Best Friends Forever

EVENT 4/22/2011 3:50:54 PM

With Homestead arriving alongside the Romeo and Juliet update, feelings of friendship and community come to mind. After all, that’s what Mabinogi is all about! From hanging out in Dunbarton, to running dungeons, to helping you obtain those long sought after items, to discussing the latest in-game gossip, friends make Mabinogi more than just a game. We want to see what the best of friends in Erinn are up to!

Just send us a screenshot of you and your BFF hanging out in Mabinogi!

ow to enter the “Best Friends Forever” screenshot contest:

•Take a cool screenshot of you and your best friend engaged in your favorite activity and send it to [email protected]
•Use the subject “Best Friends Forever Screenshot Contest.”
•Be sure to include you and your friend’s in-game name, and the server you both play on.
•Include a small explanation about what you and your best friend like to do.
•Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content in the opinions of the judges shall be grounds for disqualification.
•All decisions of the judges are final.
•The event will run from April 22nd to May 3rd, 2011.
•Ten winners will be awarded a Mabinogi Shakespeare mousepad.

Get back to Mabinogi!