Magical Spell Medley

EVENTS 11/11/2013 12:38:06 PM

Merlin has arrived in Erinn and already has us mesmerized with his magical aura. It's time to show Merlin a very warm welcome with one of the most magical and mystical spells around!

• First, compose your very own magic spell incantation, one that fits into the wonderful world of Mabinogi- remember it can't be longer than four lines so keep it brief! 
• Once you're done send your submission along with your in-game name and server to [email protected] with the subject line "Magical Spell Medley."
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content (in the opinions of the judges) shall be grounds for disqualification. All decisions of the judges are final.

"Take a pinch of Eweca's red glow and a handful of Erinn's purest, white snow... Mix and stir, shake and boil... Watch every outfit turn pink!" 

Contest runs from November 14 - November 21. Five winners will receive a Shooting Star Robe, Starry Wizard Hat and Star Rider Shoes. So get cracking on those stanzas and good luck!