Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 16
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

16. Broken Glasses
In the last episode, we have learned that Fomors have been working on reviving Glas Ghaibhleann, and that there has been a shortage of Adamantium in Bangor as a result of it. Chief Duncan has advised us to talk to Tarlach about the situation, but let’s find out what his experience has been with regard to this.

1) Find the Magic Powder of Preservation

When night falls in Sidh Sneachta, Tarlach, who is in the form of a bear by day, turns back into Human form. Let’s tell him what we’ve learned about Glas Ghaibhleann.  

That's it! In order to make Glas Ghaibhleann, First its bones have to be excavated and re-assembled.  If there are any missing bones, they must be shaped and replaced with Adamantium.  Since Adamantium can neither be cut nor shaved off, it must be melted at a very high temperature, and then shaped. There's also a special ingredient that must be applied on that bone.

Hmm… So, if they have to make some bones to fill in some of the missing bones… Does that mean we can destroy it while they’re still making them? Perhaps that’ll give us the opportunity to black Glas Ghaibhleann before it is actually summoned back to life…  

You may have entertained the thought of destroying the bones before it's completed, but that's a foolish thought.


Once Adamantium is hardened, there's no way to destroy it. Also, I am sure those Fomors have already excavated all the bones, re-aligned them, and synthesized the magic ingredients. It might even be completed by now. Which means... it's only a matter of time before the Fomors make their inevitable invasion of Erinn.

I don’t know, it feels like we’ve seen it before. Have you ever seen it being made, Tarlach? Where? If you had discovered them, how come you didn’t destroy them?

Where did I see all this take place?  At none other than the land of Fomors, Tir Na Nog. I ended up losing my dear comrades because of that incident. Tir Na Nog serves as a mirror to the world of Erinn. I'm not sure which serves as the reflection and which serves as the dark shadow, but the two worlds are quite alike. It might be better off for you to just see it firsthand rather than giving you a long description about that place. Can you... do me a favor?

These are my glasses laden with the memory of that time. I can't say for sure how sound the memory will be in a broken pair of glasses. But if you wish to see first-hand what I saw with these glasses, please find me some [Magic Powder of Preservation].

Oh… You’re speaking of the memorial dungeon… But what do you need the [Magic Powder of Preservation] for?

The [Magic Powder of Preservation] has the power to preserve an item from being further damaged.  One of its effects is to also sustain the memory within the item as well.  If you get me the powder, I'll cast the spell of preservation on my glasses for you. You can find [Magic Powder of Preservation] deep inside Fiodh Dungeon.

Once you finish your conversation with Tarlach, you can receive the [Find the Magic Powder of Preservation] quest. Unfortunately, you won’t receive the [Red Wing of the Goddess] for this quest, unlike all the other Memorial Dungeon quests. So be prepared to get where you need to go on your own.  

The Fiodh Dungeon is an outdoor dungeon full of foliage, but it has a higher difficulty level than that of other dungeons, so you should probably form a party before entering.  


Defeat the Small Golems and the Flying Swords in Fiodh Dungeon and you will receive the [Magic Powder of Preservation] in the room with the Treasure Box. 

Once you’ve obtained the [Magic Powder of Preservation], bring it to Tarlach.   

Tarlach, this is the [Magic Powder of Preservation] you were speaking of, right?  

Oh, you found it. I will put this powder on my glasses right now.

This is a memory item that contains the preserved memory I had of that time.  I will now cast a magic spell on the item with the Magic Powder of Preservation. ... And this is the Red Wing of the Goddess which will take you to the Rabbie Dungeon... Go to Rabbie Dungeon and put these glasses on the altar.  Go with two friends you can trust as much as your life...  Then... you will know about...  the anger toward my goddess and evil spirits... Press the Mission Complete button and the owl will give you the glasses and the wings.

He thinks you should take two party mates with you. But first, you should click on the [Complete] button in the Quest window to receive Tarlach’s Broken Glasses. You will not be able to do this quest unless you’ve completed the [Find the Magic Powder of Preservation], so be sure to click on the [Complete] button to report that you’ve completed the first quest.   


2) 3 Warriors and the Memorial Dungeon

Go to Rabbie Dungeon using your Red Wing of the Goddess. Remember that you will need to form a party of 3 people to go into the Memorial Dungeon. If you try to enter the dungeon all by yourself by placing [Tarlach’s Preserved Broken Glasses] on the altar, you will see a message that tells you that you cannot enter the dungeon all by yourself.

Once you have formed your party of 3, place [Tarlach’s Preserved Broken Glasses] on the altar. Thank you, Kador and Ashlynne for joining me on this quest.   

When you enter the dungeon, you will see a movie of the 3 Warriors. Watch and find out what they went through… and why Tarlach’s glasses have been broken that way.   

The dungeon looks completely different… and the three Warriors stand in front of the altar…

This is Tir... Na Nog?

But it's so...creepy around here...  Are you sure this is Tir Na Nog?

I'm certain, Mari. I've checked it many times.

I thought you said this was some kind of paradise where all your wishes come true.

Ruairi, let's keep our faith in the Goddess. You saw her in your dreams...remember? She told us the way here. The reason why this place seems creepy is probably because the Goddess has become powerless by the Fomors... Once we rescue the Goddess, we can fulfill our dreams.

I believe it, since Tarlach said so.

More like the words of the Goddess… If we rescue the beautiful Goddess, she'll probably also reward me in some way, no?

Ok! Let's go, Tarlach. I'll help you!

Thanks Ruairi...
...Thank you, Mari. If we go just a little bit more...a little bit more... then Tir Na Nog will descend on Erinn through us... And, paradise will begin. Let's go!

Once the conversation ends, you will be able to make a move yourself. Tarlach apparently thinks that this dungeon is Tir Na Nog, but where, exactly, is this dungeon located?    

Use Tarlach’s magic, Ruairi’s swordsmanship and Mari’s bowmanship in an extravagant display of team work! Take things one step at a time, as they come, and you will be able to reach the Boss Room in no time, at which point you will be met with a multiple number of Ghost Armors.  

In your battle against the Ghost Armors, you will notice something appear. That is the Dark Lord himself… You may have seen him somewhere before…   

[Dark Lord]
I have been waiting for you, intruders... Those who challenge the Goddess... We will not allow you to disgrace our land anymore! Now bring it!

The Dark Lord wastes no time, and gets right into the battle as soon as his arrival.   

But the Dark Lord is no ordinary opponent. Check on the amount of damage that Ruairi’s attack or Tarlach’s magic is able to incur in the Dark Lord.  I’m telling you, any attack on the Dark Lord doesn’t seem to be making any impact.  


Look around carefully during the battle and you will notice a character who is actually causing real damage on the Dark Lord, and that is Mari!! Mari’s bowing skills are causing injuries and real damage on the Dark Lord.   

Tarlach and Ruairi should help Mari to allow her to properly make her attacks on the Dark Lord. As long as you are able to pull off good teamwork, you should be able to defeat the Dark Lord in no time.

[Dark Lord]
Haha... I may have underestimated you... But this is far from finished...

The Dark Lord falls on the ground… while saying that this is not yet over… And then he comes back… alive!!   

[Dark Lord]
I see everything... I see your futures unfold right before my very eyes...

I see someone who will have to give up everything...
There's also someone who will get what he or she wants, but won't be able to handle it...
There's also one who will live in physical and mental agony forever...

Hahaha!! Poor souls!  You will live forever in the curse of the Goddess!

The Dark Lord’s strange prophecy… I wonder who he’s talking about exactly… Well, in any case, you should be glad that the Dark Lord has retreated… but just as you walk into the Boss Room, you will see a frightening scene.  

3) Glas Ghaibhleann... and Mores

Looks like something is hanging over the ceiling. And it’s moving.    

Thi... This...  does... not...feel good...

Gl... Glas Ghaibhleann?

You know this monster?

It is the very beast that was responsible for torching Erinn in flames in the past. I can't believe it is being created here... Tir Na Nog is supposed to be paradise...  ...I can't believe this...


A Treasure Chest is found below where Glas Ghaibhleann is apparently being incubated.  Mari opens the chest and there appears a book. This book is…

Anyway, I wonder what's in this treasure chest. Tarlach, take a look at this book.

Hmm…That's not good... This is written in the language of the Fomors. I can't read their language.  Perhaps my master would have known, but he passed away....

 …You should return the items back to its owners. You know better...

...Who is it?  ...Show yourself!

Wait this voice... It can't be!

A survivor of darkness… is someone we’re quite familiar with. Mores!  

Master...? Master Mores? I can't believe it. You're still alive!


Hey, Tarlach... You're friends with this old man?

Is he... the master that Tarlach always talked about...?

So the trip that was supposed to be heading to Tir Na Nog turned out to lead them to the place where Glas Ghaibhleann is being summoned and created… And Mores appears before the 3 Warriors…    

In the next episode, we will see the final round of the Memorial Dungeon of Tarlach’s Broken Glasses.  

[Note 1]
Is Tarlach refusing to give you his glasses even after you’ve given him the [Magic Powder of Preservation]? Try opening your Quest window. Be sure to click on the [Complete] button and you should be given the broken glasses.   

[Note 2]
If you notice your attacks making no real damage on the Dark Lord, know that that is normal. Protect Mari and show the possibilities of team work!    
[Note 3]
The Arrow Revolver that Mari uses is different from that used by players. That is why it cannot shoot in rapid fire.