G3 Main Storyline Part 11
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

11.  The Dungeon with the Lia Fail

So you’ve obtained the Dungeon Pass to where the Lia Fail is, but it turns out that the Pass is not usable as is.  While you’re asking for Tarlach’s help, you came across the Anti-Fomor Robe, and you went to see Aodhan to ask him to make one for you. Unfortunately, he refused to make you one.

I wonder what is a safe way to get to the dungeon without annoying Aodhan… Let’s go find out if it’s going to be possible to destroy the Lia Fail.

1) Milletian

You’ve been flatly refused by Aodhan, but I think you’ll need to go find a solution by talking to Tarlach. Aodhan’s always been so nice… I don’t know what’s got him so angry toward me…  

Tarlach, Aodhan says that he won’t make me the Anti-Fomor Robe unless I go and find out a safe way to return from the dungeon.

Hmmm... Aodhan of Emain Macha...  he's usually not the one to stop an adventurer like you from doing things...

...I have a feeling this is... hmph, nevermind.
...I don't think it's something I should say.

Why? What is it?   

The reason why I am making this dangerous request is...

...I truly believe that you are that special chosen one that has the blessings of the Goddess and Nao, someone that's a different being than we are...

But Aodhan, obviously, doesn’t really believe that…

Well then, let's do this. I'll give you a book.

This is a compilation of a book that I wrote of the new adventurers that have appeared in this world... it's a book I wrote on adventurers like you. I started writing this to see and list out the difference between Tuatha Dé Dananns like us, and Milletians, like you.

...I think if you give this book to Aodhan, then he'll think differently about you heading to dangerous areas.

The difference between Tuatha Dé Dananns and Milletians? Would you mind if I read this book too?    
Actually... I think you should read this, too. Please have the Anti-Fomor Robe ready. I'll get things ready too.

Finish talking to Tarlach and you will receive a book titled, [Tarlach’s Record].

This book is about Milletians, so you don’t really need to read it or anything, except that it was written by Tarlach which makes it something worth your read. Give it a try before handing it over to Aodhan.  

- Book of Milletians -

1. Introduction

This book is a collection of data I have gathered over some time, especially from stories told by the Knight of Light, who has, incidentally, returned to Erinn most recently. It is no more than a personal collection of hypothetical theories, but perhaps it will be useful to those who read this. It is my deepest wish that the theories recorded here will one day be tested for its legitimacy.   

2. What is a Milletian?

The largest population group inhabiting Erinn as of late are the Milletians, who are migrants from an other unknown world. The word 'Milletian' literally means 'from the stars' and I must say, the term is quite appropriate for a population that has no known origin.

These Milletians are much different from our people, Tuatha Dé Dananns, Descendants of Dannu. According to legend, our people, Tuatha Dé Dananns, did not originate from Erinn either so it is not really all that strange for a new ethnic group to migrate to Erinn afterall. We are very different overall, though, and are definitely of a different ethnic group.

One of the most significant character traits of the Milletians is their rapid growth and ability to be reborn. Most Milletians appear in Erinn at a very young age. But they grow unbelievably fast and often reappear as youths not long after they had turned into adults. Milletians call this their 'rebirth'.  When they are re-born, they do not just turn younger, their gender might change too. They say that this has to do with the fact that their spirit continues to live on, only taking on a new body in rebirth. The Milletians claim that an entity called 'Nao' enables them to do this. I will discuss more about Nao later.

The other unique characteristic of the Milletians is that they do not experience death, ever. This is quite shocking especially when you consider just how many Tuatha Dé Dananns had died during battles against the Fomors. The majority of Milletians are known as adventurers and it is said that there has been no known record of a Milletian who has died, at least of those that have lived in Erinn. They say that the reason we sometimes cease to see particular Milletians is not because they are dead but that they migrate to other worlds. The fact that they can survive without death despite their dangerous lifestyles as adventurers, I think, makes them that much more reckless and strong.

3. Questions about the Perception of Time

As of late, I have, for personal reasons, been spending more time with Milletians than I have been with other Tuatha Dé Dananns. As I watched them age with such rapidity, I at first thought that our differences were merely a difference in our ethnic character. Eventually, though, I discovered that there was a more fundamental difference between them and us, that difference being our perceptions of time.

According to the Knight of Light, who is a Milletian himself, several decades have passed since Milletians have first arrived in Erinn. But to my knowledge, from the perspective of a Tuatha Dé Danann, Milletians arrived in Erinn no more than a few years back.

Where does this difference of perception come from? And how is it that what feels like a few years to us is perceived as decades to them? Is it that they follow a different calendar than we do? No, actually, it turns out that they use the exact calendar that we do. So then what is causing such a rift in our perception? As I pondered on, I started to sense that there was something very wrong.

4. More Questions

During my investigations, I have found many things that are strange about Milletians. One of them being that Nao, who seems so familiar to the Milletians, has never been seen by any Tuatha Dé Danann. Another strange thing is that Milletians often complain that Tuatha Dé Dananns do not recognize them, and claim that we had met them a number of times previously.

According to the Milletians, Nao had led them to Erinn and it is Nao who continues to help them throughout their time in Erinn.  But surprisingly enough, they claim that Nao was once a human from Erinn. It is hard to say just how Nao had acquired her powers, but it is my guess that that is the reason we are not able to see her.  

Simply put, Nao exists in a different world dimension, and that is probably why only Milletians who are connected to that particular dimension, are able to see her. Accordingly, they say that Tuatha Dé Dananns can see Nao if the spirit potion, which brings about magic powers of other worlds, is taken.

On the other hand, the fact that Tuatha Dé Dananns do not recognize Milletians time and time again seems suspicious. According to the Knight of Light and other Milletians, this occurs across the board amongst all Tuatha Dé Dananns of Erinn. If that is the case, it is unlikely that this is happening as a result of mere forgetfulness.

Perhaps our differences in the perception of time and such disappearing memory share, at its basis, the same explanation?

There is no way to explain why such occurrences take place so never mind why. But when you think about memory and time as related phenomena, a single explanation is reached. It is perhaps that time has indeed passed, as Milletians claim, and that because of our, Tuatha Dé Dananns' that is, loss of memory, we are unable to know that...

Certainly seems like a plausible, yet shocking, explanation, doesn't it? However, if time had really passed as such, how does one explain the fact that we have not aged in all that time?

Actually, perhaps it is a matter of point of view. From our perspective, Milletians are living a day as if they are living through a month, but seen from the other side, we probably appear as if we are forgetting all about the passage of time, which in turn keeps us from getting old.

The problem then is to ask, who is right?

If we have indeed been living in the same timeline, without any gaps in-between, it is probably more believable to trust the words of those who in fact remember everything. It is hard to believe, but I think that chances are, the Milletians are right... That, of course, is a shocking suggestion for us Tuatha Dé Dananns, even if there is no evidence to prove that in the present.

5. Concluding Remarks

Based on all the different characteristics we have discussed here, we can no longer say that Milletians are merely a different ethnic group from that of the Tuatha Dé Dananns. They can endlessly be re-born, are aggressive fighters and can repeatedly appear and reappear in different forms. They are, in some ways, very similar to Erinn's animals, perhaps even similar to Fomors in some ways. It is unfair to compare the righteous Milletians to the evil Fomors, I know.

But one thing is for sure. For now, they are a much more superior group to us, and so it is imperative that we request their help in our battles against the Fomors. We will also have to figure out the differences between Milletians and Tuatha Dé Dananns so that we can better understand all the various events that are taking place between us as a result. We will have to collect more data and further study the various cases in order to have a better understanding.

That’s it for Tarlach’s Record. It’s a pretty good description of the difference between the people of Erinn and Milletians. I think Aodhan would understand, once he reads this book, don’t you think?     

Aodhan, are you still mad at me?   

…You're back...

I’m not sure exactly why you’re so angry with me, Aodhan, but I’m hoping that maybe this book will answer some of your questions.   

Is this the solution... ...to how you can come back safely that I asked you about?
...Book of Milletians....?

Well, people like me, we’re called Milletians. And you’ll understand once you read this.  


...... It's an interesting book... ...I already knew you were from another world... But... I don't know why you would bring me this book. Are you trying to prove to me through this book, that since you're from another world, you won't die? I don't know what to think of you...

It’s not a made up story or anything.   

...In the end... You're trying to tell me that you're different from me, right...?  
...I got it. Then I guess I can't stop you from going. Here is the Anti-Fomor Robe.

So Aodhan gives you the Anti-Fomor Robe but I think he’s still pretty mad. If you ask him if you could buy something or ask him to use the Lost-and-Found, he’ll tell you he doesn’t want to talk to you and refuse to talk altogether. If you need to check the Lost-and-Found, why don’t you go talk to Chief Duncan in Tir Chonaill.

Look in the Inventory and you will notice the [Anti-Fomor Robe] in there. You can wear the anti-Fomor Robe yourself. Note that the Anti-Fomor Robe does not lose its durability.  

Put on the Anti-Fomor Robe and go to Tarlach to receive the Pass.    

Tarlach, I’m back.  

How is everything going so far? I see…you've obtained the Anti-Fomor Robe.
...The pass is ready as well. You just need to complete the quest.

Let me warn you once more. The Anti-Fomor Robe does not make you stronger, but it simply makes you unnoticeable in certain situations.

Yes, I remember everything you said. Don’t worry. I’m just worried about Aodhan. He’s pretty mad at me right now.  

I don't know what's going on in your personal life... but destroying the Lia Fail is the most important thing right now.

...Please… Please find the Lia Fail and destroy it... Erinn's future is in your hands…

If we can just destroy the Lia Fail, we’d be able to completely stop Cichol from carrying out his destructive scheme. If you see the Pass that Tarlach has given you in your Inventory, you’re ready to go. Let’s head to Baol Dungeon.   

Finish your conversation with Tarlach to complete the [Make the Anti-Fomor Robe] quest and receive the [Infiltration Pass].

2) Triona

The Lia Fail is apparently located in Baol Dungeon, which is a part of the Other World. To arrive at the Other World, you’ll have to purchase a [Pass to the Other World] from Gilmore and form the Barri Dungeon.

To get to where the Lia Fail is, you need to use the [Infiltration Pass] at Baol Dungeon. Just remember that you can only enter this dungeon on Imbolic (Sundays), which is when the Anti-Fomor Robe can exert its powers. 

If you are able to successfully form Baol Dungeon using the Infiltration Pass, a cut-scene with Ruairi and Triona will appear.


…Are you… aware of it...?


I heard it's a very painful thing to go through...
…aren't you scared...?

I am... but...

…Then stop it right now. You don't need to go through this....

Ruairi... This is my destiny. I've been chosen to go through that path. Ever since the day I was born...


…I know this is going to be a painful, painful experience. I would be consumed by the other being that has been inside me all this time. I may even look totally different after this...

But… even when I am in pain, I would never blame it on anyone else. All that blaming and hating doesn't make my pain go away, you know.

The feeling of love… pain… and suffering... they are all just feelings that let me know that I am alive and well.

If I am in a place where I am all alone, then I wouldn't be able to feel any of those emotions… love, pain, suffering, happiness... all that. If I don't feel any of those... then will I ever feel like I am alive?

If it's my fate, my destiny… then I will just accept it, no questions asked.

No...!!! That's not right!! You can't… you can't... you can't possibly withstand it all like that!!


Triona... You were asking me… about my father, right...?

My father… was the lord of the town. He was placed there after his efforts in the Mag Tuireadh War.

But... After a while, he started acting like I wasn't even around. I was coming up with different ways to please my father, but all he did was smile meekly at me... and never said anything to me.

…I only heard of a story that I have a fate that has already been set in stone. I didn't even get to hear THAT from my father! Seriously, what kind of a destiny am I placed in??!!!

…I didn't care about the position of the lord. I never wanted one. I only wanted to be accepted by my father… that's all.


…That's when I made my decision... that if my destiny is something my father dearly fears, then it's up to me to beat that.

That's how I have lived my life since. Me, making my own decisions, being the boss of my life…

…Although I was unable to be at his side when he passed away… I have no regrets...

Fate? Destiny? That's all a lie. It's meant to be fought against… and to overcome. Even if that means losing your identity, your friends, and your family...

…I still have...

Ahh... What am I saying...

…Don't worry about it, Ruairi... I am alright...


Well, then...

I want to be the lady of Ruairi's life…

I want to be in Ruairi's arms…

…even if I become someone that I am not…

3) Lia Fail

When the cut-scene with Ruairi and Triona ends, you will need to start strategizing your infiltration.

The dungeon where the Lia Fail is located, is made up of rooms that are equipped with a crystal switch. Most of these rooms do not allow for the use of any magic skills as a result. If you strike down on the crystal ball, you will find either the door opening or a Fomor will appear.

If you’re wearing the Anti-Fomor Robe, Fomors will not recognize your character, except if the Guard Skeleton Hellhound appears. The Guard Skeleton Hellhound actually will be able to recognize your character and attack you accordingly.    

As soon as the Guard Skeleton Hellhound appears, all the Fomors which have appeared previously will start to recognize your character so you’ll have to watch out. Also remember that you will be recognized and attacked even if you’re wearing the Anti-Fomor Robe, as long as you are conversing in a general conversation.

The dungeon in which the Lia Fail is located, is made up of 1 level and it is important to use your instinct when selecting the Crystal Switch. While it may be possible to proceed with the quests while hunting down each Fomor that appears, remember that the point of this infiltration is to get to the Lia Fail and to destroy it.   

If you fail in the infiltration, you will be moved to the lobby of Baol Dungeon, and you will not experience any item drops as a result.  

* If you do not have another pass, you can receive another by talking to Tarlach  or Morc using the [Tir Na Nog Dungeon Pass].   

If you’ve successfully entered the Boss’ Room, you will be able to see a large object that appears to be the Lia Fail.   

So this is the Lia Fail?
Now that I’ve destroyed it, I think I can get out of here now.

But just as you’re letting out a sigh of relief that you’d successfully destroyed the Lia Fail, you notice an army of Ghost Armors in front of you… You are suddenly surrounded, and amongst them was Morgant.

Hah… a nobody had snuck in…

So the moment you destroyed the Lia Fail, you’re finding yourself in yet another dangerous situation. Will you be able to find a way out?

[Note 1]
The latter portion of the Storyline of the Dark Knight will vary depending on the gender of your character. That is, the NPC that you talk to will vary depending on your character. This game guide has been written from a Female Character’s perspective. If your character is Male, you will need to talk to different NPCs to proceed with these quests.  

[Note 2]
You do not need to read the [Book of Milletians] to proceed with the quests. It is, however, a useful source of information outlining the difference between Milletians and  Tuatha Dé Dananns so we recommend that you read it.

[Note 3]
Once you receive the Anti-Fomor Robe, you will not be able to converse with, or purchase anything from Eavan or Aodhan. If you need to retrieve something from the Lost-and-Found and you can’t wait, go to Chief Duncan of Tir Chonaill.

[Note 4]
If it is difficult for you to make the Anti-Fomor Cloth yourself, just gather up the materials and go see Priest James (if you are a Female Character) or Priestess Kristell (if you are a Male Character).  James and Kristell will be able to make it for you.

[Note 5]
The dungeon in which the Lia Fail is located is only open on Imbolic, that is, Sundays in real time. Note that you will not end up dropping any items even if you fail to clear the dungeon, but your ‘Blessings’ cast may disappear.

[Note 6]
The Pass will not disappear, but in the event that you need a new pass, you can always go talk to Tarlach or Morc using the keyword, [Tir Na Nog Dungeon Pass].