning Bolt, charging its power up to 5 times.

As you proceed with the adventures in Metus, you will meet Arc Lich, the Boss Monster, as well as the monster it summons, the Bomb Steed.

Arch Lich attacks by using poison, and the character cannot inflict damage on this boss monster no matter what attacks are being made. Once Arc Lich detects the opponent, it will consistently teleport while attacking, inflicting a major damage on the opponent by casting 5 times the magic.  

3. Battling Arc Lich

You must defeat Arc Lich using a different approach than the conventional method.

Arc Lich summons a horse monster called the Bomb Steed.

As you might have surmised, the Bomb Steed carries explosives which can be used to defeat Arc Lich.

In other words, after detecting an opponent, Arc Lich casts some type of magic on the Bomb Steed nearby, whose light begins to blink which allows you to easily spot.   

After the Bomb Steed has become lit, you can tame this monster using either the ‘Control of Darkness’ skill or the music of the bards that have magical effects in taming animals.

Once the Bomb Steed is tamed, the character who tamed the Bomb Steed, as well as other characters, can ride the horse monster.

When you’re riding the Bomb Steed, you will receive a message informing you that the explosives the Bomb Steed is carrying are ignited. In short, the magic which Arc Lich casts on the Bomb Steed is self-destructing magic.

The blinking Bomb Steed self-destructs after about 30 seconds; locate the Bomb Steed next to Arc Lich and step back, and the subsequent explosion will inflict damage on the Boss monster. However, the explosion covers a wide range, so it is important that you carefully determine the time you dismount in order to ascertain you do not incur damage.

*You can receive Enchant Scrolls, and rare Sewing Patterns and other items by defeating monsters in Metus.  

4. Conclusion

The main objective for the adventurers in Metus is to defeat Arc Lich while Eweca is up, but keep in mind that all the monsters will disappear as soon as Palala rises as Metus returns to its deserted state.

Join other adventurers in the continent of Iria and explore this Metus under Eweca.