A Very Merry Stocking Contest

EVENTS 12/5/2013 10:28:03 AM
It's that time of year again! The dulcet tones of carolers can be heard, and the smell of eggnog and roasting chestnuts can be smelt in the air. Prove that you're the most festive Milletian around with a one of a kind Mabinogi Christmas Stocking!

First, you'll have to design your stocking with Mabinogi related goodies. If you're an ace with knitting needles you can make one from fabric, but paper will do just fine! Or you can grab a stocking you have lying around.

Once your stocking is all nice and ready, send a picture of it hanging in your home (fireplace, anyone?), along with your in-game name and server to [email protected] with the subject line "A Very Merry Stocking Contest."

Keep in mind that multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content (in the opinions of the judges) shall be grounds for disqualification. All of the judges' decisions are final.

So tap into your creative side and get cracking on those stockings- you only have from December 5th till December 12th! The five most talented Milletians will receive Angel Wings. How festive!

Good luck and Happy Holidays!