Ancient Secrets of Irinid - Main Storyline - Part 4
This post is based on “The Tropical River”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Irinid Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

4. Mirror of Memory

Upon embarking on your adventure to find the Heart of Courcle after hearing about the prophecy, you discovered how Ruaway went to the Longa Desert Ruins and saw a relic believed to be the Heart of Courcle along with some Fanatics and Castanea.  You also heard from Voight about his suspicions regarding Elves and the artifact that appears to be a fragment of the Heart of Courcle.

1) Taunes’s Request

As you collect more evidence and contemplate whether to investigate the Elves, you will receive a message from Taunes.

Taunes is a warrior of the Giant race, whose eyesight has been deteriorating since the battle with the Elves.  In order to meet him, you must go to Vales, located in the snowfield of Physis.

Taunes, were you looking for me?

It's embarrassing, but I don't have any other choice than to tell you something very personal. As you may know, my vision is weakening by the day.

I'll be blind soon, completely unable to see anything. I’m not afraid of blindness, but there's one thing that I want to do before I completely lose my sight.

I want to see Atrata once and for all, so I’ll remember her.

Isn’t Atrata an Elf?  I thought Elves and Giants were enemies?

You may say that it's a foolish obsession. Hmm, it's like... If the burdens of life that everyone has to endure are different, then everyone suffers different burdens of love, right? I don’t think I'll be able to remember this kind of love later without seeing her now.

I don’t even think that she would even remember me. She must have lost her memories like the other Elves.

If I can find the "Mirror of Memory” from the Ruins of Par, I may be able to restore the incomplete memory of the Elves.

I have an “Ice Crystal of Memory,” which I've received from Queen Kirine. It’s the key to the Ruins of Par, where the Mirror of Memory is hidden. Please lend me a hand, will you?

Taunes confesses his feelings for Atrata, an Elf.  What happened between the two?  Go towards Par Ruins with the [Ice Crystal of Memory] in order to carry out Taunes’s request.

Taunes's piece of ice will lead you to a clue about the Mirror of Memory if it is placed at the altar of the Par Ruins.

Par Ruins is located on the eastside of Vales.  After you offer the [Ice Crystal of Memory], you will enter the Par Ruins where the Mirror Witch resides.

In the boss room, a Wendigo and the Mirror Witch will be waiting for you.  As you may have suspected, only after you successfully defeat the Wendigo by using the Ice Pillar of a Giant, can you fight the actual Mirror Witch.  Once you successfully defeat the Mirror Witch, you will receive the [Mirror of Memory]

Mirror Witch!  Give me the Mirror of Memory!

[Snow Witch]
The greedy descendants of Irinid, all you wanted was my Mirror of Memory.

Haha! I can give it to you if you want. But are you brave enough to face the scars of the ruthless memory reflected upon the mirror?

If you’re brave enough, you wouldn’t have let the gate of the Blazing Land open itself so easily.

The Mirror Witch will claim that one must possess courage in order to see the [Mirror of Memory] and proceed to briefly mention the burning land before she disappears. Where is the burning land?

Broken Mirror of Memory
The Mirror Witch’s Mirror of Memory is cracked on the surface.

If you check your Inventory after the Mirror Witch disappears, you will see that you have acquired the [Broken Mirror of Memory].  Although it is broken… you should still see Taunes.

2) Restoration of the Mirror

Taunes, I got the
Mirror of Memory at the Par Ruins.

Thank you so much! I knew you would be able to find the Mirror of Memory. By the way, the mirror was broken.

As its name indicates, the mirror reflects the lost memory of the person who looks into it. It shatters, though, if the person is afraid of facing his past.

Fortunately, it isn't broken terribly; it's just cracked a bit. I believe this mirror can be repaired like new through artifact restoration.

So, the mirror is cracked because someone failed to face their past memories.

Since restoring the mirror is a priority, you will need to see Voight in Cor Village.

After starting a conversation with Voight, select [Restore Relic], and select the [Broken Mirror of Memory].

Voight, do you think you can still restore this broken mirror?

Hmmm… This is…
May I ask what this is?

I’ve restored countless artifacts,
but I’ve never seen anything like this before.
Mirror of Memory, huh?

By the way, can this mirror really restore your lost memories?
If that’s true, maybe it might be handy when I drink too much and pass out...

Mirror of Memory

Voight was able to restore this Mirror of Memory like new, but the "scars of the ruthless memory" mentioned by the Mirror Witch are still a mystery.

Once you receive the restored [Mirror of Memory] from Voight, you can complete the quest, [Taunes’s Request].

2) Mirror of Memory

After completing the quest, you will receive a message from Taunes asking you to deliver the [Mirror of Memory] to Atrata immediately.

Atrata is a healer at Filia; she has black hair, which is rare for an Elf.

Atrata, would you look into this mirror?
It’s called the Mirror of Memory,
and they say it can restore forgotten memories.

It is a given that Elves can’t remember their past,
but this is a specific request from Taunes in Physis,
who doesn’t want you to forget the memories you two have shared.

However, they say if you don’t have the courage to face the past,
the mirror will shatter.

Everything has happened so quickly,
so I don’t know if I can do this.

Mirror of Memory... Of course, I’m curious about it,
but I'm as afraid as I am curious.
But if you stay with me, I’ll try my best.


As Atrata begins to look into the mirror, her past shared with Taunes begins to play.

The place Atrata is headed with a wind bell is very dark, but you can make out a figure that seems to be Taunes.

But, it is there that the mirror shatters.

Atrata, are you okay?

Oh, no... The mirror’s broken!
*Sigh* I may not yet be skilled enough to handle the mirror.

By the way, I’ve seen a Wind Bell in the mirror.
It was strange because I have exactly the same thing.

I don’t remember when I’ve obtained this Wind Bell.

It makes a beautiful sound
—as if the stars in the night sky are twinkling—
when the wind blows.

…What if this Wind Bell is a clue
about something that I can't remember?

Once you finish your conversation with Atrata and complete the quest, you will receive the [Wind Bell].

It seems as though Atrata’s forgotten past can be discovered at Longa Desert.

In the next chapter, we will uncover the final mystery of G7 storyline: Atrata and Taunes’s past.

* The purpose of entering the Par Ruins with the [Memory’s Ice Crystal] is to defeat the Mirror Witch, so you must go in with a Giant.

* When you have satisfied all the requirements of a quest during the storyline, you must click the [Complete] button in order to proceed to the next part of the story.