Music Video Mash-Up

EVENTS 12/18/2013 4:58:43 PM
The greatest pop star in all of Erinn has arrived. Starlet is here, and she's filling the land with her beautiful, dulcet tones. 

Any good pop star needs a great music video to accompany her Platinum single. Help Starlet make hers with the Mabi Music Video Mash-Up. Get the band back together then create a video capture of you guys rocking out. Or go solo and make yourself the star of the show! Either way, make a video that will make even Starlet jealous. 

Five winners will be awarded any instrument of your choice, in any color of your choice! *Colors must be readily available.

How to enter the “Music Video Mash-Up” video contest:

• Starting December 20 to January 3, create an awesome Mabinogi music video. 
• Be sure to use instruments and Mabinogi music in your video. Show off your Starlet skills! 
• Video must be no longer than 3 minutes long.
• When you're done, send it to [email protected]. Please use the subject “Music Video Mash-Up” and be sure to include your in-game name and the server you play on.
• Only music and footage from Mabinogi are allowed. No copyrighted material! 
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content, in the opinions of the judges, shall be grounds for disqualification. 
• All decisions of the judges are final.
• All videos must be submitted by 11:59 PM on January 3.