Dungeon Collection Event

EVENT 5/3/2010 6:17:29 PM
It’s open season on all the bosses residing in the dungeons of Uladh, and you’re invited to get in on the action!

Log into the game on May 5th to receive a quest from Fleta that invites you to browse through the event items she has in-stock. You’ll discover that the wandering saleswoman has churned out quite the Fomor Hit List! Fleta sells four volumes of collection books, with each one upping the requirements for completion.

The first book will send you to four dungeons: Alby, Ciar, Rabbie, and Math. Your chances of obtaining the required item depend on the difficulty of the dungeon. In other words, you have a better chance of obtaining the item from an “Advanced” dungeon than from a “Regular” one.

As you complete the collection book volumes, you’ll be asked to visit more dungeons across Uladh, including Fiodh, Rundal, Coill, and Barri. Complete these collection books to gain some powerful and specially-colored items!

If you're having trouble hunting down those fomor passes for Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced, why not try the new Unrestricted Dungeon Pass?

Good luck!