G3 Main Storyline Part 9
This post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides

9. Holy Potion of Lymilark

Tarlach’s only wish is to see Nao and tell her he’s sorry.
There’s got to be a way for us to help him fulfill his wish...

1) Duncan’s Revelation

When you look into your inventory, you’ll notice an item that Tarlach gave you called [Mari’s Arrow].

The fact that Tarlach still kept her arrows is quite heartbreaking. So we’re supposed to take this arrow… to someone that knows Nao…

You sort of have an idea who we’re talking about, right? The person you gave Nao’s Letter of Introduction to… Yes, let’s go visit Chief Duncan.

Hello Chief. While I was talking to Tarlach, I wound up telling him about the recent activities of Mari and Ruairi.

Tarlach seems to be in shock over that, and desperately wants to see Mari… I mean, Nao.
He wants to tell her in person how sorry he is that he was not able to protect her.

Is there a way we can arrange a meeting between the two?

...I had no idea he was really down on himself like that... That was probably her destiny...

...Nao is doing fine. In her mind, she does not think of this world the way Tarlach believes she feels...

Mari is already the kind of being that has long surpassed the boundaries of this world... Nao can't put herself directly in contact with people in Erinn... people like me... I don't know what that's the case, but...
Only people like you that have been led here from Soul Stream... the ones that have been referred to as the people from another star... the Milletians... she can only help people like you... Us? We can't even see her...

But if we're just talking about seeing her, then... I have to say there might be a way... in order to do that, I need... the... Holy Potion of Lymilark.

Holy Potion of Lymilark will allow him to see Nao…? What is that?

It's a potion... that brings the power from another world to Erinn, and expands on it... That's the only way I can see Nao... through that...

So is that all Tarlach needs to meet Nao?

...I'll teach you how to make the Holy Potion of Lymilark. Your job is to make it, and bring it to Tarlach.

...I'd like for you to finally alleviate some of the pain he has carried with for a long time...

Thank you so much.

As long as you teach me how to make it, I’ll be able to concoct a Holy Potion of Lymilark and give it to Tarlach.

...Please wait for a bit... well, I think it's finally time for you to know this. Please listen carefully...
Now that some time had passed since the lord of Emain Macha passed away, ...I'll tell you a story that you might not have heard before...

What? Something we may not have heard...?

Do you know who is responsible... for hurting Nao's father, while personally slaying her mother...?

Nao’s father… Mores…No, I have no idea who’s responsible for that...

...It was actually the lord of Emain Macha... He was too blinded by power and greed, and... he wanted to eliminate Mores's presence from Erinn, and he wound up snatching away everything that was supposed to be for Mores.

He could not accept the fact that a common folk like Mores was going to achieve more than he ever would...
That's why... he did not allow Mores to enjoy what was rightfully his in his lifetime... and instead, allowed him to be glorified as the warrior that saved the world... ...after his death...

The lord of Emain Macha… Ruairi’s dad!!!

...I understand if you are having a hard time accepting this... but know that this is all true... If this story ever reached the lord's ears... then this small town would not have been able to survive his wrath...

 ...That is the reason why this old man had kept his mouth shut for the longest time...

 ...My story is over. ...Please go see Tarlach.
So to touch back on what Duncan just said, Ruairi’s dad, the previous lord of Emain Macha, is personally responsible for harming Mores, Tarlach’s master and the father of Mari.

I can’t even imagine how they’ll react if they find out the truth…

Once you have completed the conversation with Duncan, you’ll be able to complete the quest [Tarlach’s Request].

2) Concocting the Holy Potion of Lymilark

After completing the [Tarlach’s Request] quest, you’ll receive a new quest called [Creating the Secret Formula for Holy Potion of Lymilark].

Concocting the Holy Potion of Lymilark requires three items. Let’s find out what those items are, and how we can concoct the potion for Tarlach.

Spirit Viewing Powder

Spirit Viewing Powder can be acquired at the library of the school of Dunbarton.

Purchase an empty bottle at the General Shop, and click on the crystal ball at the library.
The surface of the crystal ball glitters ever so slightly, and you can gather up those tiny particles of powder into the empty bottle.

The crystal ball in the library also offers to display clips from the Storyline Quests “The Advent of the Goddess” and “Paladin” for a small fee.

Spirit Forming Bottle

The Spirit Forming Bottle is protected by Black Succubus inside Rabbie Dungeon.

To meet the Black Succubus, just create a regular Rabbie Dungeon alone, and open the Boss Room by yourself. After eliminating Black Succubus, open the treasure chest to find the Spirit Forming Bottle.

Spirit Hearing Water

The Spirit Hearing Water can be created using the Potion Concoction skill.

Making the Spirit Hearing Water requires 1 White Herb, 1 Bloody Herb, and 1 Mana Herb.

Concocting the Holy Potion of Lymilark

Once you gather up those three items, you can use them to concoct the Holy Potion of Lymilark.

Holy Potion of Lymilark can be made using the Handicraft skill.

Now that the Holy Potion of Lymilark is ready, let’s go see Tarlach and tell him the good news.

Tarlach,  we found out how you can meet Nao.

...Wow, you found out about it already...? I don't know what to say...

Since Nao is not a person of this world… I found out that this Holy Potion of Lymilark is the only way you’ll be able to meet her.

Hmmm... ...okay, I see...  in the end, Mari is not part of this world anymore...

...Thank you... Thank you for granting my long-standing wish...

...It doesn't matter if I can't talk with Mari...no, I mean Nao... ...if I can at least see her through this... if she can hear my story...

...I...really don't know how to thank you for this...

This is something I want to take care of the rest of the way, so...  ...as for the ritual required to see her... I'll find out myself.

...I will never, ever... forget the good deed you've done for me...

Now, all we need to figure out is how Tarlach can use Holy Potion of Lymilark to actually meet Nao. That way he gets to finally talk to her and tell her what he had wanted to tell her for years… If they can somehow talk to each other, that will be the best.

Once the conversation with Tarlach ends, you’ll get to complete the quest [Creating the Secret Formula for Holy Potion of Lymilark].

3) The Resurrection of Macha

4-5 Erinn days after completing Tarlach’s Request, you’ll receive a new request from Priest James.

Apparently, Price asked Priest James about Dorca Feadhain. We have no time to waste. Let’s go to the Grand Cathedral of Emain Macha.

Priest James, Did you find out something new about Macha?

Thank you for coming. While I was rummaging through old records, I noticed something very interesting... and I think it's something you should know. Yes... it's about Macha's resurrection.

...Straight to the point, yes, she has resurrected, and is now waiting to be reawakened.

What? Macha’s already been resurrected?

...Do you remember... how the whole tragedy of Emain Macha started in the first place...?

I remember it involved a baby Fomor.

...It all started when Esras ordered Redire to kidnap a Fomor kid, causing Dark Lord to attack in hopes of rescuing the kid...

...What do you think about the Fomors attacking the humans in full force, killing all those people in the process... over one kid...?

That does seem weird… It doesn’t sound like something the Fomors would do.

...That kid, I believe, was in fact, the reincarnated Macha. I looked through every possibility, and...  that's the only plausible explanation for this....

That kid... was the key to the revival and the prospering of the Fomors... in the eyes of the Fomors,  it only makes sense that the kid not be in the hands of the humans.

...The series of broken Statues are only just the beginning. The Fomors plan on reviving Macha, connect Erinn to Another World, and set this world ablaze.

But then again, based on a number of signs that were shown throughout, I don't believe this kid was truly awakened into Macha. If so, then don't you think we still have a chance?

So James, you’re saying that… Our only chance now is to prevent the kid from reawakening as Macha?

...Yes, the plan is for us to stop this kid from turning into a fully-grown Macha. Either we find the kid and bring her here, or if there's an item needed for awakening, we can destroy those...

...That's why I have a request for you. Please take this information I just told you, and discuss this with the Priestess of Dunbarton.

Priestess Kristell?

...She's very knowledgeable on Fomors, so I am sure she can give you a pointer or two on what's required for reawakening, and the measures needed to prevent this from happening.

Okay, I’ll go see Kristell immediately. Thank you James!!

Since Macha is already resurrected, the only chance we have now is to prevent the awakening from taking place.

We do not have much time. We better go see Kristell right this minute.

Kristell!! Priest James told me to look for you for advice on this. How do we prevent the resurrection of Macha? No no, I mean, the awakening of Macha?

What...? You're here as a favor to Priest James? Macha's revival... and the way to stop the Goddess of Destruction from the reawakening?

I’m sorry, I was just blurting things out without thinking it through. We have a Fomor kid that is suspected of being the reincarnated Macha, and this kid was the focal point in the Tragedy of Emain Macha.

I believe the reason why the Fomors protect this kid is because they believe this kid is Macha, reincarnated. If so, then don’t you think we’ll be able to prevent the Fomors from utter destruction by stopping the kid before the kid gets reawakened as Macha?

Okay... a child Fomor that is suspected of being Macha... I see... I can see how that works...

If what Priest James told you is true...  then that means the kid hasn't turned into Macha, just yet....

...Now that I think of it, that story reminds me of something... a long time ago... there was an ancient spell that apparently transports a form of life into another body through a medium.

...I don't know the full details of it, but... if we can find out what that medium is, and destroy it... then maybe we can prevent the transfer from happening...no?

A medium… is there a way we can find out what that medium is?

...I honestly don't know anything more about this.

If you want more details on this, then... ...how about visiting the chief of Tir Chonaill?

I also heard a lot about the Chief through Priest Meven. I heard that he's very experienced in life who is also very knowledgeable in that area.

I am confident that the chief of Tir Chonaill... can really give you some helpful pointers on this.

The Fomors are preparing Dorca Feadhain, and the Goddess of Destruction, Macha have already been reincarnated as a child Fomor. Is this part of Cichol’s grand scheme of destruction?

Awakening the Fomor involves some ancient magic, and we found out that doing so will require a medium. Too bad we have no idea what the medium is, or how it’s used.

The next episode will unveil just that.

[Note 1]
The items required to create Holy Potion of Lymilark can be purchased through other mediums, but making the Holy Potion of Lymilark itself can only be done either by yourself or through Endelyon while giving her all the necessary items to make one.