Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 15
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

15. The Incarnation of Destruction
Having asked Priestess Kristell to translate 3 volumes of the [Book of Revenge], let’s have a look around the town of Dunbarton. People seem to be going about their busy lives… But there is the impending doom that may be brought upon Erinn… the Fomors…
I don’t think anyone in Erinn has the slightest idea…  

1) The 3 Volumes of the Book of Revenge

After about 1 hour in Erinn time, you will receive a message from Priestess Kristell.  

You are back… Here is the translated copy you’ve been waiting for...
…With that, I have finished the translation for all three volumes of The Book of Revenge.
I have to warn you that…this last volume contains some very disturbing stories...

Priestess Kristell, you look extremely tired. I guess with all the news about Tarlach, then translating 3 volumes of the Book of Revenge… Well, now that you’re done with all 3 of the books, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about those any more… 

Thank you, Kristell.

Finally, it is the end! Let’s take a look at the third volume of the Book of Revenge.

The Book of Revenge, Volume 3
By Mores

Now's the time for the world of humans to burn and disappear.
The Gods and nature have all turned their backs on the humans.
To them, the future shall not exist.

Destruction is a prelude to creation.
The first step in creating nirvana
will be that of eliminating all mankind.  
Let us all shout his name.
Glas Ghaibhleann!


To all Fomor warriors, the Goddess of Revenge has allowed us to deal a judgment blow to the humans that are incapacitated with greed and lust.

Do not question the Goddess's intention. Do not question my words only because I am a human being. Remember Jabchiel, the one you have followed in spite of the fact that he was a human being.
I ask you to now show me the same level of trust and dedication you have had for Jabchiel. I, Mores, will never do anything to betray your trust. I will value my life as a friend of Fomor and spend every second looking for ways to destroy humans in this world. Moreover, I will prove it to each and every one of you.

The Third Cry of Revenge

Fomors are born as outstanding, powerful beings. There is no plausible way Fomors should fall behind humans in anything, whether it be individual battles or group battles. How can Fomors be compared to foolish humans who are only too concerned with themselves?
Even with this, the two wars that took place in  Mag Tuireadh turned out to be colossal losses for the Fomors. If this had made you question the true powers of the Fomors, think again. This is only a slight misstep in the overall picture. Believe in your immense powers, Fomors. Under the guidance of Goddess Morrighan, we will emerge victorious where it matters the most, the final battle.
As I have previously mentioned, the humans won last time with betrayal and deceit, not because the Fomors were inferior to them. Humans even crossed the values of God to emerge victorious in the battle, and this has only caused their already-growing ego to skyrocket. It has come to the point where the Gods are now turning their backs on these foolish humans.
Unfortunately, we do not currently have enough power to exact the ultimate revenge on these humans. YET. It will be good to wait until we are strong enough to overthrow them, but we do not have the luxury to wait.
As long as the humans have their sights on Tir Na Nog, the paradise of the Gods, they will inevitably turn the place into just another conquered land governed by human values, and that'll be a tragedy unlike any other. It is our duty to block them from taking over Tir Na Nog and restore order in this corrupt world.
So what can we do to combat the greed of humans and destroy their world? To do so, we'll need to dominate them from the very beginning and sweep over their land with ruthless abandon.
Remember the battle on Sen Mag Plains against the humans. Remember the dominating victory we had on them. Humans had no time to react and were swept away by the Fomors. They had to retreat from the Plains, licking their wounds.
That's right. We can do this by reviving the one being that set the human society ablaze, Glas Ghaibhleann. It may be difficult to summon Glas Ghaibhleann, but it's not impossible. I have already figured out a way to do so. It is true the remnants of Glas Ghaibhleann are few and far between, but it's not impossible, given the guidance of the Goddess and our strong desire for revenge.
Also remember that the Goddess has opened the doors to Erinn. We can obtain everything we need in Erinn to summon Glas Ghaibhleann once more.
Prepare yourselves for the journey to summon Glas Ghaibhleann. Right NOW.


Our enemies are now at the point where their egos have reached such heights that they are forgetting who they really are, or what to do. The Goddess of War who has continuously guided the humans, has blessed us with revenge. And the Nature of Erinn so eager to lend a helping hand to the humans, has now realized how despicable they really are and has ceased cooperating with them.

We may be weakened after the two devastating losses in the war, but we have also found a way to restore order by demolishing Erinn.
Everything we need is now ready, be it the support from the Gods or the lackadaisical state of the humans. It is the perfect time for us to set the human society ablaze. Remember, the glory of Tir Na Nog shall be in our hands!
Everyone who has decided to restore order in this world of chaos with help from Glas Ghaibhleann shall remember my three cries of revenge. Always.

The 3rd volume… was filled with details about Glas Ghaibhleann and how he will destroy the Humans living in Erinn. What in the world is the Glas Ghaibhleann they are talking about?  

Once you’re done reading, you could also do a detailed reading.

Once you’ve successfully read the book in detail, you will be given the keyword, [Glas Ghaibhleann].

Take the 3rd volume of the Book of Revenge to Chief Duncan and talk to him.  

Chief Duncan, the 3rd Volume of the Book of Revenge talks about the impending invasion by the Fomors and Glas Ghaibhleann…  

What? What did you just say? G…Glas Ghaibhleann? This can't be... Where did you hear that name from? 

…Does the third book of Fomors cover that? I'd like to read it. If you have it on you, please let me see it. If you haven't finished reading it, you can give it to me after you're done reading.

I’m done reading it, so I’ll give it to you.  

Chief Duncan starts reading as soon as he receives the book. The look on his face is worrisome.   

This can't be! Things are a lot more serious than I'd thought. This is a problem. What should we do?

Is it that serious of an issue? What is Glas Ghaibhleann?  

Glas Ghaibhleann is a legendary giant  that destroyed everything within its sight with hatred and anger.  It's impossible to describe the fear this monster generates.

Once, Glas Ghaibhleann was commanded by a God of Fomors rampaging all across Erinn.  There was simply nothing we could do about it.

That's was around the time where Partholons, our ancestors who ruled this continent, were totally decimated and sought refuge in this small mountainous district.

So it is an extremely dangerous monster then… Well, what should we do now? How can we defeat that monster?    

I'm sorry... I'm a bit startled right now and I can't articulate myself properly.  It'd be more helpful for you to read books written by our ancestors who fought valiantly against this monster.  Let's see.
It's not here.

... Chief Duncan... Now is not the time to be joking around! How are we supposed to fight Glas Ghaibhleann without it?

 ...Ah, don't be disappointed. I just forgot about the fact that I recently lent it to someone else. He lives in Bangor, and... and... what was his name... B-Bra... That's right! Bryce is the person who borrowed the book.

Tell Bryce about me to get the book and read it.  That book will contain far more information than anything I can tell you right now.

It is quite fortunate that we have the book about Glas Ghaibhleann. As for Bangor… that’s where you went to see Sion a while back.  

Bryce is the banker in Bangor and is also the father of Ibbie, the girl for whom Sion has a major crush.   

Bryce, would it be possible to see the book that you’ve borrowed from Chief Duncan?  

…So you must be the one who spoke to Duncan in Tir Chonaill.  I was roughly brought up to speed through an owl he sent to me. I've always had an interest in old stories, so when I happened to meet the Chief, I was able to read this book.  I am done with this book now, so you can take it if you want to. By the way, I found something very interesting in this book.  Apparently, resurrecting that monster requires this mineral called Adamantium.  Adamantium is a mystical metal that's resistant to magic powers.  It's a type of metal that can only be found in the mines of Bangor.

Hmm… Adamantium… from the mines of Bangor…

The problem is... Adamantium is currently no longer produced in the mines of Bangor.  And apparently, it's been like that for a long time. When this happens, it's either one of these things.

Either this region has run out of Adamantium deposits...  Or... Someone else is mining them all…


Does that mean that the Fomors are really in the process of creating Glas Ghaibhleann?

Finish your conversation with Bryce, and you will be given the book titled, [The Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann] and the keyword, [Glas Ghaibhleann’s Bone].  

Once you confirm your receipt of the keyword, read the book , [The Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann]. Do you finally understand what Glas Ghaibhleann is all about?     

[The Embodiment of Destruction, Glas Ghaibhleann]

A book that describes the truth about Glas Ghaibhleann.

That's right, the bones of Glas Ghaibhleann. In order to summon Glas Ghaibhleann, the bones must be put together first of all. Of course. as time passes, some bones are bound to be missing. In such cases, those bones are replaced with Adamantium. That's just about all I know. Why don't you speak to Tarlach for more details?

You will be going to see Tarlach in the following episode. What do you think will happen next in Erinn…? I wonder if Tarlach knows anything about the Glas Ghaibhleann?  

[Note 1]
Any book with a seal must be read in detail. Once you have successfully read the book in detail, you will receive the next keyword.