Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 2
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.
2. The Druid Bear

1) The Barrier of the Druids

This is a portal that connects the South and the North Sidhe Sneachta Field. As Chief Duncan has informed you, there might be a barrier… or not…

A message appears to notify you that you must reach at least Level 10 to enter.

Ah, so that’s the barrier of the Druids. They must have valued strength. Don’t despair! Show them you’re strong.

Attempt entry after reaching Level 10.

If you’ve reached Level 10, challenge yourself to the barrier of the Druids. You should be able to enter the portal.

The snowfield closely resembles the South Field, though it is in the form of a long straight road.

Head north~ until you see a sign on the Minimap indicating your arrival at the altar of the Druids.

2) Encounter with the Bear

You have finally arrived. It has gotten dark and Eweca is already up! Upon arriving at the altar, you’ll find a bear as Chief Duncan has told you.


The altar of the Druids… You will notice that the marks at the altar are similar to the ones you saw when entering the portal.

Perhaps this means the Druids were the ones that built the portal. There are many unknowns yet to be discovered about the Druids…

Start a conversation with the bear.


[The Bear]
The Brown Bear is stout and well built. Standing solemnly in a white field of snow, it seems to be searching for something.  Steam flows out from the bear’s mouth with every breath and it sniffs the ground from time to time, using its front paw to dig the grass. It constantly looks around, seemingly watching out for some kind of threat or danger.     

He looks much like the brown bear you saw in Erinn… Good thing he seems tame.

It appears that the bear isn’t able to speak… but his eyes are telling you something. Oh, the Mana Herbs! Chief Duncan has said the bear is quite fond of the Mana Herbs.

Giving a present to an NPC is simple. Click the item and drag the cursor onto the NPC. When [Drop] changes to [Give], a simple click will display a message notifying the delivery of your present.

Give the Mana Herbs that Chief Duncan gave to you to the bear as a present. Perhaps their mystical powers will allow you to speak to the bear...?


One wasn’t enough it seems. It says you should get to know this bear a little more. What a greedy bear he is. Perhaps giving him more Mana Herbs will bring you closer to him.


When you give him about 3~4 Mana Herbs, he’ll begin to write something. Tar…la…
Tarlach? What does ‘Tarlach’ mean? How disappointing… it is beyond comprehension.   

Your dream of becoming close friends with the Druid Bear has shattered into pieces… but at least you’ve acquired the [Tarlach] keyword. Go ahead and see if you can gather some information on [Tarlach].

3) Who is Tarlach?


The Druid Bear has given you the [Tarlach] keyword. It says an elder may provide some answers… but maybe you should ask anyone you see and try to get as much information as you can.  

(Ranald seems to be changing the subject all of a sudden.)

Ranald appears to know something but he’s changing the subject… Hmmm, it’s a little suspicious but you probably won’t get an answer out of him. Let’s see if someone else would be more willing.

..Tarlach.... Tarlach... huh?
Hmmm… You’d be better off asking the Chief than me. Why don’t you go see Chief Duncan?

Priest Meven suggests you go see Chief Duncan. Of course, he must know all the secrets! Hurry back to Chief Duncan.

Use the [Tarlach] keyword to speak with Chief Duncan and he’ll tell you stories from the distant past.

Tar… lach? Did you just say Tarlach? One of the three missing Warriors?   

Chief Duncan sounds flustered…
How does he expect you to know who the three missing Warriors are?   

That’s really strange… A bear wrote that in writing… Hmm…  
Long ago, there were people who actually went to Tir Na Nog to rescue the black-winged Goddess and bring Tir Na Nog to this world. That’s right, to Tir Na Nog…  

The black-winged Goddess? Could the woman you saw be the Goddess? But what about the people who went to Tir Na Nog? Did they bring Tir Na Nog to this world? Nothing seems to make any sense.

But… none of them ever returned.  Afterwards, they became known as the three missing Warriors. Tarlach was one of them… It’s been a long time since we lost contact with them…  

So, Tarlach was a well-known figure…

But that is certainly strange… A bear wrote that huh…?   

When you finish your conversation with Chief Duncan, you will have acquired the [3 Missing Warriors] keyword.

But hold! The keywords can disappear, so speak with as many NPCs as you can to gather helpful information.

4) Delving into the Mystery of the Three Missing Warriors

You may be curious about the three missing Warriors. It has been said that they tried to bring Tir Na Nog to this world, but what is Tir Na Nog and to where did the Warriors disappear? And who are the other two Warriors that went missing with Tarlach? The mystery continues…


Ask the townspeople of Tir Chonaill about the three missing Warriors.

Priestess Endelyon will tell you that Lassar will be able to provide you with some answers.
Other people, too, recommend speaking with Lassar and you can almost hear Lassar’s inviting giggle in the background. See what you can find out from her.

Lassar teaches magic at the Tir Chonaill School; Lassar means ‘flame’ so some refer to her as Lassar the Flame.  


But… Lassar doesn’t seem to know. She says to ask Stewart. Why can’t anyone remember the three missing Warriors!? Let’s go find Stewart.

Pass Tir Chonaill and cross the Dugald Aisle to arrive at Dunbarton. On the way to Dunbarton, you can meet Tracy, a self-proclaimed ‘hottie’ at the Logging Camp in Dugald Aisle, on your way to Dunbarton. Maybe he can answer your question.

Three missing Warriors?  
I don’t know about that, but I do know about three missing goats!  
Hmmph.. No thanks, Tracy…
Tracy offers to tell you something about the three missing goats instead of the Warriors.
Let’s try our luck with Stewart.

Stewart, a magic instructor at the Dunbarton School, is able to contribute some substance.  

The three missing Warriors? The ones who are said to have gone to Tir Na Nog…?

Yes… that’s what Chief Duncan said. Stewart, with his keen perception, seems to already know what you’re searching for.

I see…  There was a time when scholars debated back and forth regarding the validity of that legend. From what I remember, there were stories of Tir Na Nog circulating via word of mouth but there weren’t any written records of it. In the end, it was concluded that it was only a rumor.

A debate amongst scholars…? What the bear told you appears to have more depth than expected.

So it’s just a legend… What do I think…? I believe in the legend of three missing Warriors.  Haha… I’m no fool though. I’m not sure if what I just gave you will be of any help. It’s a locket. You know, an accessory that you put pictures in.

He even explains what a locket is in case you’re not aware. He knows you know… It’s just that lockets aren’t so common and people rarely speak of them.

Don’t be surprised.  This is actually a memento that belonged to Tarlach, the mighty Wizard, one of the three missing Warriors. Yes, the picture of the boy in the locket is Tarlach. This is probably when he was young. Judging from how old she is, the pretty girl next to him is probably his sister. That’s not all, though… it’s a type of a Memorial item that allows you to experience the life of the person who used to own it.

You have learned something new—a Memorial item. It allows you to experience the life of another person. But how do you use the said item??
And how does Stewart have one?  

Tarlach spent his entire life trying to rescue the Goddess who holds the secrets of Tir Na Nog. His desires and memories remain in this locket. Try placing this on the altar inside Alby Dungeon. Be aware that only a party of three can enter the dungeon.   

Stewart will give you the locket which might help you find answers to the mysteries of Tarlach.

What is in Tarlach’s memory? Who are the three missing Warriors? And what is Tir Na Nog?
There are still so many unanswered questions.

You will go onto the Memorial Dungeon next.