Paladin Storyline Part 10
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

10. The Spirit’s Test
In the previous episode, we cleared the air with regard to Aer, the Water Spirit’s misunderstanding. You also used Mythril ores to create a Paladin armor, and while you have obtained Aer’s recognition of you as a Paladin, Aer told you that you will need to obtain recognition by other spirits as well.     

Who are these other spirits that Aer was talking about, from whom you need to gain recognition? Let’s go over to Ciar Dungeon to find out.     

1) The Spirit’s Test

You will now need to go to Ciar Dungeon. Use the Red Wing of the Goddess from Aer in order to get to Ciar Dungeon, located Southeast of Tir Chonaill.   

If you’ve arrived at the altar of the Goddess, look around in your Inventory. There should be a [Mythril Armor with the Spirit’s Blessing] received from Aer.

[Mythril Armor with the Spirit's Blessing]
A suit of armor into which Aer has placed the Spirit's blessing. I need to place this armor on the Ciar dungeon altar in order to get another Spirit's recognition.

Place the [Mythril Armor with the Spirit’s Blessing] on the Ciar Dungeon altar by yourself. When you enter the dungeon, you will find yourself as a White Wolf and you will soon hear someone’s voice.     


To those in need of the nature's blessing...

Fear not.

You are now part of nature.
You shall breathe, live, and learn from it.

That will be your test.
A test to see whether you are worthy of wearing the Spirit Armor.

Now that you’ve turned into a White Wolf, you will be tested on your ability to be in harmony with nature.   

First, look around in your Character window and Skill information window. Your Character window should indicate that you are currently a White Wolf, and that you have an AP of 10.  

Take a look around the Combat skills in your Skill window and you will see that your Defense, Smash, Combat Mastery, Critical Hit are Rank F and that you have yet to obtain the Counterattack skill.  

So you have yet to obtain Counterattack… But you have remaining AP… Have you figured it out yet?  Remember how the Spirit told you to get in harmony with nature? A good skill to challenge yourself with at this point would be the Counterattack skill.   

In the dungeon are various monsters such as foxes and wolves etc...

You can obtain Counterattack by throwing yourself into it. If a wolf or a bear appears and uses it to attack you, try attacking with it. To properly obtain the Counterattack skill, you’ll need an AP of 3.   

When you enter the Boss’ Room, you will be met with the Giant White Wolf which started talking to you when you first entered the dungeon.   
Have you come this far...
you, who have been blessed by the spirits?

Show me what you have learned by becoming one with nature.
It is time for you to unveil the depths of your power and wisdom.

Prove it to me that
you are worthy of a candidacy for Paladin
by defeating me.

When the Spirit is done talking, the battle begins. Use all the skills and strategies that you’ve obtained through all the dungeons you’ve cleared.  

You will notice that any attacks made don’t seem to cause any noticeable damage to the Giant White Wolf.   

Counterattacks are useful for these kinds of situations. Use Counterattack when the Giant White Wolf is attacking you.   

If you are able to bring down the Giant White Wolf, you will be able to prove your eligibility to become a Paladin.  

You have learned much more than I expected...
Are you the knight that was mentioned in Morrighan's prophecy?

Then from here on out, I shall submit myself to you.
Use my power to achieve justice in this world.

From here on out, you and I are one.
However, I cannot stay with you forever
since I belong in the world of the Spirits.

Call me when you need me.
I will be there for you, no matter what.
After you watch yourself becoming one with the spirit, you will find your character back in the Ciar Dungeon lobby.  If you couldn’t beat the spirit, or if you had to exit the dungeon for whatever reason, then go back to Aer and talk to her using the keyword, [Mythril Armor] and she will give you another [Mythril Armor with the Spirit Blessing].

In your skill window, you will notice a skill named Spirit Of Order. It is not clear as to what that skill is exactly, but since it seems to have appeared since your meeting with the Spirit, it probably has something to do with being a Paladin. 

[Spirit of Order]
It's an unknown skill.  I think it has something to do with Paladin. I wonder if Redire knows something about it.

The travelling merchant Price turns out to be Redire, a former Paladin of Emain Macha. He is always on the road, as he is a travelling merchant after all. So in order to meet up with him, you’ll have to quickly find out his whereabouts. This time, he’s apparently in Emain Macha which is where you can go to meet him.   

But… there’s something different from before… He’s wearing the same clothes, but something about his eyes and his expression seems almost like a different person. Go ahead and start a conversation with him using the keyword, [Spirit of Order].

Redire, I’ve gone to meet the Spirit in Ciar Dungeon and have received the spirit’s recognition for my eligibility to become a Paladin. The Spirit… also told me that he would even become an armor and be with me. But I have yet to become a Paladin… And it seems like I have some skill called the [Spirit of Order]… So, how am I supposed to use this skill?  

Hmmm... The Paladin Skill...? Are you telling me it's the one skill that makes you become a true Paladin...? That's very interesting. I've never heard of that before... I know it'll make me look foolish for commenting on something I don't know, but...  I don't think you'll lose sleep for not being able to use it right this minute.

Even Lugh the Knight of Light wasn't always like what you saw at Fiodh Dungeon... Well, it's hard to believe the armor actually talked to you about some things, but it'll be wise to follow its advice for now.

I guess there’s nothing I can do, if even you don’t know anything about it.

That is that, and... I kind of need your help right now. I have gathered some information about Esras from here and there... but that's not enough.

...that's why I'd like your help. It's nothing dangerous... I want you to verify all of the evidence I have acquired through the experts in each of those fields. I can't do that right now since I'm stuck here contacting the helpers in the castle. 

...the only person I can trust here is you. Please help me. I'll send the owl on your way after taking care of some things.

Sure. Just let me know if you need help.

So, it seems that Redire has been asking around about Esras. Hang around Erinn and you’ll receive a message from Redire via an owl.   

2) The Secret Letter Box

Redire, did you call for me?

...Thank you for making your way here. I really need your help with this.

What’s this? Why are you giving me this book?

See this first.

...This is an item from a helper within the church. It has been snuck out of Esras' own file cabinet. may look like a regular book, but it's actually a Letter Box.  It's a collection of letters that Esras has received over the years. I think it's organized by the names of the correspondents. While it's nice to see a group of letters tied up in one place... they really didn't make any sense...and some didn't even have the recipient's name on them... I can't prematurely consider this a bunch of junk, although they do look quite aged...

Based on the letter's envelopes along with the records that were kept for every letter that was sent... it looks as though the letters were mainly exchanges between Colbha and herself ...Even after an extensive search however, we couldn't find anyone in Emain Macha with that particular name. It seemed a bit suspicious, so I'm just holding onto the letters for now. After looking closely, though… we… realized… that it may have been overwritten in magic, which would mean that the real subject might be completely different than what we see right now

I guess there’s magic that’s making the contents of the book appear invisible. If this book belonged to Esras, it must have some important information in there. We’ll need to find a way to read the contents of this book…

...Yes, if this was affected by a magic spell, then there's got to be a kind of reversible magic that cancels out the spell. Having said that, I don't think requesting reverse magic from anyone in this town would be too dangerous...I heard Lassar of Tir Chonaill is an expert in magic spells so I'd like for you to tell her my story. I'll be busy here keeping in touch with the helping hands in this church, so there is only one person I can trust with this, and that's you.  Good luck.

Ok. Just trust me with this.

You will notice the Letter Box from Redire in your Inventory.

[Letter Box from Redire]

A collection of letters Esras and Colbha wrote to one another, in the form of a book. According to Redire, this book is affected by a spell that covers up the words.

Teacher Lassar can be found in the Magic Classroom of Tir Chonaill’s Magic School. You’ve received some of Lassar’s help in the past, so you should be able to find it, right?  

Hello, Teacher Lassar!

It has been a long time. You look like you have something for me… something you want to ask......?

Yes. Would you take a look at this Letter Box for me? I’m trying to find a way to read it… But it seems like there’s some strange things written in there.  

Hmmm… it's a letter box that someone put a spell on. It's a spell that hides the letters from the paper and replaces it with other, random letters...

...Of course, you're here to ask me if I can neutralize this spell, right? Haha... well, since it's a favor from you, I'll do it.

Lassar starts waving her finger over the Letter Box in invisible shapes, and starts reciting a spell.      

Okay, this should do. You'll now be able to read the letter as it's meant to be. By the way... whose letter box is this? Is this someone else's collection of love letters...? Hahaha... I know you're a responsible person, but please respect other people's privacy~

What are you talking about… These aren’t love letters~

[Esras' Letters]
A letter box that resembles a book which can now be read thanks to nullifying the spell.

Well, Teacher Lassar seems to have the wrong idea about me, but in any case, we can read these letters now.  

The preparation for the revolt is now complete. Give me your word, and I'll set off a rumor to the Goblins and Kobolds that the baby in Math Dungeon has been kidnapped by the army from Emain Macha.

I also would like to know how the Lord is doing these days.

-Your servant, Colbha

Good. I praise your singular effort. Ruairi seems to be M.I.A. while searching for Tir Na Nog, and
Rian is completely dependent on me.

As for the Lord... his health is right where we'd expected.
...He will pass away shortly. Once the ensuing chaos, which will be created in part by the event, has passed,I will take over the rein.

Let us look forward to that day which is to come.


Watch out for the enemy forces amongst the guards.

Here's to alert you that on the first day of Samhain, they will rise in revolt.

Everything will be as planned.

-Waiting for that day to come, Colbha

Okay. I'm worried about one thing, though. Find a way to remove Redire from the day of revolt.

If he remains in Emain Macha during the day of revolt, a lot of things may go wrong.


Alright. I will let you know as soon as we figure out a way.

-Always faithful, Colbha

I am hearing word that Redire is having a fling with Aranwen, the female Paladin who's in charge of security in the northern region.

If we use this wisely, we'll be able to make this work in our favor.

-Always yours, Colbha

I am all for whatever it takes to prevent Redire from going near Emain Macha on the day of the revolt.

But if the process ends up like the last time in Math Dungeon, where it worked as an order from the top, then that won't work. Make sure to make it look like Redire has to take the blame for this.

I expect you to take care of the aftermath.


Alright. Just let me handle this.
I'll contact you separately once everything's worked out.

-Yours, Colbha

I sent a letter to Redire forging Aranwen's handwriting, and I also sent a letter to Aranwen forging Redire's handwriting. The letters should arrive right around the day of the revolt.

It has been a while since I've written such an emotional letter addressing the love between a man and a woman and so I had a hard time writing them out. The two will meet at Gairech hills under the red tree.

Should I take care of both of them while there?
That would really simplify matters.

-Truly yours, Colbha

I also dug up some things on that Paladin, Aranwen.

She seems to be highly respected for her combat abilities, so if this does not work out, we may be in for some serious trouble.

Let's just drag the two out of Emain Macha that day. Our planned event may turn out to be much easier than expected.


Got it. Everything has been set for the revolt.

Just in case... Are our letters... being kept somewhere? I think it's better for both of us to destroy them...


Don't worry about it, and just take care of business. Even if you decide to destroy them, do so after I take over the reins.

...the letters I've received from you will be covered up in magic, so the letters will be unreadable. Need not worry about it.

I prefer that we cease exchanging letters until the day of the revolt.


Oh, geez!! This is…! Does this mean that Redire and Aranwen had been used? So, now we know… that it was Esras who was behind all the evil that has been done.  

If we show this Letter Box  to… Redire…    

Redire… I’ve brought you the Letter Box...

Hmmm? You already took care of my request...? That's incredible.... So... did I guess this right?
Please hand me the letters.

I handed the Letter Box to Redire. Redire reads the contents of the Letter Box slowly and thoroughly. 


...So... this is how it was... AAAhhhhh!!!...I can't believe this. I can't believe I fell for their antics...
... Hey, by the way... this ... something's not right. This letter box contains both the letters received AND letters sent... It's supposed to be that Esras only has the letters from Colbha, not the letters that she WROTE to Colbha...?
...And also, after the tragedy of Emain Macha took place, the letters stopped.

So, the fact that those letters are missing… must mean… No… that’s not possible!!

If that's so, then... that means Esras got a hold of all the letters she'd written out to others...
...I have no idea who he's writing this to, but... judging from Esras, I have a feeling that person isn't really in this world anymore...
...I guess it won't be easy to use Colbha as a witness....

Anyway, I'm beginning to wonder why she'd put all these in the letter box... if I were her, I'd just have thrown them away... I just can't figure it out. Just dismissing this as Esras' obsessively organized nature doesn't answer all the questions...

...Anyway, thank you for all the work.

...Until we discover that definitive evidence, I may have to ask you for more favors... that's okay with you, right? I'll give you the items needed through the owl.

Once you’ve handed over the Letter Box to Redire and you finish the conversation, you will have completed the [The Secret Letter Box] quest. Be sure to click on the [Complete] button in order to move onto the next quest.     

3) Locked Small Box

Once you’ve completed [The Secret Letter Box] quest, you will be able to receive a new quest within about 4~5 hours in Erinn time.    

Redire sends over a box which he says was found in Esras’ room. He says that the box won’t readily open, and is asking you to take the box to Riocard to pry it open.

[Locked Small Box]

A small box with a lock.  It is tightly locked.

Riocard works at the Bangor Pub.

Riocard, could you take a look at this box?

Hmm? Do you have something to ask me? What? Opening a box with locks on it?

This box right here. I need to get to the items inside.  

...Wow~ this is definitely a box that's well-built.
...It may take some time before I can really open this...
...By the way, you don't want the item inside to be affected in any way while this is being propped open, right? Okay, I'll do it. Under one condition. Can you give me this box after I open it? If that's okay with you.

Sure… All I need is what’s inside. So feel free to take the box.

Alright now~
I'll have to twist this here, and put some pressure there...
...and just roll it around, and...
...Haha, this was much easier to open than I'd thought. Wait... what's that inside? It looks like a pamphlet... do you want to take a look?

When Riocard opened the box, there was a small notebook inside.

[Status Report : Laoch's Activity]
A report that came out of the box Redire gave.  It looks like some sort of a notebook meant for Esras.

Should we take a look at the notebook before handing it over to Redire?

Status Report : Laoch's activity

From: Hoelle, the Royal Guard Second in Command

There has been a report about the activities of the Paladin Laoch.

He's been visiting other towns more often than before. Therefore, I've put a tail on him and found out that he's been communicating with someone using owls.

Most of his letters contain false information about Esras, the minister, as well as complaints about the minister's way of governing the town.

We have found the recipient's name, which was Price. He's known to be a Bard, but according to his letters, we came to the conclusion that he is in fact, Redire, who had escaped from our custody.

We are ready to capture him at any moment, as soon as you wish to order his arrest.

Wait… this means that they already know about Redire’s identity? Let’s take this report to Redire right away.  

Where is Redire when we’re so busy!!   

Redire!!  Take a look at this report!!    

Ah! I was just thinking about you, since I haven't heard from you in a bit.

What about the box? Were you guys able to open it? What was in it? Show me.

Redire is reading the report.    

...I can't believe this... She knew Laoch and I have been corresponding with one another...? And she's still just letting me be free... Esras, that's some courage she has... this is going to be very interesting...
...So I'm guessing this makes it even...?

I don't have much time. Every second is important to me now. I'll also have to check up on Laoch to see if he's alright...

...something just does not feel right......I'll talk to you later.

Once you hand over the report to Redire and finish your conversation, you can complete the [Locked Small Box] quest.       

Seems that Esras is already cognizant of the fact that Redire has been investigating various things about her. Unfortunately, Redire is being watched as well, so it seems that things may get even more complicated… Anyway, we’ll need to help Redire figure out Esras’ evil plot.     

[Note 1]
The most important thing in [The Spirit’s Test] in which the Spirit appears in the form of a Giant White Wolf, is that you obtain the Counterattack skill.  Be sure to carefully adjust the AP to obtain the skill. If you are not given recognition of your eligibility by the Spirit, you can simply go to Aer and talk to her using the [Mythril Armor] keyword, without having to re-make a Mythril armor. You will be given the [Mythril Armor with the Spirit’s Blessing].    

[Note 2]
All of Redire’s requests are carried out in quests. Be sure to click on the [Complete] button before moving onto the next quest.     

[Note 3]
You can read everything you’ve investigated on Redire’s behalf. You don’t necessarily need to read everything in order to progress through the storyline, but reading it should definitely help you get a deeper sense of the situation.