Mabinogi Notebook Design Contest!

EVENT 8/29/2011 6:10:17 PM

It’s that time again as we head back for another exciting year of reading, writing, and… oh, let’s be honest. We all know that school can be boring.

So what better way to spice up your new school year than to bring a bit of Mabinogi magic into the school house? We’d like to see you dazzle us with some sort of Mabinogi decoration on your school notebooks!

Make it really one-of-a-kind and there will be a little something waiting for you in Mabinogi:

Five winners will be awarded the in-game Mabinogi School Bag!

Get inspired and get drawing!

How to enter the “Mabinogi Notebook Design” contest:

• Create an awesome Mabinogi inspired drawing on your favorite school notebook and send it to [email protected] by 11:59 PM (Pacific) on September 6, 2011.
• Please use the subject “Mabinogi Notebook Design” and include your in-game name and the server you play on.
• Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content or content copyright anyone other than Nexon America in the opinions of the judges shall be grounds for disqualification.
• All decisions of the judges are final.