Shadowy Talents Event

EVENTS 6/30/2014 10:53:20 AM
Beware the horrors that lurk in the shadows! Sweet, innocent Abelia was being terrorized late one night, when a mysterious masked man came to her rescue. With a blast of smoke and a flash of the blade, her attackers were sent packing with their tails between their legs, leaving Abelia alone in the darkness, seeing stars...

Ultimate Anime Summer!

Collect 10 Weapon Fragments from Abelia and they'll be exchanged for a special item during Phase 2! Shadowy Coupons will also become usable, and will be redeemable for a unique new consumable item.

Event Dates:
Wednesday, July 2 - Tuesday, July 22 (3 weeks)

Event Details:
  • Talk to Abelia in Dunbarton to learn about Shadowy Talents.
  • Train to fight like the mysterious masked man by slaying enemies and filling up your Skill Tracker.
  • Return to Abelia to claim a Weapon Fragment and reward box, which could contain instruments, dyes, enchant coupons, a mysterious Shadowy Coupon, or more.