Paladin Storyline Part 9
This post is based on “Paladin”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

9. Spirit Armor

Do you still have Nele’s score with you? Good, now let’s give it to Aer to finally clear the air.

1) Nele’s Song

After arriving at Ceo Island with Nele’s score in the inventory and talk to Aer, the item will be automatically given to her, and Nele’s song will be played immediately.

Your love is enough to provide water for those that are thirsty for one
and your love is enough to provide seating for the fishermen that have spent all day fishing,
and your love is enough to make those sailors forget about a hard day at work

Your love is enough for women to rise up and
Your love is enough for the kids to enjoy their surroundings.
Your love is enough for even the birds to rest their wings

No word can adequately describe your true beauty, so
It leads me back to you, same as yesterday.
I so miss your beauty that shines like a precious jewel, that
It leads me back to you, same as yesterday.
But every time I stand before you,
I can't help but be shy and overwhelmed.
The hardest thing to do then is to look at you straight in the eye.

When I tried to stir up something,
That was out of hatred towards myself for not being able to look at you in the eye.
I stand before you, befuddled and deaf. How tragic.
Never did I realize that
the stirring-up on my part would cause such pain on you.
Never did I realize it was I who caused grief.

So I stand before you, speaking your name softly.
Your name is enough to make a beautiful song.
I still can't believe how beautiful you are.
And I still can't believe how inadequate my words are to accurately describe your beauty.
It’s a beautiful song that accurately conveyed Nele’s feelings for her, and the reason why he acted the way he did on that fateful day.

Aer... do you feel much better about Nele and everyone else in general…?

I see...  So that was why all those people, including Nele, were throwing rocks at me…

Thank you so much for telling me this. I think… no, I know that I'll have more confidence in myself after this…

...As promised, I'll give you some information on Paladin Armor. You deserve it. Paladin's Armor is made out of God's Spirit, as well as human blessings. First, you'll need an armor made out of a special ore that's been blessed by God, and made with human blessings. Then I'll bless the armor with the Blessings of the Spirit.

In order to make the armor, however… you'll first have to find the special ore blessed by God, a Mythril ore. The Mythril Mine is located… in Barri Dungeon. You shouldn't go there right now, though. Please talk to Gilmore first about this. He's at Bangor.

Aer paused for a moment, and then brought out a piece of paper.


Here's the letter for Gilmore… Take this with you when visiting him, and he'll help you collect Mythril ores. Click ‘Complete' on the quest window so I can give you this letter.

We were able to simultaneously clear the air on Aer and Nele, as well as acquire some valuable information on Paladin Armors. After the conversation, let’s open the quest window and complete the quest [Looking for the Ideal Type].

After completing the Ideal Type quest, you’ll acquire a new keyword [Mythril Mine] and a letter from Aer.

[Mythril Mine]
In order to make the Spirit Armor, I should go talk to Gilmore in Bangor about it.

[Aer's Letter]
 A letter from Aer to Gilmore.  It's written in Spirit language and I can't read it.

2) Mythril Mine

Once you reach Bangor, talk to Gilmore at the General Shop using the keyword [Mythril Mine].

Gilmore, Aer told me to give you this letter and talk to you about the Mythril Mine.

Aer's letter....? It's been a long time... What, you want to know the way to the Mythril mine...? You're not... trying to spread it to others, right you...?

No, I didn’t tell anyone.

Mmm... Since it's for Aer, I guess I have no choice. But what is your story that Aer is asking to let you dig up Mythril... Well... alright, a promise is a promise...

So this is the pass? Gilmore proceeded to give us a pass.

So, if you place this on the pedestal near the goddess statue, it'll take you to a place where you can get some Mythril.

But because Mythril is so rare and valuable you can't dig it up forever. You have to get it as quickly as you can and get out.

With the pass I gave you, if you don't come out within a specific time you'll automatically be kicked out to the dungeon entrance so don't take your good old time!  I'm only doing this for Aer this once.  I'm not going to keep losing money like this.  Next time you'll have to buy my passes with your own money!

You’ll notice in your inventory that a new pass has been issued under your name that’ll lead you to Mythril Mine.

[Mythril Mine Pass]
A pass for 1 to Mythril Mine that Gilmore carries.  I can use this at Barri dungeon to get to Mythril Mine.

Mining out the Mythril from the Mine will require a Pickaxe, which can be easily found in Blacksmith Shops or Weapon Shops.


Once you create a dungeon using the Mythril Mine Pass, you’ll run across a group of monsters similar to those at the regular Barri Dungeon. Eliminate those to move deeper in to the dungeon until you reach a mound full of Mythril mines. That’s when you use the pickaxe to start mining away.

[Mythril Ore]

Ore with Mythril and impurities mixed in it. It can't be used like this, and you must refine it at a furnace. You can make this a Mythril Ingot by using the Refine skill.

Once you’ve gathered a number of ores, leave the dungeon and you’ll receive a new quest.

Now let’s meet with Edern and ask him about the Mythril Armor.

Hi Edern, I have some Mythril Ores with me, and I’d like to make Mythril Armor out of this.

Hmm...Mythril ore? I am sure you are aware of this, but it's not an everyday occurrence where the expensive Mythril is used to create something... Also, Mythril is unlike any other metal, in that it has to be heated in a special way to create something out of it.... Even for a master like me, creating armor out of Mythril is no easy task.

But I really need the Mythril Armor. I’ll get you the Mythril Ores.

Are you really asking me to make armor out of Mythril...? Hmmm... If you really mean it, then please get me 5 Mythril ores. Those are really tough to find, so please think it over before making a request.

Edern asked me to reconsider, but it’s hard to go back now when we’re so close to making the armor.

If you have mined more than 5 in that initial trip, just talk to Edern to hand him 5 of them.

You really brought it. So you want me to make an armor of these...? Hmmm...

Yes, I really need the armor.

It's not easy to tell exactly how many Mythril ores are required to make the armor... and Mythril ores aren't the only materials needed to make the armor...

So if you really want Mythril Armor, then I can make it for you...but I can't make it just out of ores. I need the blueprint that Goibne left behind. Yes, the blueprint left behind by Goibne... considered by many the greatest blacksmith ever, as well as being called the guardian of the blacksmiths... I heard a blueprint made by Goibne can be found among the gems stored in Mythril mine of Barri Dungeon, so please get that for me. 

...Then I'll make Mythril Armor for you using the Mythril you got me. One thing to be sure, making Mythril Armor requires as much effort from you as from me.  I may realize I'll need more Mythril while making the armor, so...

...I'll let you know when I'll need more.

Edern now tells us that in order for him to make one; he’ll need Goibne’s Blacksmith Manual. Goibne’s Blacksmith Manual can be found at the last treasure chest of Barri Dungeon created with the Mythril Mine Pass.

As Gilmore first mentioned, Mythril Mine has a time limit of 1 hour. We basically have one hour to mine out the ores or acquire the Blacksmith Manual. After one hour, we will be automatically sent back out to the lobby of the dungeon.

The last room of the Mythril Mine in Barri Dungeon contains 1 Warrior Ogre and 2 Imps. Once we eliminate them, we’ll be able to acquire Goibne’s Blacksmith Manual.

[Goibne's Blacksmith Manual for Mythril Armor]
A blacksmith manual of the Mythril Armor made by the legendary blacksmith Goibne.

If we have time, we’ll need to make sure to mine out the Mythril Ores. That’s because Edern told us he’ll need more.

* Note
Mythril Mine Pass will be initially given by Gilmore for free, but from the 2nd trip on, you’ll need to pay for it. The price will increase from 100G to 200, to 400 per each purchase. Yes, the price will double after each purchase, and the maximum will be 6,400G. Try to be as efficient as possible in your time inside the mine dungeon.

If you have Goibne’s Blacksmith Manual, let’s give that to Edern.

Edern, here’s the Blacksmith Manual. Now please make me Mythril Armor.

Hmmm… great job finding Goibne's blacksmith manual... You must really want this Mythril Armor to be made... Okay, then. Let's start. If I need more, then I'll let you know. Press Complete for this quest.

Edern has now begun the process of making the Mythril Armor.

To proceed with the quest, press Complete on the “Create Mythril Armor” quest; otherwise, you won’t be able to move on.

3) Create Mythril Armor

Now we’ll have to really focus on gathering up the Mythril Ores required to make the armor.

Deliver 5 Mythril Ores

After completing the quest, wait for 1-2 hours in Erinn time, and Edern will contact you for more Mythril Ores.

Find 5 Mythril Ores and deliver them to Edern.

Great job. These ores are of excellent quality. Okay, this should do. I'll be here making the armor, so just trust me on this.

…I'll let you know when I'm done, so don't worry too much about it, and just press Complete for this quest.

...I may need more Mythril Armors down the road, so just keep that in mind.

Once you complete the quest, wait until the armor is finished.

Deliver 10 Mythril Ores / Goibne Blacksmith Manual

Wander around Erinn and soon you’ll be contacted by Edern once more.

Find 10 Mythril Ores and deliver them to Edern.

Okay. Great work. This should just about do it for the materials required for the Armor...

...Now I'll need one more page from Goibne's blacksmith manual. Since these blueprints were cut up in separate pieces, I have not been able to make it the way it should be stated on the back page.

Yes, it's the same blueprint that you gave me previously. It should be somewhere where the gems are hidden in the Mythril mine of Barri Dungeon, so please find it for me.

...I'm almost done now. I'm almost at the end of the preliminary stage for this armor, so a little more work, and I should be done.

After completing the conversation with Edern, prepare Goibne Blacksmith Manual and deliver it to him.

Great work.

…I can feel that your desire to wear the Mythril Armor is great. I'll do my best and finish it soon, so please wait for me. All I need to do now is to balance out the ball of melted Mythril armor...

...Hmm, I may need more ores. I'll let you know once I realize exactly how many more ores are needed for this.

...Don't forget to press Complete.

Once you have delivered the manual, just wait and see once more.

Deliver 7 Mythril Ores

After a while, you’ll receive another request from Edern. This time, he’ll ask you to bring in the last 7 Mythril Ores needed to complete the armor, so deliver them to him once you’re ready.

Great, these ores are of excellent quality. This will suffice. Now please wait for a bit. After melting the ores and pouring them in here, I'll heat up a few more spots, and that should be it.

Edern stopped talking and started working on the finishing touches of the Paladin Armor.

Okay, here's the armor you've been waiting for, the Mythril Armor. Do you like it?

...I'll add some finishing touches now so just click Complete and wait.

Edern, thank you so much.


Now open the quest window to press Complete on the quest. Then you’ll finally receive Paladin’s Armor, along with its keyword.

[Mythril Armor]
Armor made of Mythril.  Aer said she will empower me with the Spirit's blessing if I bring this to her.

[Paladin's Armor]
Paladin Armor made of Mythril.  To wear it, I need the Spirit's blessing. I should take it to Aer.