Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Hot Time

EVENTS 3/12/2014 10:40:17 AM
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day


Erinn is swarming with leprechauns... WHERE DID THEY ALL COME FROM??!!! Rumor has it that they're not leprechauns at all, just Milletians wearing special hats to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. That solves one mystery but... where did they get the hats?

Event Details

Event Dates: March 17, 6 PM PDT

  • Log in to the game by 6 PM PDT and receive an Emerald Clover Hot Time Box.
  • Open a box and you will find a Mini Leprechaun Hat and 1 of 57 random outfits, each a shade of emerald green.

Now all you need is a four leaf clover and a well-written limerick and you'll be celebrating St. Patrick's Day in style!