G3 Main Storyline Part 10
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

10. Wisdom of the Ancients

Priest James has asked you to stop the Fomor child from reawakening into a Macha. And according to Priestess Kristell, the reawakening will require a medium through which ancient magic will be used.    

Let’s find out what that medium would be, and how the reawakening could be stopped.  

1) Duncan’s Confession

Let’s go talk to Chief Duncan, as Priestess Kristell has suggested.  

Hello, Chief Duncan. Do you know of this ancient magic that uses a medium upon a living creature to transfer another spirit upon that creature? Priestess Kristell recommended that I ask you…   

A form of life transferred into another body...?  And the priest of Dunbarton told you to talk to me about it...?  ...I think Priest Meven is spreading some incorrect information... sigh...

The reawakening of Macha does NOT involve a live body with a different spirit transferred into it, like you said... It's more like... a chosen body selected to be the median for the spirit of the God, and slowly becoming one with it...

Oh, so being a median for the spirit of a god… Wouldn’t that be the same as becoming a God altogether?  

Of course, this process does not happen just like that... The medium used for that... the Wisdom of the Ancients... It's a set of stairs made with the power of magic by the wise men from way back, climbed up as a God-like presence... 

Yes... if it's used to reawaken the chosen girl into a god-like presence, then... it has to be the Wisdom of the Ancients...

So the Wisdom of the Ancients would be the medium then? And… the chosen girl… This method seems...

 ...I am sure you've noticed it by now...

...That's also how Nao became the way she is today...

If you’re done listening to Chief Duncan, let’s go to Priest James in Emain Macha to tell him what we’ve discovered about stopping the Advent of Macha.  

Priest James, I’m back.  

Did you manage to find out more about it?

Yes. Just a little. So apparently, the way to reawaken Macha is to use a medium known as the Wisdom of the Ancients on the girl which will make her a median of the spirit.

And the girl who becomes the median will actually become more and more like the Goddess herself.
The Fomors will use this method to reawaken Macha.  

Wisdom of the Ancients...? A human being transformed into God...?  And that's what's required of Macha's revival...?  ...Oh my...

Do you remember, Priest James?

...That...  ...was what Esras was looking for...
...I feel like the pieces are finally starting to fit. The reason why Esras unearthed Tabhartas was because of the Wisdom of the Ancients... so that means... she wanted to become the God that governs the world herself...?!

Yes. I too thought of Esras when you mentioned the Wisdom of the Ancients. She had wanted to control Tabhartas…  

I see... Tabhartas is the gatekeeper that protects the Wisdom of the Ancients...  ...If she knew how to effectively control Tabhartas, then she would have been able to find the Wisdom of the Ancients.
...Okay, then... now that Tabhartas is nowhere to be found, maybe it's already at the hands of the Fomors...!

...This is really not good... The exact name for Wisdom of the Ancients is... Lia Fail.

Lia Fail?!

...If Lia Fail ends up in the hands of the Fomors, then we must either take it back, or destroy it ourselves. Otherwise, Macha will be reawakened, and literally all hell will break loose in Erinn!
Please find out where Lia Fail is located. We need to locate Lia Fail, and make sure no one else can use it.

I hear that in Ceo Island, there's a Fomor that actually speaks the human language. Please ask the Fomor for directions to Lia Fail... and... please, please prevent the resurrection of Macha from happening. I will report this to the officials. Good luck.

Now the goal is to go to where Lia Fail is located and to destroy it.  

When you’re finished talking to Priest James, you can complete the [James’s Request] quest.

One can only get to Ceo Island through the Moon Gate, and it is also the place where you’d gone to become a Knight of Light. The Moon Gate to Ceo Island only opens a few times each day. Since there’s some time until the next Moon Gate opening, we might as well stop to see Tarlach on the way.    

Tarlach, are you ok now??

I think I might've forgotten to tell you before... Thank you for what you did the last time. It seems like you have come to my rescue time and time again… I wanted to sincerely thank you...

No, no, it’s no big deal… So, I’ve so far learned that the Fomors will need a living creature and the Wisdom of the Ancients known as the Lia Fail in order to reawaken Macha, or resurrect Macha… It seems that locating this Lia Fail and destroying it would be the way to stop the Fomors…

Would you be able to tell me where the Lia Fail is… I’m on my way to find out, but thought I’d ask you.  

I see. So it was true… Actually, there was something I wanted to tell you about Lia Fail.

Do you know about the Lia Fail too, Tarlach?   

Lia Fail allows the power of a god  that exists in another world to be bestowed on a human...  In order for the Lia Fail to activate that power  it will probably require quite a bit of the Holy Potion of Lymilark.

Judging by the circumstances... There seems to be no doubt that Fomors have obtained the Lia Fail in their hands...

But the fact that Macha has not been reincarnated only means that they have not yet obtained enough Holy Potion of Lymilark...

Would it help if we were able to block them from gaining any Holy Potion of Lymilark?

...However, the Holy Potion of Lymilark is something that can easily be produced... There is no way that we can stop Macha's rebirth using that strategy.
Then there is only one way left... We need to find where the Lia Fail is located and we must destroy it at all costs.

Please find out where the Lia Fail is. You must find out where it is. Even Kristell will probably not know... But another Fomor might.

Erinn's fate lies on your shoulders...!!!

2) Unknown Fomor Scroll

If you come out of the Ceo Island Moon Gate, you will notice a Goblin standing in front of the bridge that crosses over to the island across the water. This talking Goblin, Muro, should know something about the Lia Fail.    


Muro, do you happen to know where the Lia Fail is?   

What, you want to go where the Lia Fail is? My friend Morc should know that…

Morc is totally scared… What’s so funny? Why are you laughing like that?   

Well, the Lia Fail is very close to where Morc is. If he’s not careful, there goes his life.

So that's why he can't tell you where the Lia Fail is located. But there is a pass that leads you there. Morc should have that pass as well. All Fomors who work in Baol dungeon have one. It's the dungeon near Morc.

If it’s a dungeon where Morc is at… Would that be the Baol Dungeon? How could I get a Pass to go there?  

Huh? You want to get a pass? Haha… In order to get something you must give something. I learned that that's how humans do things. 

Muro needs to give Morc something to get the pass as well.  ...However, Muro just happens to have a pass.

Oh, but I can't just give it to you for free. Hehe...

Gosh, even Goros are this way… But some humans aren’t so calculating! Ok, fine… What is it that you want?   

From what I hear, humans have several unknown Fomor scrolls.

If you bring me one of those I will give you a pass that leads to the Lia Fail. Then even Morc won't say anything since I gave it to you.

According to Muro, there are people who only deal with Fomor scrolls. A person like that should know about the scroll I'm looking for.

You can get it from that person. An unknown Fomor scroll. Hehe...

...Don’t even think that you can earn the respect of Fomors when you haven't even earned the respect of your fellow humans yet.

Alright, fine. But don’t come back to me and regret it later.  

When you’re done talking to Muro, you will be given the [Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll] quest. If you need to talk to someone who knows a lot about Fomor scrolls, go talk to Aodhan at the Adventurers’ Association.

Aodhan, do you think I could get an Unknown Fomor Scroll somewhere?   

An Unknown Fomor Scroll...? Why are you looking for that...

Well... I do have it. I have a lot of Fomor Scrolls, and there are some where the origins are unknown.
...It's just that most of those Fomor Scrolls are so potent that the moment it is found, I make sure I get it so no one can use it for all the wrong reasons. Why do you need the scroll...?

Um… Well, since you know everything, Aodhan… Remember how I told you that we need to stop the resurrection of Macha?

And in order for Macha to be resurrected, there needs to be the Wisdom of the Ancients, known as the Lia Fail.

We figured that destroying the Lia Fail would be the best way to stop the resurrection of Macha, and so I’m on my way now…  

But the Fomor that knows where the Lia Fail is wouldn’t tell me where it is unless I do an exchange with him, and he wanted me to bring him an Unknown Fomor Scroll.   

The only way to resurrect the Goddess of Destruction, Macha, is through Lia Fail... and in order to find out where Lia Fail is, you need the Unknown Fomor Scroll, is that what you're saying?

Yes. I really really need that Fomor Scroll.   

...In that case, I have no choice but to give you the scroll, but... then I want you to promise me one thing.

...I think that you have already gone through enough trouble restoring Statues of the Goddess everywhere.

From here on out, I really want you to think twice when accepting requests from other people.  ...I am just really worried about you. You know that, right?

You will receive an Unknown Fomor Scroll from Aodhan. Oh, I guess this was the Unknown Fomor Scroll that Aodhan was talking about.  

Once you’ve confirmed receipt of the Unknown Formor Scroll, you should head back to Ceo Island.   

Ohh... was not expecting this, but you brought it. Hahaha...

Here you go. This is the Fomor Scroll you were talking about, right?

...Here. A promise is a promise. A pass to Lia Fail.

Wait… This looks… kinda weird!

...Oh... it is ripped. Cannot enter with this pass...  A spell needed... to put the pass together.
Humans? A Druid... this person with a long gown. Druid does magic. Ask the Druid...

What? So now I have to go see a Druid? You can’t fix it yourself, Muro?

Muro? Muro does not know... Druid knows... Fix the pass, and enter the dungeon. Morc sees you different from then on out... Dungeon Pass will be given all the time after that... kekeke... First, meet the human Druid... Go and fix the pass with the Druid.

The Pass that you’ve received from Muro cannot be used right away. You will need to get it fixed first.   

Once you’re done talking to Muro, you can complete the [Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll] quest.

3) Anti-Fomor Robe

Look around your Inventory and you will discover [Muro’s Pass] placed in there.

Just as Muro has said, the pass cannot be used as is. Let’s take the pass to Tarlach, the Druid, and get it fixed.

Tarlach, do you mind taking a look at this for me?


I’ve found the way to where the Lia Fail is, but I can’t use this pass the way it is now.  

This is the pass that  will lead you to where the Lia Fail is...?

Yes. Do you think I could use it?

I don't think you can use the pass in its current state.   ...In order for this pass to work as it should,  we need to restore the damaged parts.  ...We need the restoration magic. But it's not something we can do right now... It's going to take some time. ...Don't worry and leave it to me.

Oh… time… Well, what can I do. Ok, please take good care of this. �