The Enlightenment

ANNOUNCE 9/13/2013 3:28:16 PM
Mabinogi has entered an era of change... where the intellect reigns supreme, where the old is reformed, and where rational ideas are celebrated! We’re stomping out the old and the broken to pave the way for a brighter, more educated future. Welcome to the Enlightenment.

Two of Mabinogi’s more “academic” skillsets, Magic and Alchemy, are being revamped—we’re redefining the base stats of both for better balance. We’re also modifying how some core stats are calculated and squashing a ton of bugs.

In a Nutshell – The Basic Rundown
  • We’re making a few key tweaks to combat in both PvE and PvP.
    • You’ll see the biggest impact in Mages and Alchemists, who now have a more balanced spread of stats and talents and are more useful in parties.
  • Magic Protection is a new combat stat. Magic Protection is determined by your INT and affects how well you defend against magic-based attacks.
    • Protection now only applies to physical damage.
  • Armor Pierce is a new combat stat separate from the existing Pierce stat.
  • Heavy Armor Mastery, Light Armor Mastery, and Shield Mastery are now available.
  • The maximum HP, MP, and Stamina caps have been increased to 1,500.
  • We’ve hunted down and eliminated over 80 in-game bugs. Here are some of the more significant fixes:
    • Equipping special effect items no longer causes lag.
    • Attempting to withdraw gold from a bank that uses a PIN now prompts you to enter a PIN.
    • Items with trade limits now display the number of remaining trades.
    • The zoom out function in dungeon lobbies has been repaired.
    • Long range enchants now apply to bows and crossbows (but not guns and javelins).

In Depth – Rebalanced Talents

Base Stats

  • Strength (STR)
    • Melee weapons remain unchanged and will continue to receive the same point increase in min/max damage as STR
    • Grants 1 Defense per 10 STR
  • Intelligence (INT)
    • Has no effect on Magic Defense
    • Affects Magic Protection (new stat!)
    • Grants 1 Magic Attack per 5 INT (down from 20 INT)
    • Grants 1 Magic Protection per 20 INT
  • Dexterity (DEX)
    • Affects Armor Pierce (new stat!)
    • Heavy Armor dramatically decreases DEX
    • Grants 1 Defense Penetration per 15 DEX
  • Will
    • Affects Knuckle and Critical Damage
    • Affects Magic Defense
    • Grants 1 Magic Defense per 10 Will
  • Luck
    • Affects long-range attack dodge chance
    • Grants +1% Evasion Rate per 10 Luck

Combat Stats

  • Protection
    • Now split into Protection (minimizes physical damage taken) and Magic Protection (minimizes magical damage taken)
    • Protection (physical) will not reduce the damage of magical attacks
    • A new stat calculation formula has been applied
  • Magic Defense
    • Like Defense, but applies only to Magic and Alchemy damage
    • Determined by Will
  • Balance
    • Maximum Balance cap for melee and ranged weapons remains unchanged
    • Maximum Balance cap for magic weapons is now 50%
    • DEX can now be used to obtain up to 50% Balance
    • More DEX is required as the % increases
    • A new stat calculation formula has been applied

NEW Combat Stats

  • Magic Protection
    • Affects the amount of damage taken from magical attacks
    • Determined by INT
  • Armor Pierce
    • Counterbalances the Defense increased by STR
    • Affects the damage you deal through enemies' physical Defense
    • Determined by DEX
    • Enemy Defense cannot be reduced to 0 or below

NEW Masteries

  • Heavy Armor Mastery
    • Only active when Heavy Armor is equipped in the Gear tab
    • Greatly increases Defense and Protection
    • Reduces stun effects
    • At a certain rank, allows you to equip one accessory
    • When equipped with Heavy Armor, your DEX decreases (but the amount lessens at higher ranks)
  • Light Armor Mastery
    • Only active when Light Armor is equipped in the Dear tab
    • Increases Defense and Protection
    • One accessory can be equipped with Light Armor. At a certain rank, two accessories can be equipped.
  • Shield Mastery
    • Only active with a shield equipped
    • Greatly increases Defense and Protection
    • Greatly increases Magic Defense and Magic Protection
    • Has a chance to reduce damage by automatically blocking enemy attacks

Other Changes

  • Miscellaneous
    • Equipping a shield greatly increases the effects of Defense and Wind Guard
    • Taunt and Sand Burst no longer affect combat power
    • Only 7 crystals can be used now: Fire, Clay, Wind, Water, Ice Spear, Fireball, and Thunder crystals. All other crystals can be sold to Eabha in Tailteann for a small amount of gold
    • There is now more room to play, shop, and have fun in Dunbarton
    • Beginner level benefits now expire at level 300 instead of 100
    • The maximum HP, MP, and Stamina caps have been increased to 1,500

In Depth – Exterminated Bugs


  • General Gameplay
    • Alarm spamming is now a thing of the past.
    • The client no longer crashes in Auto Camera or Character Minimization mode.
    • The zoom out function in dungeon lobbies has been repaired.
    • The Town Guards in Filia now move properly.
    • The Fetch! and Sweep! commands now function properly.
    • Uladh maps now have a zoom function
  • UI Function and UI Appearance
    • The skill window’s minimize button no longer reverts to black when using certain UI styles.
    • UI overlay adjustments have been made to create more room for text.
    • Bhafel Slayer equipment can no longer be crafted using the wrong type of materials.
    • Tupai is once again selling Dream Catchers.
    • Resizing the Skill window while in “Collapsed” mode no longer crashes the client.
    • The ADVANCE button no longer appears next to capped skills.
    • The Options menu now provides support for computers with multiple video cards and monitors.
    • Attempting to withdraw gold from a bank that uses a PIN now prompts you to enter a PIN.

Items and Skills

  • Item Functions, Item Graphics, and Item Text
    • Long-range enchants now apply to bows and crossbows (but not guns and javelins).
    • The Camo enchant can no longer be applied to metal equipment.
    • Specific enchants can now be applied to long-range Javelins.
    • The Anti-Fomor Robe now properly functions in the Baol Infiltriation Dungeon all of the time.
    • The Demonic Abyss Cylinder's Freeze Range and Time Special Upgrade (S) have been changed to Water Alchemy Damage.
    • Attempting to feed a reforged item to a Spirit Weapon now prompts a warning message.
    • Players can no longer to use White Dragon Scrolls or Black Dragon Scrolls when trading.
    • The Bat Dress can now be gifted to partners.
    • Speaking to Endelyon with a Parthalonian Prince Score in your inventory no longer removes the score.
    • Rosemary Gloves can now be enchanted with Camoflauge and Asssault.
    • Wearing certain items together no longer causes unusual glitches, such as disappearing limbs and enlarged appendages, for the most part.
    • Equipping special effect items no longer causes lag.
    • Special upgrade effects viewable on other characters no longer stop displaying when traveling between regions.
    • The Vintage Admiral’s Hat (F) now appears properly on all races.
    • Glenis is now recognized as the maker of Hard-Boiled Eggs in the Hard-Boiled Egg quest.
    • Items with trade limits now display the number of remaining trades.
    • Items that bind when first equipped now prompt a warning message when attempting to equip them.
    • Items that cannot be reforged no longer have a "Reforge" attribute section.
    • Tower Cylinders can no longer be used during crafting.
    • Auto-Charge now works with numeric hotkeys.
    • Clicking the Style tab no longer opens a webpage when expired.
    • Sheathed one-handed weapons no longer float when wearing the Swan Lake Outfit.

  • Skills, Skill Functions, and Skill Graphics
    • Magnum Shot: Giants can no longer learn Magnum Shot, and speaking to Trefor no longer prompts a bug report.
    • Shooting Rush: The description now contains the correct cooldown time.
    • Fusion Bolt: Bolt and Bolt Mastery now require separate training.
    • Taunt: The cooldown issues have been resolved.
    • Pet duels and Party Healing: Party members can no longer use Party Healing to restore the HP of a dueling party member’s pet.
    • Spear of Light and Wings of Rage: The issues with Lances have been fixed.
    • Blaze (Rank 3): The requirement of needing a full charge to attack bosses can no longer be bypassed using non-boss ranked enemies.
    • Windmill: Enemy attacks that cancel Windmill no longer trigger the skill’s cooldown.
    • Master titles for Way of the Gun and Bullet Slide: Way of the Gun Master now properly increases duration by 5 seconds. Bullet Slide Master now properly increases skill damage.
    • NPC transformation: The Elf transformation speed now applies when transforming into an Elf NPC.
    • Party Healing: Training for “Received Healing” can now be received.
    • Fashion Contest Statue: The statue now functions with all gestures.
    • Animal Taming: Bandits can no longer be tamed.
    • Harvest Song: Skill boosts now match the values listed.
    • Various Life skills: A success message no longer displays when gathering fails with a partner summoned.
    • Refining: Mythril ingots are no longer the default option.
    • Tower Cylinder and Spirit Awakening: Equipping a Tower Cylinder no longer prevents a player from learning Spirit Awakening.
    • Rat Man: Enemies can now use Lightning Bolt.
    • Act 6: Crisis: Master Title effects are now correctly applied.
    • Lance Charge: The maximum range and reforges now work properly when using Lance Charge while mounted.
    • Ranged Attack: The skill icon is now correctly displayed.
    • Crash Shot: Crash Shot’s fragment effect no longer disappears.
    • Dischord: Dying after being affected by Dischord no longer leaves an animation on characters.
    • Shock: When cast on a monster or summoned golem, area-of-effect properties will function correctly

Questing and Traveling

  • Location Functions
    • Players can now warp to Uladh from Castanea’s house.
    • Issues entering Ant hell from Connous have been fixed.
    • Using the Rain Casting skill on a Lv. 14 Physis homestead now shows snow instead of rain.
    • Pets and Partners can now be cured of Potion Poisoning at the Hot Springs.
    • Issues cooking via ovens in Vales and Filia have been fixed.
    • Light Posts in Vales and Filia now drop items normally.
    • The Mining Skill now receives proper training in Barri's Spirit Dungeon.
    • Quest Markers directing players toward the Garden in Rath Castle now appear in the correct location.
    • All maps now refer to "Belvast" correctly.
    • Silab housing and its castle are now visible on the World map.
    • The Tara Auction House is no longer shown in two places on the mini-map.