Summertime Rhymes: Mabinogi Limerick Contest

EVENT 7/20/2011 11:25:50 AM

There once was a girl with a Homestead,
Who had a beloved thoroughbred.
Through Erinn she’d ride
With her sword by her side,
Sabina, the fearless, the dread!

It’s summertime and the mood is light in Erinn! What better way to celebrate than with an equally merry verse form? Poets and humorists alike, grab your pens and write a limerick describing your favorite activities in Erinn!

How to enter the “Mabinogi Limerick Contest”:

• Create a limerick about your character’s favorite activity in Mabinogi.
• Make sure your poem follows the basic limerick form.
• Send your limerick along with your in-game name and server to [email protected], using the subject “Mabinogi Limerick Contest.” 
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content (in the opinions of the judges) shall be grounds for disqualification.
• All decisions of the judges are final.

The event will run from July 20 to July 29, 2011. Three winners will be chosen to receive NX 10,000!