storyThis post is based on “Dark Knight”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s G3 Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.
4. Priest of Lymilark
While Tarlach continues to research Cichol’s wrathful scheme, Bishop Wyllow will give you a quest.
1) Priest of Lymilark
Let’s take a look at the quest you’ve received from Bishop Wyllow.
The quest has to do with the destroyed statues of the goddess. You will find Bishop Wyllow at the Emain Macha Cathedral.
Bishop Wyllow, have you called for me?
[Wyllow] Ohhh, you came. I have heard of your commendable work through Priest James. The reason I brought you here is because... I don't know if you heard this, but lately, the Statues of the Goddess located at various dungeons have been destroyed... I think it's the Fomors that did it... As the word of the statues being destroyed circulated around, the appearances of the Fomors have increased greatly since.
Yes, I’ve heard…
[Wyllow] I truly believe that the Statue of the Goddess protects Erinn... That it has the power to prevent the Fomors from invading us. If the Statues are destroyed, then the horror of that devastating war from the past will soon be relived, at least that's what we think...
In order to prevent that from happening, the Churches of Lymilark have all decided to join forces. We're trying to restore the destroyed Statues through the power of God.
The statues can be restored? What can I do to help?
[Wyllow] ...
This is what you can do for us. I want you to enter the dungeon where the Statue is destroyed, and eliminate the Fomors inside. That way, the priests won't be disturbed in their efforts to restore the Statue.
The dungeons where the Statues have been destroyed are scattered everywhere around Erinn, but I want you to first head to the dungeon near Emain Macha.
Aodhan the head guard will lead you to the dungeon. You should go see him immediately. Here's wishing you the best of luck, and may God protect you in every step of the way.
The Churches of Lymilark have been actively seeking ways to protect Erinn. Let’s support them to restore the destroyed statues.
Aodhan, the Captain of the Royal Guards, is standing outside the Emain Macha Castle.
Hello, Aodhan. Bishop Wyllow has sent me to see you.
[Aodhan] Welcome. I heard from Bishop Wyllow and have been waiting for you. To be honest, I wasn't expecting...a woman...
Since we don't have much time let me explain to you your mission. We are currently finding out which goddess statues are being destroyed by various reports from adventurers... Coill, Rundal, Peaca; the destruction is said to be going on in all three of those dungeons.
Oh my, all of those dungeons?
[Aodhan] The evidence of that is this Fomor Command Scroll. It's a message that says to invade Erinn through the destroyed goddess statues.
We must use these to our advantage to use it as a pass in order to get to where these damaged statues are. But we can't just use it as is. We must use a few materials to alter it into a dungeon pass.
First, I'll give the Command Scroll regarding Coill Dungeon. Convert this into a dungeon pass and use it inside Coill Dungeon. It will lead you to where the damaged goddess statue is.
So this is the Fomor Command Scroll.
[Aodhan] You can convert this into a dungeon pass by using a Mana Herb and Holy Water of Lymilark with the Handicraft skill.
So I have to use the Handicraft skill to turn this into a dungeon pass?
[Aodhan] Yes. Your mission is to convert the order into a dungeon pass, go to where the damaged goddess statue is, and get rid of all the Fomors there. You can also take your friends with you. Once you take care of all the Fomors there, the priests will go there immediately and restore the statue, so all you need to focus on is killing the Fomors.
Coill Dungeon is a maze made up of a dense forest, so it's an area full of wild animals such as Snakes, Spiders, Jackals, as well as Fomors such as Sprites, Werewolves, and Headless Monsters. Be very careful. Please come see me again after you successfully finish the restoration of the goddess statue in Coill Dungeon. I will then prepare the Fomor Command Scroll for the next dungeon that needs to be restored.
I know it's a dangerous mission... So, thank you.
2) Converting the Command Scroll into a Dungeon Pass
When you finish your conversation with Captain Aodhan, you will find the Fomor Command Scroll in your Inventory.
In order to convert the Command Scroll, you must use the Handicraft skill.
Hold the [Handicraft Kit] in your hand and use the Handicraft skill. Convert the Command Scroll into a dungeon pass by placing the Command Scroll, the Water of Lymilark, and Mana Herb in the slots shown above.
3) Restoring the Statue of the Goddess
The dungeons where the destroyed goddess statues are located are of equal or lower difficulty level in comparison to the regular dungeons. Although you can enter the dungeon alone, you are encouraged to enter with others by forming a party for the sake of your safety.
Coill Dungeon
When you enter the dungeon, you will be shown a cinematic clip of a priest of the Lymilark Church, asking to restore the statue of the goddess. Morrighan, the guardian of the warriors and the Goddess of the mankind... …Bless us with power to protect our loved ones…. ...Bless us with the courage to use that power for justice... ...the knowledge and wisdom to carry out the good deeds... ...Bless us with the love that encompasses all things we gain through the wisdom and knowledge... ...and protect us in the name of that love... ...and I pray that your sword will be re-awaken once more... After you have completed restoring the statue of the goddess, report back to Aodhan and start a conversation with him. You can easily confirm whether you have successfully restored the statue by viewing the quest scroll.
[Aodhan] You're back safely. Did you run into any trouble at Coil Dungeon?
Next up, it's Rundal Dungeon. I'll give you the Fomor's Command sheet that was found at Rundal Dungeon, so make the dungeon pass like last time and head to the spot at the dungeon where the Statue is destroyed.
Once you clear out the Fomors in that area, a priest will enter and restore the Statue of the Goddess.
Making the Rundal Dungeon Pass, like last time also requires the Command sheet, as well as Holy Water of Lymilark and Mana Herb, using the Handicraft skill to piece them all together. Rundal Dungeon is a place where the cursed pirates lay trapped... Please be careful of the Skeletons, the Mimics that resemble a treasure chest, and the weapons from the pirates that have turned into monsters themselves.
After finishing the restoration of the Statue at Rundal, come back and see me, and I'll have the Fomor's Command sheet ready for you for the next dungeon.
Please go ahead and start now…
When you finish your conversation with Captain Aodhan, take the Fomor Command Scroll and convert it into a dungeon pass using the Handicraft skill.
Rundal Dungeon
Are you ready to head over to Rundal Dungeon? Rundal Dungeon is located east of Emain Macha.
Bishop Wyllow will restore the statue of the goddess in Rundal Dungeon.
* Since the statue of the goddess will be restored by the a number of different priests in town, the priest who is restoring the statue when you enter and the priest restoring the statue last may vary.
* If you have failed or forfeited during the process of restoring, you must go back to Captain Aodhan and receive another Command Scroll. Don’t forget to convert the scroll into a dungeon pass.
* When you re-attempt the restoration, you will not be shown the cinematic clip of the priests restoring the statue which was completed during your previous attempt.
The Boss of Rundal Dungeon is the Cyclops; you will finish restoring the destroyed statue of the goddess when you successfully defeat the Boss. Once you have finished restoring, report back to Captain Aodhan and start a conversation with him.
Captain Aodhan, I have finished restoring Rundal Dungeon.
[Aodhan] Now there's only one dungeon left at Emain Macha, Peaca Dungeon. I'll give you the Command Sheet that was found there, so please help us out one more time.
You can make Peaca Dungeon Pass by using your Handicraft skill to combine the Command Sheet I gave you, along with Holy Water of Lymilark and Mana Herb, just like last time.
Peaca Dungeon is a place where the Undead appear quite frequently. It's a dungeon infamous for having the powers from Another World transferred directly to that dungeon. You've been doing great so far, but I strongly advise you to be extra careful this time around.
Once the restoration is complete, please come back and report to me.
Once that's complete, your mission to restore the dungeons at the Emain Macha area will be complete.
...Good luck.
When you finish your conversation with Captain Aodhan, use the Fomor Command Scroll in your Inventory to convert it into a dungeon pass.
Peaca Dungeon
When you enter Peaca Dungeon, you will see the statue of the goddess being restored.
Upon the restoration of Peaca Dungeon, you will see a new cinematic clip.
[Riocard] …Seriously, Jennifer. Why do we have to go all the way here?
[Jennifer] Are you saying that we should leave Comgan here all alone? A dangerous place like this?
[Comgan] I'm sorry... for dragging you two into this. All we need to do is check the Statue of Goddess, so that shouldn't take too long.
[Jennifer] Don't worry about it~ You and others have been busy checking out the scenes... we can't just sit idly by and watch all this happen, you know. [Riocard] The problem is who takes care of the mess left behind... Ahahaha...
While something doesn’t feel quite right inside the dungeon…
In the next episode, you will watch the continuation of the cinematic clip, and meet a few other priests around town.
[Note 1] You must acquire a dungeon pass in order to enter the dungeon. This pass can be obtained by converting the Fomor Command Scroll using the Handicraft skill. Purchase a Skill Book at the Dunbarton Bookstore for detailed information on the Handicraft skill.
[Note 2] You must have the Command Scroll (which you will receive from the NPC), the Water of Lymilark, and Mana Herb to convert the Command Scroll into a pass to the dungeon. The NPC will not provide you with the Water of Lymilark nor the Mana Herb you need, so make sure you have them readily available in your possession.
[Note 3] If you do not have the Handicraft skill, you can gather the necessary items and take them to an NPC; the NPC will provide you with a Command Scroll. For Emain Macha Dungeon Pass, ask Priest James for help.
[Note 4] The dungeons where the destroyed statues of goddess are located are of equal or lower difficulty level in comparison to the regular dungeons. However, should you fail to restore the goddess statue, you can receive another Command Scroll from the same NPC.