**UPDATED** Adventures in Dreamland

EVENT 4/25/2012 10:10:51 AM

Travelling across the vast expanse of Erinn would be impossible without a good night’s sleep or seven. If you’ve ever been on the edge of exhaustion after a long battle, you know that sleeping cures all. That’s right, when the time comes to drift off to dreamland, it doesn’t matter where you are. When sleep calls, sooner or later, we all have to answer!

Send us a screenshot of your character sleeping in some of the craziest places in Erinn between April 25 and May 13, 2012, and five winners will be awarded a Siberian Husky pet!

How to enter the “Adventures in Dreamland” Screenshot contest:

·         Send the best screenshot of your character sleeping somewhere in Erinn to [email protected].

·         Use the subject: “Adventures in Dreamland Screenshot contest.”

·         Remember to include your in-game name and the server you play on.

·         Be creative and think of the most off-the-wall places to sleep!

·         Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and the use of inappropriate content in the opinions of the judges are grounds for disqualification.

·         All decisions by the judges are final.