Mabinogi Cornucopia Event

EVENTS 11/25/2013 3:09:34 PM
Thanksgiving is near and we are all thinking about yummy dinners and cute cuddly turkeys! To show your Thanksgiving spirit, draw a cornucopia filled with Mabinogi related goodies. It can be NPCs, monsters, clothes, items, the list is endless!

How to enter
• Draw your Mabinogi themed cornucopia using any type of medium, crayons, pencils, paint, etc. 
• Once you're done send your submission along with your in-game name and server to [email protected] with the subject line "Mabinogi Cornucopia Event."
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content (in the opinions of the judges) shall be grounds for disqualification. All decisions of the judges are final.

Contest runs from November 25 – December 2. Five winners will receive a pair of Hummingbird Wings! 

Good luck and a Happy Thanksgiving to all!