Patch Notes - December 14th 2017
12/6/2017 3:58:46 PM

It's that time again for our Monthly Patch Notes. Check out what was changed!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
Master Plan Event
Chain Slash Pre-Update Events
Steampunk Box
Chain Slash is here!
Shy's Star Shop Promotion
Merry Christmas Box
Huge Lucky Finish Event
The following change has occurred:
- Fighter skills have been changed from Chain to Combo
The following item has been translated from Korean to English:
- Trump Card Box
The following typos have been fixed:
- Duffel Coat Shopping Bag (F)
- Text issue in Hyper Kid's dialogue
The following issues have been fixed on the Traveler's Guide:
- Dugald Isle has been fixed to Dugald Aisle.
- Cooking Contest Channel 5 to Channel 3
- Jousting Tournament Channel 8 to Channel 2
- Beltane to Baltane
- Lmbolic to Imbolic
The graphical issue has been fixed:
- Duffel Coat issue with gloves (no more laser hands!)
The following dialogue issue has been fixed:
-Incubus dialogue has been shorten