Mabinogi Music Sensation Finals Rescheduled

ANNOUNCE 4/10/2009 10:22:07 AM

Dear Mabinogians,

The Mabinogi Music Sensation will be postponed to April 13th, 2009. Below are the new times for the event.

- Mari
The Mabinogi Music Sensation Finals have been moved to
April 13 in Emain Macha (Channel 7) in the Auditorium 2:00 pm PDT.

- Tarlach
The Mabinogi Music Sensation Finals have been moved to
April 13 in Emain Macha (Channel 7) in the Auditorium 3:00 pm PDT.

- Alexina
The Mabinogi Music Sensation Finals have been moved to
April 13 in Emain Macha (Channel 4) in the Auditorium 4:00 pm PDT.

- Ruairi
The Mabinogi Music Sensation Finals have been moved to
April 13 in Emain Macha (Channel 7) in the Auditorium 5:00 pm PDT.

We apologize any inconvenience this may have caused you.

- Mabinogi Staff -