Supporting Elves or Giants and PvP
Elves and Giants. These are the two opposing races that have been constantly at odds with one another, and have recently gone to the humans for additional support. Humans now have a choice of throwing their support at one of these races, or chosing to remain neutral.

Here, we will cover what it takes to support a particular race, as well as the pros and cons of supporting one of the races.

1. Supporting / withdrawing support for a Race

Humans have the choice of supporting one of the two races that are at odds with one another: Elves vs. Giants.
You may choose not to support either of the two, but you cannot support both races at the same time.

* If a human character in your account supports a particular race, then every human character in your account will be supporting that race as well.

1) Supporting the Elves

To support the Elves, you’ll need to talk to the Head of the Elves, Castanea, using the keyword [Elf and Giant].

This keyword can be obtained by either talking to Castanea, the head of Elves, or Krug, the king of the Giants.

Talk to Castanea using the [Elf and Giant] keyword, and Castanea will mention that Giants are the enemies of Elves, and would appreciate it if you can lend your support towards the Elves.

Castanea will ask you to support their race, and if you click on [Support Elves], then that means you have just lent your support to the Elves.

* If you are visiting Vales, the prime residential area for the Giants, as either an Elf or a human that supports the Elves, then you may be subject to an attack from the Giant Guards protecting the area.

If that was the first time your human character had pledged support of the Elves, then you will receive an Elf Assistant Card.

Use this card to create an Elf character with the same settings provided for [Basic Elf Card]. Also, if you wish to someday have the Elf go through Rebirth, you may use a new Elf Card to do so.

But, you may not use the Assistant Card to have your main Elf character be reborn with it.

Even if you later decide to withdraw your support of the Elves, the Elf Assistant Card or the character that has already been created with the Card will not be removed.

* You may receive only one Elf Assistant Card per account. Once you withdraw your support of the Elves, even if you come back later to support them once more, you will not receive a new Assistant Card. Also, if you happen to delete the character that you have created using the Card, you will not be able to receive another Assistant Card.

Once your character decides to support the Elves, you may talk to Hagel, a Bank NPC in Filia, to change the L-Rod for elves to an L-Rod for humans.

In order to make the switch with Hagel, your character’s Exploration Level must be at least at 5 while fully supporting the Elves, and have in possession an L-Rod made for Elves.

When you withdraw the support of the Elves, the converted L-Rod can still be used for basic exploration, but it won’t be able to perform actions such as Land Maker.

And once you have thrown your support to the Elves, you will be able to purchase goods sold in Filia for a discount.

2) Supporting the Giants

To support the Giants, you will need to talk to the king of the Giants, Krug, using the keyword [Elf and Giant].

Talk to Krug using the [Elf and Giant] keyword, and Krug will mention that the Elves are the enemies of the Giants, and that any human being that supports the Elves will be regarded as enemies, as well.

Krug will then ask you to lend your support towards the Giants. If you click on [Support Giants], then that’s when you will officially become a supporter of the Giants.

* If you are visiting Filia, the town of the Elves, as either a Giant or a human that supports the Giants, then you may be subject to an attack from the Elf Guards protecting the area.

If that was the first time your human character has pledged support of the Giants, then you will receive a Giant Assistant Card.

Use this card to create a Giant character with the same settings provided for [Basic Giant Card]. Also, if you wish to someday have the Giant go through Rebirth, you may use a new Giant Card to do so.

But, you may not use the Assistant Card to have your main Giant character be reborn with it.

Even if you later decide to withdraw your support of the Giants, the Giant Assistant Card or the character that has already been created with the Card will not be removed.

* You may receive only one Giant Assistant Card per account. Once you withdraw your support of the Giants, even if you come back later to support them once more, you will not be receiving a new Assistant Card. Also, if you happen to delete the character that you have created using the Card, you will not be able to receive another Assistant Card.

Giants also have their own set of L-Rods, the [Snowfield L-Rod]. It is used for exploration and altering the landscape of the snowfield.

In order to make the switch with Krug, your character’s Exploration Level must be at least at 5 while fully supporting the Giants, and have in possession the Snowfield L-Rod for Giants.

When you withdraw the support of the Giants, the converted L-Rod can still be used for basic exploration, but it won’t be able to perform actions such as Land Maker.

And once you have thrown your support at the Giants, you will be able to purchase the goods sold at Vales for a discount.

3) Withdrawing Support

If you wish to withdraw your support of a particular race, talk to Castanea if you’re supporting the Elves, and Krug, if you’re supporting the Giants, using the keyword [Elf and Giant].

Withdrawing your support is a very important issue for these races, so they make sure to ask you twice to confirm your withdrawal. When the NPC asks you whether you want to withdraw your support of the race, clicking on [Stop supporting Elves/Giants] will make your decision final.

Once you withdraw your support of the race, you will no longer be able to purchase items from the race’s NPCs at a discount. Furthermore, note that while the converted L-Rod can still be used for basic exploration, it won’t be able to perform actions such as Land Maker.

* Even if you decide to withdraw your support of a particular race, you may still decide to support a race down the road, as long as you remain neutral before making the choice.

* Even if you forfeit your support, the Assistant Card of the particular race or the character that has already been created with the Card will not be removed.

2. Guards

Guard NPCs are the NPCs roaming around their respective towns and in front of town entrances to protect the town from being invaded by other races or humans supporting the opposing race.

Vales has the Giant Guard NPCs and Filia has the Elf Guard NPCs. If an opposing race or a human supporting the opposing race is in the vicinity of the Guards, they will attack.

These guards possess immense power, and they are unaffected by the opposition’s attack, so it is impossible to defeat the Guard.

If you wish to talk to an NPC of an opposing race, the NPC may reject your request for a conversation and call out the roaming Guard NPC instead!

Getting hit by a Guard NPC may result in serious damage and may even result in knocking you out unconscious. If you are knocked unconscious by a Guard, the process is the same as being knocked unconscious by a monster: EXP will be required to be revived.

So if your character is entering enemy territory, be aware of the Guard NPC that may give you a hard time.

3. PvP amongst Races

Each race may team up with human supporters and battle against the opposing race and their human supporters.

As you can see above, checking on the [Allow Elf vs Giant PvP] will lead you to a battle against a character of an opposing race, or a human supporting the opposing race.

If you engage in a PvP battle with this on, the following options will apply:

- You may not battle a human that does not support either side and remains neutral.

- Giants and the humans supporting Giants may not battle fellow Giants or supporters of Giants. They may only battle Elves and humans supporting Elves.

- Elves and humans supporting Elves may not battle fellow Elves or supporters of Elves. They may only battle Giants and humans supporting Giants.

Here’s what it looks like:

Elf & Elf-supporting humansGiant & Giant-supporting humansNeutral humans
Elf & Elf-supporting humansNo PvP
Yes PvP
No PvP
Giant & Giant-supporting humansYes PvPNo PvPNo PvP
Neutral humans No PvPNo PvPNo PvP

* But, if two human characters supporting the same race also checks off [Allow Paladin vs Dark Knight PvP] at (Option -> etc), then these two may square off against one another by becoming a Paladin and a Dark Knight.

* Unrelated to the chart above, you may request a 1-to-1 PvP battle with any user of any race.

4. The Conflict of the Two Races

We have went over the details on how to support, and later withdraw support of the Elves and Giants, as well as about the Guard NPC and PvP involving humans that support either race.

A typical Giant is a towering presence with a muscular build, whereas a typical Elf possesses quick feet and amazing bow skills. It is up to you to decide which of these races you would like to give your support to.