A Night Mage, a Night Witch, and a Night Sweeper - Oh My!
10/14/2014 10:00:00 AM
It's the season for magical things, and as night falls over Erinn the Night Mages and Night Witches come out to play; their magical Night Sweepers enchanted to follow them. For a limited time you will be able to enchant your own Night Sweeper, which brings with it a Night Witch outfit, or a Night Mage outfit.
Night Mage and Night Witch Sweeper Bundles
Oct. 14 - Nov. 4
Night Mage Sweeper Bundle (M) |
Night Witch Sweeper Bundle (F) |
Night Mage Shopping Bag (M) |
Night Witch Shopping Bag (F) |
Special Transformation!
As a Halloween delight, the Night Witch and Night Mage outfits have special transformations! The Night Mage can transform into a powerful
Panther, and the Night Witch into a bewitching
Black Cat!
Bundle Details
Purchasing these bundles will appear as a
Night Sweeper pet card. Once you create the pet,
check the Night Sweeper's inventory for your
Night Mage or
Night Witch outfit.
The Night Mage Sweeper Bundle contains a Night Sweeper pet, and the Night Mage Hat, Night Mage Robe, and Night Mage Boots. The Night Witch Sweeper Bundle contains a Night Sweeper pet, and the Night Witch Hat, Night Witch Robe, and Night Witch Boots.