Back to School Screenshot Contest

EVENTS 9/16/2013 1:54:07 PM

It’s that time again! Students everywhere are heading back to school for another exciting year of reading, writing, and arithmetic (and maybe even a little goofing off in between)!

We want to see how excited you are to get your nose into your books with a “Back to School” inspired screenshot! 

Make it really one-of-a-kind, and there’ll be a little something waiting for you in Mabinogi:

Five winners will be awarded the in-game Mabinogi School Bag!

How to enter the “Back to School” screenshot contest:

Take an awesome “Back to School” screenshot and send it to [email protected] by 11:59 PM (Pacific) on September 25, 2013.
Wear your best school “inspired” outfit and pose in the most fitting location.
Please use the subject “Back to School” and include your in-game name and the server you play on.
Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and the use of inappropriate content, in the opinions of the judges, or content copyrighted by anyone other than Nexon America are grounds for disqualification. 
The judges’ decisions are final.