Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 19
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

19. A New Beginning

In the previous episode, we looked over everything you’ve been through thus far. It seems that you are caught up in the true identity of Goddess Morrighan and the message from one of the Lymilark Priests who suggested that you remember a person’s essence… So what are you to do…?  

1) The Goddess’ Message

Well, your suspicions were temporary… When you login to Erinn, you will receive a new message from Goddess Morrighan herself.  


Help me...
Can anyone hear me... ? Anyone?
The monster of destruction... Glas Ghaibhleann...
will soon be resurrected…
The Adamantium required for resurrection have been ready for a long time now...
…The Sample is almost complete as well. We won't have to wait much longer…
Once the Avatar of Destruction has life injected into it... Erinn will have seen its last days…
Please come and defeat the Glas Ghaibhleann... Save me…from this place…
This Pendant... Here... The door…The key… Hurry...

Goddess Morrighan’s urgent message…

Yes! Now I believe.

My faith in Goddess Morrighan has been restored…
And I believe that we will need to protect Tir Na Nog from destruction

And prevent the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann.

There’s no time to suspect or dawdle.
You must believe in yourself and take action…

2) The Way to Tir Na Nog

After you’ve received the Goddess’ message, you will notice that there are a few items you haven’t seen before in your Inventory.   

[Goddess’ Pendant]

A pendant from the Goddess I saw in my dream. It's hard to believe that I received an item in my dream, but here it is in my Inventory.  I guess I have no choice but to believe.

You will also notice that you have a new keyword in your Travel Diary.  

[Goddess' Request]
The Goddess spoke through my dream again. The ingredients made of adamantium are ready, and Glas Ghaibhleann will be resurrected soon. However, she told me to rescue her before it happens...

To find out more about the Goddess’ message, talk to Chief Duncan using the keyword, [The Goddess’ Request].

It's just as I'd thought... Is Mores behind the resurrection of Glas Ghaibhleann?  We don't even have the slightest clue what to do about it yet. This is a big problem! I think I forgot to tell you this. Magic doesn't work on Adamantium, so it causes problems when merging with a magical creature. That's why special ingredients are required. They say that the soul of a brave Human is needed as one ingredient. It's possible that they may have the soul ready from the last visit of the Three Missing Warriors. Then this is truly a big problem. We have to stop them somehow. Go quickly to Tarlach and find out how you can get to Tir Na Nog. If you explain the current situation, Tarlach will tell you how to get there!

Ok! Now that we have a clear goal, and since we have so little time, you should go to Tarlach right away. Go to Tir Na Nog and defeat the Glas Ghaibhleann to defeat the Goddess.  

Use the keyword [The Way to Tir Na Nog] to talk to Tarlach.   


Tarlach, please tell us how to get to Tir Na Nog.  

Are you asking me to tell you how to get to Tir Na Nog right now?

Yes. You’ve been there before, Tarlach, so you’d be able to tell us, right? Please tell.     

I can't do that. Ever.  The Goddess is seeking someone just like you. That place is ruled by different rules than Erinn. When you lose your HP and collapse, nobody can help you except the friends you go with. Also remember that Adamantium isn't the only thing required to move Glas Ghaibhleann.  Many other ingredients are required, including the soul of a brave Human. Someone like you or me.  If you really want to go, please wait until I regain my lost power. Right now, you're not strong enough to go there.

Um… I guess Tarlach’s saying he can’t quite trust you just yet. But we don’t know how long it’ll take Tarlach to regain his power…  

Well, if that’s the case, wouldn’t Priest Kristell know how to get there?  

Why don’t you try talking to Kristell using the keyword, [The Way to Tir Na Nog].

Kristell, do you by chance know the way to Tir Na Nog?

If  Tir Na Nog is... If it's the land of Fomors like Tarlach said, I'll tell you all about it. I've already betrayed the Fomors to begin with.

Yes, well, according to Tarlach, Tir Na Nog is indeed the land of Fomors. I guess you already knew that, Kristell. Please tell us how to get there.     

I'm sorry,  I can't do it after all. The land of the Fomors is a dangerous place. No one but the friends in your party can help you. Yes. Every step would be excruciatingly painful for normal Humans there. Are you strong enough to endure that pain? Prove it to me. Prove your ability to me. If you show me what kind of person you are, I'll tell you how to get to there, the place Tarlach has mentioned. Prove that you're strong enough to defeat any strong monsters you might encounter in Erinn. Unless you show me the title that proves that, I can't tell you how to get to Tir Na Nog.

Priestess Kristell wants me to… Well, I guess she doesn’t believe that it would be safe otherwise. She wants me to show her a title that proves my strength.      

In Mabinogi, you win titles according to your abilities to fulfill certain conditions. These titles may bring you specific effects.    

For example, if you successfully hunt down ogres, you will obtain the title of [the Ogre Slayer] which, when selected, appears as ‘XXXX, the Ogre Slayer’. The XXXX part is, of course, your character name.  

Talk to Kristell after you’ve obtained a title that proves that you are strong enough to go to Tir Na Nog.   Some examples of such titles might be [the Bear Slayer at 10], [the Bear Slayer with a Single Blow], [the Ogre Slayer], [the Strong].

Alright, Priestess Kristell. Is this good enough for you?   

That title above your head tells me that you're confident with your strength. If you're so strong, could I ask you for one favor? I've betrayed the Fomors to become a Human. Fomors are always waiting for the chance to hurt me.

Sure… Why would they let you be… I remember Goro saying something to that effect. He said that he would get his revenge on the succubus that betrayed his race, if he were to ever comes face to face with her… I don’t know if maybe the Fomors have found her somehow, maybe while she was translating the books…

Ever since I translated the book for Tarlach, I sensed someone stalking me. I'm really insecure because I feel the Fomors looking for me. I saw the Fomor Command Scroll and think I'm supposed to be the target. Can you help me so they can't come anywhere near here? If you do that, I'll feel a bit more at ease.

Sure. You’ve been placed in danger because of me, Priestess Kristell, so I’ll do whatever I can to protect you. Don’t worry.    

When the conversation ends, you will be able to see that you’ve received a new quest.  

3) Chief Duncan’s Call  

Just as you were about to check on Priestess Kristell’s quest, you received a call from Chief Duncan. 

Something you’d like to give me? His urgent tone makes me feel a bit uneasy, but… You should go see Chief Duncan before you go to Kristell.   

The conversation with Chief Duncan progresses throughout your quest, so you don’t need a keyword to continue your conversation.    

Duncan, what is the urgent matter?  

I'm glad you came... First, let me give you this. I found it while I was cleaning the house. Yes... This is the reason I called you. Do you remember...? How I told you I raised Mari...


Yes, you did. And no, I haven’t told anyone about that.   

When Mari first came to me... She was delivered by a pair of white and brown deer, wrapped tightly in a blanket...

Inside the blanket, there was a letter from Shiela, asking me to watch over Mari, and the item I just gave you... This is what the letter said... When Mari becomes an adult... give her this memento so she can find her memory... and...tell her to go to Math Dungeon... Shiela said...even in death, that she'll attach her memory to this item... But... now...since Mari doesn't need it anymore... ...I'm giving it to you.

But Mari was… Oh… I guess… we’ll never meet…

It seems like an item related to Mores... I hope it will be helpful in some way in your search to find Tir Na Nog... I'm giving you a Red Wing of the Goddess as well... so hurry up and go to Math Dungeon.  I wish you the best of luck.

Ok. I’ll bring back some evidence. See you later.   

Once you’re finished talking to Chief Duncan, you’ll be able to confirm that the quest, [Duncan’s Call], has been completed.    

After you’re done with the quest, you’ll see a new item in your Inventory.     

This Broken Torque seems to be the other part of the Torque that Mores had.   

[Broken Torque]

Given by Duncan, this torque has also been broken off in the middle. It looks like the torque was bent too often. This is the other half of the torque you got from the Dunbarton Town Office last time. On the surface, the words [We Shall See Each Other Again] have been intricately engraved. Duncan said to form a Party of 2 and place this on the altar in the Math Dungeon.

In the next episode, you will be taken down the memories that remain in the Broken Torque.  

[Note 1]
Goddess Morrighan’s second message can be seen by re-logging in after talking to all the Priests. Please remember that you need to re-login.   

In order to receive Priestess Kristell’s quests, you will need to be at level 25 or higher.     

Priestess Kristell’s quests and Chief Duncan’s quests can be done simultaneously. It doesn’t matter which quest you decided to do first, but you will need to complete both in order to move onto the next episode.