Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 1
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

1. Sidhe Sneachta Snow Hill

1) The Quest

When you enter Erinn, you will receive a quest from the white owl.


Above quest is from Chief Duncan of Tir Chonaill.
The quest entails finding the lost earring that was misplaced in the snowman.  

An earring… and a snowman? You don’t hear those words used together very often… Read the details of the quest for further understanding of the quest.

[Sidhe Sneachta Snow Hill]
If you head north towards Alby Dungeon, a road that leads to Sidhe Sneachta will appear. There was a request to find an earring that got misplaced while making a snowman. Do you think you can look into it? If you check the nearby posts, you’ll be able to find the right snowman. –Duncan-

Read the quest scroll to execute the quest more easily.

2) Location of the Sidhe Sneachta Snow Hill


Head north in Tir Chonaill and go past the Healer’s House; ignore the sound of Trefor’s grumbling and keep heading north until you reach a fork that separates Alby Dungeon and Sidhe Sneachta. Looking at the Minimap, you’ll see that the left road leads to Sidhe Sneachta. Use the different viewpoints available as necessary to keep yourself from getting lost.    

The Sidhe Sneachta portal will look completely different from what you have become used to. You can find the South Sidhe Sneachta Field while roaming around.

Enter Sidhe Sneachta to find the earring that was misplaced in the snowman.

A picturesque snowfield will unfold before your eyes. Proceed further into Sidhe Sneachta and see what you can find.  

The first sign you will come across in Sidhe Sneachta is a message warning you of the Coyotes.

Ranald has kindly forewarned you.

The only monsters you will encounter in Sidhe Sneachta are the Coyotes, but they are faster and more ferocious than the Wolves you’ve met. They are much more aggressive, so it is crucial that you stay alert and assess your surroundings at all times.

Watch out for sudden attacks!


You will reach an area of countless snowmen which might overwhelm you during the quest. Which snowman has the earring?

3) Looking for Hints to Find the Earring

Remind yourself of the hints that were presented in the Quest window; it is important that you check for signs nearby when roaming the South Sidhe Sneachta Field.

Sign 1>  Snowman's Tomb

This sign says these snowmen are tombs honoring the death of the Druids. The next hint you will find on the sign is that the Druid’s snowman is different than those of his disciples, but you must investigate carefully. Look for the snowman that has a distinctive feature.  

Sign 2> Secret of the Earrings of Infinity

So this is one of the hints that will guide you to the earring Chief Duncan has asked you to find. Obviously, you will find it in the Druid’s snowman… so you know you have to find that specific snowman amongst the countless others in the field.

Sign 3> Untitled


You will be inundated with attacks from coyotes and the snowmen. The ancient Druid postulates that you must risk your life to accomplish your mission.

Remain receptive to the three signs shown above to find the Snowman.

 1) The snowmen honor the death of the Druid and his disciples.
 2) The Druid’s Snowman is different from other snowmen around.
 3) You will find the earring in the Druid’s Snowman and no other snowmen.
 4) Hence, if you find a snowman that is different from all the others, you’ll be able to find the earring.

4) Finding the Snowman

You’ll see that all of the snowmen in Sidhe Sneachta look the same.  Duncan said the druid lost his earring while constructing the snowman, so perhaps that is a clue in itself!

As you make your way through the field of snowmen, you may see a glint of light in one of the snowmen. Perhaps it’s the Lost Earring glinting in the moonlight?! Make your way toward that snowman and see if you can knock the Earring loose.

5) Obtaining the Earring

If you continue to strike the Snowman, the [Lost Earring] will get drop. As with other items, this item is only available for users who have the right of ownership.

6) Chief Duncan, I have found the lost earring…

Report back to Chief Duncan with the earring in your possession.


Click [Start a Conversation] to view the message that illustrates your completion of the quest.
Speak with him to hear interesting stories he has to offer.

Below is an interview with Chief Duncan.

"Hmm… actually, this favor was for someone else. He said he thought he accidentally misplaced the earring in the snowman while he was making it.”

- A favor for someone else? The only snowman that has the earring is the Druid’s Snowman… Does this mean this person is somehow related to the Druids?


"If you head toward Sidhe Sneachta, I hear there is a strange structure there. He said he made the snowman in remembrance of seeing that building… They say the structure is connected to another place by some magical power… But it doesn’t seem just anyone can enter… There are many rumors about a Druid who lost all of his family and couldn’t overcome the sorrow… and he turned into a bear.”

- How does Chief Duncan know so much? Haven’t you become curious about the bear the Druid turned into?

"...they say the bear is gathering Mana Herbs. If you happen to meet the bear, I guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give some Mana Herbs as a gift. Mana Herbs are normally found inside dungeons but if you’re not confident enough to go explore the dungeons, you can always buy some from people. Nature is so mysterious… How does an herb that produces artificial Mana grow in a place without any moonlight…? I have Mana Herbs for you, bring them to the bear."

- He will explain the Mana Herbs that the bear is fond of. The Mana Herbs may seem like ordinary plants, but he’ll tell you that they are quite mysterious. Duncan gives you eight Mana Herbs in order to help you with the bear.

"You’ll have to be about level 10 to go north from there. It’s probably some type of a Druid seal…”

- Druids must prefer strong people.

7) Completing the Quest

The quest will be completed when you finish your conversation with Chief Duncan.

Reward: 170 Gold / 450 exp / 8 Mana Herbs

And this is the end of the Sidhe Sneachta Snow Hill quest.


You have now stepped into ‘The Advent of the Goddess’, the main storyline behind Mabinogi.  
More exciting and thrilling stories are waiting to be revealed. It would be a worthwhile journey to discover the hidden meanings one by one.